Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 21 Dec 2021


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Did Swami Vivekananda stop taking non-veg. before he got salvation?

[Shri Anil asked: Swami, You said that “The negative quality that harms the society is not neglected by God, which will be very shortly rectified before giving salvation”. In this context You mentioned that Arjuna who subsequently born as hunter and Swami Vivekananda respectively, ate non-veg. in all these births. Did Swami Vivekananda stop taking non-veg. before he got salvation?]

Swami replied: Swami Vivekananda never took non-veg. food after becoming disciple of Paramahamsa. The other disciples falsely reported to Paramahamsa about Vivekananda. Paramahamsa replied “I do not believe you. Even if he has taken there will be no sin in his case”. Paramahamsa recognized the jealousy of other disciples and tried to remove it projecting the divinity of Swami Vivekananda. Non-vegetarian food is the highest sin in pravrutti (Ahiṃsā paramo dharmaḥ) just like the devotion of Gopikas to Krishna is the highest in Nivrutti.
