Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 27 Jun 2018


Gopikaa Giitikaa Part-11

(Songs of God Krishna On Cowherd Lady)

41) O Gopi! Rasa or love is God, Raasakeli is play of love,

Soul thinks that it plays, but, God is the real player.    (Chorus)


Veda says that love is divine when love is towards God,

Bliss is the result, soul withstands it by the grace of God.


The illusion-night closes the eyes of all souls in this world,

Only one blessed soul crosses illusion for Me like this Gopi.


My flute song is always essence of Veda, sage alone knows it,

For others its sound is sweet like the blind recitation of Veda.


Sleeping souls don’t hear flute, even heard, meaning is unknown,

When meaning is not known, no use of recitation or in hearing it.


Gopi reaches ultimate God, the ultimate goal of all these souls,

It is not reaching illegal soul by leaving legal soul to reach hell.


Reaching God, while alive, is internal salvation from this world,

Leaving this world by death is only external, not internal salvation.


Any scripture other than Bhaagavatam is incomplete path only,

Complete path is Bhaagavatam, the real winner is Gopikaa only.


42) My body alone stays in this Dwaarakaa city,

My life is always in that Brundaavanam only.                 (Chorus)


O Gopi! you are wandering near Yamuna, I, near this sea,

Yamuna river unites with the sea, you don’t come to Me!


Datta is the upper blue cloud turned to Krishna, this blue sea,

You, blue Yamuna, with your shining blue lotus eyes, join Me.


(Cloud, raining on the earth is turned into sea. Similarly, Datta is incarnated as Krishna. Yamuna is river flowing in Brundavanam. Around Dwaarakaa city the sea exists. River always joins with the sea.)


It is now exactly the midnight, why to waste time anymore?

Your family is in deep sleep, arise and come O Gopabhaama!


43) Gopi left her family and her wealth, the butter,

For My sake only, real salvation, real devotion.              (Chorus)


(Due to attraction to God, all the worldly bonds are completely sacrificed without any effort. Attraction to God is devotion and sacrifice of worldly bonds is salvation. Salvation must be spontaneous consequence of devotion.)


In the previous birth, the sage sacrificed his family and wealth,

For My sake and reached Me, no problem came as he is a male.


Test without problem is not a real test, hence, in this birth,

They became females, lot of problems, yet, they are winners!


Some sages born as Gopikaas in this birth failed in these three tests,

A few only passed with distinction, shining like gold melted in the fire.


44) If Datta is the king of Yoga,

Gopi is the queen of Yoga.              (Chorus)


Innocence and madness combined is this Datta-Krishna,

Such God becomes the goal of very long spiritual journey.


Sages are doing severe penance to get this innocent madness,

Millions of births passed away, yet, they are not successful!


Without My grace, the divine innocent madness will not be born,

Innocence must be towards world, madness must be towards God.


45) Innocence and madness are two eyes of God,

Innocence is Datta and madness is Krishna.           (Chorus)


There is no better devotee than this cowherd lady,

Also, no better human incarnation than this Krishna.


Krishna is love-sea, Gopi is madness-river,

When river joins sea, mighty ocean is Datta.


Gopi crossed all the positive and negative hurdles,

Her speed is lack of aspiration for any fruit from God.


(Positive hurdle is attracting justice and negative hurdle is threatening hell.)


 (This song is in Sanskrit.)


46) Saagarakuule sarasijanayanah,

Vichalati virahe Gopi! Muraarih.                    (Chorus)


(Muraari means God Vishnu or Krishna, who killed demon Mura.)


Shraavanavarshaa lahariivilayo, darpanameva payonidhirasya,

Vrajayuvatisakhii virahaartasya, hrudayatalasya kshobhalavasya.


Tanayasatiirapi praanaanvaa me, parityajaami priyasakhi teham,

Shepehamaatmaa nyasmaadanyat, naasti yatoham Brahmaikam hi.


Arnavapavanairvichalati pinche, taapamayuukhaih shosham gamite,

Hemadukuule tapte ruchire, galite lalite samvyaane cha.


Kastuurii me rekhaatilakam, virahasvede sravati lalaate,

Adrushtarekhaa vidhinaa likhitaa, Gopiiyoge dolaa lolaa.


Kamale nayane nidraabhaavaat, arunamayuukhai raaraat jvalatah,

Madhye madhye taptairbaashaih, baadhaa dvigunaa Gopiismarane.


Vaayo! praapaya chumbanamaalaam, kamalasrajamiva kamalavilokaam,

Kamale kamale Krishnabhramaro, vasati taveti shravane kathaya.


(English Translation of the Above Song)


O Gopi! the lotus eyed God Muraari wanders,

On the sea shore tortured in your separation.                  (Chorus)


This sea with roaring waves in rainy season represents,

Trance of agony in My heart pained by your separation.



O Gopi! I swear on Myself since nothing is true other than Me,

I sacrifice My family and life for your sake as sacrificed by you.


My peacock feather moist by sea air is dried by My pain-fire,

My gold cloth shines more, upper garment is lost somewhere.


(The golden cloth is heated by the pain-fire and shines more).


The Kastuurii mark on My forehead, melted by sweat, vibrates,

Swings like cradle, as writing of Brahma regarding your union.


Both My lotus eyes, more red due to sleepless night, burn,

Doubling pain by the hot tears flowing down now and then.


O air! Pass on garland of My lotus like kisses to My Gopii,

And tell in her ear that Krishna-bee is hidden in each lotus.


47) O Gopi! what is the use of all these souls?

The meaning of the word ‘life’ is yourself.              (Chorus)


What is the use of so many stars? Sky looks very pale,

If the full moon light-bulb doesn’t illuminate it in night.


What is the use of so many rivers? blue sea looks waste,

If the blue Yamuna from Brundavanam doesn’t join it.


What is the use of so many flowers? black bee roams,

If the sweet scented charming lotus flower is absent.


What is the use of so many limbs? body is inactive,

If the root power called as life is absent in the body.


What is the use of so many scriptures? forget salvation,

If Bhagavatam, mad love of Krishna and Gopii is absent.


What is the use of so many past births? you are zero,

If you don’t realize that Krishna can’t live without you.



God Brahma has written separation only on our foreheads,

What can I do? except to weep day and night leaving you.


48) I can’t live without that cowherd lady,

Only way is to separate from My life.                       (Chorus)


When Gopii joins Me, I get the divine light in Me,

If Gopii leaves Me, I become dim like My silent flute.


All these wives, issues, wealth and fame are tasteless,

My taste is only in bliss-rain when Gopii embraces Me.


Neither you come nor I come, separation fire burns between us,

This fire makes us as eternal bride and bride-groom in marriage.


Families of both of us stood as hurdles between us,

Like both shadow planets swallowing Sun and Moon.


(Rahu and Ketu are the shadow planets causing eclipse of Sun and Moon.)


I am running and running as the cupid is running after Me,

Hitting Me with flower-arrows, leaving life is the only way.


O mad lady! O Gopii! keep your separation-pain as basic value,

Multiply that basic value by million, resulting value is My pain.


I know your pain of separation since I am always omniscient,

You know little only, your love is a tiny drop of My love-sea.


Please show kindness on Me, only once, only once, only once,

I am praying you, catching your divine feet with My both hands.


49) O cowherd lady! We are leftover here,

With our meeting in sweet dreams only.                  (Chorus)


Without you there is no sleep, without sleep there is no dream,

Even meeting in the dream is impossible, fate can’t be changed.


Lotus is always in water, hence, My eyes are always with tears,

Your eyes are also with tears, sure, our eyes are lotus flowers.


O Gopi! before your one song all My songs got defeated,

Like jewels of Bhaama before one Tulasi leaf of Rukmini.


This king of Yoga is defeated by you in the poetry also,

Your victory is My joy, if I become your servant, enough.


I will transfer administration of world also to Hanuman,

Let Me spend all the future time in singing on you on flute.


Let My remaining life pass on in these sweet flute songs,

The subject of which is only our love, our love, our love.


O peacock! dance and dance as per the rhythm of My song,

My song is sweetest since it rains our love on each other.


50) O Gopi! My mind is dazzling,

To see you once again there.                              (Chorus)


What is your plan about our meeting once again?

This creation is done by Me as per your plan only.


Wherever and whatever you planned to create,

I have created there and that, being your servant.


O deity of My life! O queen of this creation! Save Me,

Your order is My respiration and My entire life itself.


The only way to pacify My heat of your separation is,

Your union, patient must be given proper medicine.


So far, no devotee succeeded in My practical test,

Except Gopii, total sacrifice by total love is here only.


(Total sacrifice from world by total love to God is the meaning.)


My heart is My temple and My soul is inner temple,

You are the deity of the temple and I am your priest.


If Gopii asks for My life, I shall give it up like a grass let,

If I am greatest for Gopii, she is the greatest for Me also.


What can I give more than this for highest penance of Gopii?

Of course, debt is never cleared, but, what more can be given?


51) Among spiritual preachers Paramahamsa is greatest,

Among the divine devotees cowherd lady is highest.      (Chorus)


(Spiritual preacher or Guru is Hamsa. Paramahamsa or Satguru is the human incarnation-spiritual preacher.)


In last birth, the stone became lady-sage by My feet-dust,

The ignorant soul becomes preacher by spiritual knowledge.


(Ahalyaa became stone due to curse from her husband. She was turned to alive human being when the feet-dust of Rama touched it.)


The spiritual knowledge of God Datta can transform any soul,

All the previous sins get cancelled due to reformation of soul.


Sages wanted to become females knowing nature of soul,

Even God Shiva or Myself became Hanuman, the servant.


Hanuman is the future creator, controller and destroyer,

I have given all My divine powers with duties to Him only.


I have lost everything and I became just a street beggar,

I need some service to be alive, Gopii gave Me the chance.


Hereafter, I will sing the greatness of Gopii on My flute,

While wandering on all over the earth, Gopii is everything.


My heart is filled with Gopii, My life is filled with Gopii,

My meditation is on Gopii only, My God is Gopii forever.


I am bored to be in the position of God hearing prayers,

I will make Gopii as God and do all prayers to Gopii only.


I will sleep always while embracing you forgetting Myself,

Yoga means association with you and Nidraa means sleep.


Gopii means hiding her secret, she is acting as cowherd lady,

I can see her with My divine sight, as the primordial power.


(Primordial power is called as Aadishakti or the first created subtle energy or Muula Prakruti that transformed into this entire creation.)


She is inert originally as subtle energy indicating total surrender,

She is modified into relative awareness also required to love Me.


She became the male Hanuman to sacrifice service to Me,

She became female Gopii to sacrifice butter-wealth to Me.


(Hanuman did sacrifice of service or Karma samnyaasa. Gopii did sacrifice of fruit of her work, which is butter called as Karmaphalatyaaga. Both these together constitute Karma Yoga or practical philosophy.)


All My accumulated love like a hill is surrendered at your lotus feet,

I have given My crown to you to rule creation as ‘Aadipaaraashakti’.


I have dedicated and surrendered Myself to you alone,

What can I do more than this to prove My love to you?


If I wish, all creation including sages and angels will fall on My feet,

I don’t use My power in your case, love is natural without any force.


My power is unimaginable, doesn’t come under eight powers,

Hanuman grew His body, Ravana failed in lifting the hill up.


I lifted the hill up while I was a tender child by unimaginable power,

The unimaginable God merged with Datta, Datta merged with Me.


[Parabrahman or unimaginable God merged with Datta, the first energetic incarnation. Datta merged with Krishna and hence, Krishna is unimaginable God having unimaginable power by which Krishna as a tender boy lifted the hill up on His finger. This power is beyond eight miraculous powers, called as Ashtasiddhis. Hanuman used these miraculous powers in order to differentiate Himself (even though God, acting in the role of divine servant) from God. He grew His body to lift the hill up and this is one of the eight miraculous powers, called as Mahimaa. Ravana lifted the hill by the grace of God Shiva for his devotion, but, failed being demon by falling down under the hill.]


Love shall be natural without interference of miraculous power,

Love may appear by use of power, but, will not be sweet at all.


Real devotion must be natural, doesn’t aspire for any miracle,

Real devotees having no desires recognize Me without miracles.


I have created this world and souls not to show My miracles,

For fame like a demon with ego, only for sweet natural love.


You told “city swans are there, why these village monkeys?

Then, you laughed like crore veenas being played one time.


(Veena is a musical instrument.)


For My sake, you have sacrificed even the highest issues,

Arjuna failed in this, he stopped fight when his son died.


I took him to heaven and showed his son to him there,

He embraced his son telling him that he is his father.



The son asked “in which birth you are my father, I was born,

In many millions of births”, Arjuna realized the basic truth.


Once gross body is disconnected with this soul, soul forgets,

All things and souls of previous birth, only My view is on it.


My bond is always eternal following the soul in every birth,

You know all spiritual knowledge as sage, hence, success.


I am told to uplift any soul in this world, I am praying you,

To uplift Me, the humble servant of your divine lotus feet.


52) Even though I am the actor Datta,

I act as the role Krishna only here.                            (Chorus)


I give miraculous powers to the demons also,

Forced by their penance, those are not My sign.


Beauty can’t be separated from body, similarly,

Knowledge can’t be separated from Me also.


Miracles are My jewels, can be donated to others,

Yet, those remain with Me, can be secondary signs.


(Even though miraculous powers are donated to devotees by God, these miraculous powers are retained with God.)


Spiritual knowledge is Brahma, the love is Vishnu,

Miracles are Shiva, all three together are My sign.


Single isolated sign is not My sign of identification,

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva together united is Datta.


Miracles create fear and fear is not love or devotion,

Knowledge and love can create sweet love in any one.


I created this world to enjoy this sweet devotion only,

My entertainment is holy, not cheap play of cards.


I come down in human form to this earth for this only,

I hide My miraculous powers as far as possible here.


For the same purpose, the actor Datta also hides Himself,

Datta and miracles expressed create fear, but, not love.


I always act as a human being, Krishna, to play in this drama,

Producer of cinema acting as servant shall limit to his role.


If I express Myself as Datta with miracles, devotees press Me,

Even relatives force Me to solve their severe worldly problems.


By this, devotees go down by increasing selfishness day by day,

I came to lift devotees up, reverse shall not result for My coming.


If there is very much pressing need and if I feel that it will help,

Then only, My miraculous power is expressed, it is very rare.


In this incarnation, several miracles are expressed frequently,

Reason is our love that shall not be imitated by any soul here.


These songs on My flute are the tsunami waves of love-ocean,

Which came from My heart for you, not from lips singing flute.


You scolded Me as hard hearted, this increased My love on you,

One scolds other not only by anger, but also due to excess love.


This Datta calls you as Anaghaa, means sinless soul in your love,

Since your love is on God, God alone decides who the sinner is.


There are several souls called as hamsas or swans, you are alone,

The divine swan or Devahamsa surpassing even paramahamsa.


(Paramahamsa is divine incarnation. The climax devotee like Gopikaa surpasses God since God becomes the servant of such devotee.)


This is the essence of the scene in which Kaalii dances above Shiva,

It is not due to fight and defeat, it is due to climax-love of devotee.


(Kaalii is Aadishakti or the primordial power.)


(To be continued...)
