Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 12 Mar 2022


In how much time will the earth be totally destroyed by humans to the point that no life exists on earth?

[Shri Bharath Krishna asked: Padanamskaram Swami, If we assume that You have completely withdrawn Your Maintenance or Administration from earth, in how much time will it be totally destroyed by humans to the point that no life exists on earth? Your devotee, Bharath Krishna.]

Swami Replied: - As soon as the time for the destruction of the world comes, I will withdraw My administration and as soon as I withdrawn My administration, the world will immediately be destroyed. This will take place in the end of Kaliyuga when the administrator, God Vishnu, Himself becomes the destroyer of the world in the name of Kalki. Here, please note that the administrator Himself becomes the destroyer, which means that God Vishnu and God Shiva are one and the same.
