Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 12 Jul 2020


How can the Veda be translated into other languages when certain words can be interpreted in different ways?

Shri Anil asked: Swami, You have mentioned that the Veda should be translated into regional languages so that devotees can understand the meaning of the recited verses. But, as I understand from Your knowledge, the correct sense of statements requires the interpretation of certain words as per rūḍhi, which is convention alone, or as per yogarūḍhi, which is based on the root meaning of the word as well as convention. As a result, the interpretations of Vedic statements made by scholars can differ significantly. If the scholar translating the Veda does not understand these subtle factors, the translations might deviate in meaning from the original sense of the Veda. Then how can these translations be done?

Swami replied: While translating the Veda, both the rūḍhi and yogarūdhi senses of words need to be kept in mind. Translation should be based on proper conclusions drawn regarding the meaning of the statements. It should not merely be based on a word-to-word translation. So, before translating the text, a detailed discussion of the concerned concepts should be done, which will allow the scholar to make proper conclusions about the meaning of the statements. This correctly concluded meaning can then be expressed in the various regional languages. Then, there will be no confusion or deviation from the original concept.


| Shri Datta Swami | How can the Veda be translated into other languages when certain words can be interpreted in different ways? | Ruudhi Yogaruudhi
