Shri Datta Swami

Bhakti Ganga (Devotional Songs) — English  Telugu  Hindi

Udvega Rahita

Udvega rahita santoṣa rahita śānti samudra śrīdatta (Chorus)
O Lord Datta! You are devoid of any pleasure or pain! You are the ocean of peace!

udvegarahita santoṣarahita śāntisamudra śrīdatta
O Lord Datta! You are devoid of any pleasure or pain! You are the ocean of peace!

niścala nirmala tattvajñānī! Nirvikāra-jagadantassākṣī!
You are steady-minded and resplendent with true knowledge! You are the changeless witness to the changeable world!

yogirājagurupīṭhādhīśa! Avadhūtā'khila-viṣaya-spanda!
O Guru, You are seated upon the throne as the king of Yogis! You have discarded all the attributes related to worldly things!
