Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 02 Jun 2018


Speeches of Shri Datta Swami In First World Parliament On Spirituality Part-10

72) Original Preachers:-

Original preachers are always incarnations of God. They were not very much worried about the truth of knowledge. They were always worried about the change of a bad situation in which the innocent souls were caught. Unless the situation is changed, souls existing in that situation can’t progress further. In order to change the situation, the preachers did not mind to twist the true concepts. The followers without understanding the background of the original preacher follow their twists strongly. The critics also criticise the original preacher as ignorant of the truth, finding fault with the twists. Both followers and opponents are misled due to lack of knowledge of the then atmosphere in which the preachers existed. For example :- i) Shankara was in the atmosphere of mad atheists, who never believe in the existence of God other than them. There is no other way for Him than to tell that soul is God, soul exists and hence, God exists. The followers stuck to the concept that they are God due to climax of ambition in becoming God without trace of any effort. The opponents criticised Shankara as ignorant of the fundamental truth. Soul is God in human incarnation and hence, they can’t totally oppose Shankara. ii) Mohammad and Dayaananda were human incarnations of God, but, sacrificed their status for the sake of rectification of the then situation by eradicating the concept of human incarnation. A genuine human incarnation was crucified by false devotees (reason for Islam) and false incarnations were exploiting innocent good devotees (reason for Aaryasamaaj). The followers strictly believed that there can’t be human incarnation at any time in the world. Opponents criticised both opposing their concept since the concept of human incarnation is perfectly correct. Both followers and opponents must observe the backgrounds of preachers and shall neither follow it blindly nor oppose it blindly in all situations. iii) Idol worship is opposed by several religions since it is true that God never enters the inert items, but, enters only human beings in order to propagate spiritual knowledge. Idols can be kept as representative models of God in worship by the defective beginners, who can’t accept the contemporary human incarnation unless maturity in knowledge comes by crossing ego and jealousy. It is certainly defective, but, not wrong since it is inevitable for the beginners. Theoretical devotion like inspiration can be developed with the help of photos and idols. Even the followers of religions opposing idol worship shall explain the reason for keeping the photos and idols of their original preachers in their houses and holy places. If the logic is so true, seeing the albums of their dears staying far from them must be also avoided! Every concept has both good and bad sides depending on the situation. Need of the situation decides the side to be exposed in a situation for rectification.

73) Non-Vegetarian Food:-

Non-vegetarian food by itself is not sinful since same constituents exist in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. Killing the fish, birds, animals etc., for procuring non-vegetarian food is the climax of the sin. The non-vegetarians argue that even plants have life and are living beings. It is not the question of life, which is taking oxygen and leaving carbon dioxide (Praanamaya Kosha or respiratory system) since this is inert process only and is confined to plants whereas the same life associated with nervous system generating awareness (Manomaya, Vijnaanamaya and Aanandamaya Koshas or Mind, intelligence and happiness) exists in birds etc. Plants belong to a separate department called as Botany in which living beings without awareness are examples. Birds etc., are living beings with awareness, are the examples in separate department called as Zoology. Even an unicellular organism like amoeba, an example of Zoology shows a minute nervous system. These people argue that killing for food is not sin and the pain of the killed being can be removed through anaesthesia. In such case, if you are also killed by a demon for food through anaesthesia, you must be prepared for it since it does not become a sin. Always think about the sin by keeping yourself in the place of the victim and this is the fundamental concept of the sin as told by Bhishma in the Mahabharata. A branch of Hinduism, called as Kaapaalika religion, accepts eating the meat of dead living beings and they were respected much due to lack of sin. You should also not argue that since you are not killing it directly with your hands, you can’t be the shareholder of the sin. A sin is shared equally by doer (kartaa), owner of doing (Kaarayitaa), promoter (Preraka) and supporter (Anumodaka) and you can decide yourself whether you are the shareholder or not.

74) Process of Creation:-

The starting point is unimaginable God, who is one only (since two unimaginable items can’t exist) and existed before the creation in isolated state. Such unimaginable God (Parabrahman or Jehovah or Allah or God indicated by silence of Buddha and Science or God negated by atheism) created some little imaginable space and the mechanism of this creation is unimaginable (Since in the world, we are aware of imaginable item creating other imaginable item through imaginable mechanism.). The space is not absolute ‘nothing’ since it is subtle energy. The unimaginable God created an energetic body with the help of this subtle energy occupying some space (A part of that original ‘some little space’ already created is used in the preparation of this energetic body. Other remaining part of that original ‘some little space’ is used for the occupation by this energetic body created.). The unimaginable God merged with this energetic body and became the first energetic incarnation called as Datta or Eshwara or Hiranyagarbha or Narayana or Sadashiva or Father of heaven. The word Datta does not belong to any religion since it means only ‘given’ (unimaginable God is given in imaginable form to the future souls) and hence, Datta Swami is fascinated to use this word. Shankara used the word ‘Eshwara’. Ramanuja and Madhva called this Datta as ‘Narayana’ since Narayana is the name of God in the present time in which the world is maintained by God. Other religions in the world called Datta as Father of heaven.

After this, further creation was done by Datta. Datta is the unimaginable God mediated with this first energetic form and the creation is always done by the unimaginable God viewed through this medium only. Datta has no end since the unimaginable God will never separate from Datta. Datta created the five elements (including creation of further space) from which the plants were generated and from plants the food is prepared in the form of grains, fruits etc. From this food, the soul (awareness) is generated. The energetic beings like angels (souls in energetic bodies) exist in the upper worlds whereas human beings (souls in human bodies made of matter and energy) with materialised bodies exist on earth. God as Datta entered some energetic and human beings and identified Himself with them to become energetic or human incarnations. Even the human being on this earth becomes energetic being since the soul from human body enters energetic body after death and goes to the upper worlds. The subtle energy, originally created by unimaginable God is inert energy, called as Muulaprakruti from which matter and awareness were also generated by its modifications. Upper worlds are made of inert energy only, which along with energetic beings are invisible to human beings on the earth due to will of God having unimaginable power.


(To be continued...)
