Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 01 Nov 2006



[Andhra Pradesh State Formation Day] What is the reason for India not developing compared to Christian and Islamic countries? The basic reason is only corruption that always hinders the development of the country, which is based on the public works like construction of dams etc. If you see the construction of dam by Mr. Arthur Cotton on Godavari River, there is no sign of damage even after 100 years. But if you see the public constructions like roads and dams done by Indians, their life time sometimes is only a few days! Does this mean that Arthur Cotton was not as intelligent as Indians to do corruption in the project? The lack of corruption does not show the lack of intelligence in his case. It shows only his awareness of right spiritual knowledge as the back ground. Similarly, we don’t see any type of corruption in Islamic countries. Why corruption is in its climax in India only? Does this mean that there is no spiritual knowledge in India? We say that such spiritual knowledge does not exist any where in the world as much as it exists in India. The reason for this may be attributed to the difference in these three religions. But the same God gave the same spiritual knowledge in all religions through different forms because only one God created the entire universe and there are no three Gods.

The concept in Christianity and Islam is that there is no rebirth. They say that this present human birth is the sole and final. After this birth the enquiry is done and the soul goes to either God or hell. The soul will remain with God or in the hell forever. You can easily imagine the fear that is created by this concept. Just for a few rupees and a temporary luxurious life on the earth, one cannot take such permanent risk. This spiritual foundation is the reason for the absence of corruption in these two religions to a very large extent. The administration of this world is Pravrutti and the field of God is Nivrutti. The basis of Pravrutti is Nivrutti and both are not different.

Human Rebirth is Granted Only in Exceptional Cases

If we see the concept in Hinduism, it is misinterpreted, twisted and polluted. The concept of Christianity and Islam must exist in Hinduism also since the same God gave the same spiritual knowledge in all religions. God cannot speak something in two religions and something else in one religion. Therefore, the same concept of Christianity and Islam existed in Hinduism originally. God is omnipotent, which means that He has the power to violate the rule. God can violate the rule but He violates only in a few exceptional cases. The omnipotency of God is also accepted in Christianity and Islam. If they say that the rule is never violated, it means that God is not omnipotent. We can only say that the rule is not misused but is violated in a very few deserving cases only. Therefore, the word Durlabham (almost impossible) is used instead of using Asambhavam (strictly impossible) in the case of human re-birth in Hinduism. Therefore, even in this point there is no difference between the three religions. But Hindus extended the violation power of God to every case of human being. Such extension of the point in Hinduism is wrong. At the same time the impossibility of violation of the rule is also wrong in Christianity and Islam. Those two religions were benefited by such misinterpretation that the rule can never be violated. Such misunderstanding induced real and complete fear in them. But in Hinduism, the misunderstanding of the rule of violation harmed the people. The benefit and damage were both in Pravrutti and Nivrutti simultaneously. If you take Pravrutti, India is not developed where as the countries of other two religions have developed tremendously. If you take Nivrutti also, Christians and Muslims are very serious about their spiritual efforts. But Hindus are very lenient. Hindus think that there is always human rebirth for every soul and so the chance is possible constantly.

If you see the life of Shirdi Sai Baba, He was scolding a snake and frog by uttering their human names of the previous birth. This shows that the human rebirth for every soul is not sure. The permanent hell of the other two religions was thought as the permanent liquid fire in the upper world, so that the soul will never return to earth. In Hinduism, the hell is temporary and the soul returns to the earth. But, even on the earth it enters the cycle of worms, animals etc., which is also another form of hell on the earth. Thus, the concept of permanent hell is maintained in all the religions. In the cycle of worms and animals, there is no chance of spiritual knowledge and therefore, the hell is continuous even by such logic. Therefore, the concept is one and the same in all the religions.

People think that Nivrutti is different from Pravrutti. Politicians feel that they are doing the practical service to humanity. They feel that the spiritual preachers are confined to some theoretical concepts like God, hell, heaven etc. This is the climax of their foolishness. Without Nivrutti, the Pravrutti will crumble into pieces. In India, today, if some justice is still remaining, the only reason is the concept of God and hell. Lord Krishna preached the Bhagavad Gita in the war, which is a fight to change the bad government (Kauravas) to good government (Pandavas). The main issue is only political administration of the country. The very purpose of the Gita is only make Arjuna to fight for Pravrutti only. The Gita goes to the deep foundation of Pravrutti, which is Nivrutti only. Similarly, Jesus was always speaking of Kingdom of God every where. People misunderstood that He was planning to change the Roman Government by a new Government. But, His issue was not limited to a particular Government of a country. He was aiming at the total reformation of the Governments of all the countries. The Bible (Nivrutti) thus stands as a deep foundation for the political administration (Pravrutti).
