Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 07 Jun 2021


Swami Answers Shri Anil's Questions

1. Does Christ’s death signify the forgiveness of sins, whereas, His resurrection signifies eternal life through Him?

[A question from an online discussion group brought to Swami by Śrī Anil.]

Swami replied: You have said correctly.

2. Is heaven and hell merely a concept of our imagination?

[A question from an online discussion group brought to Swami by Śrī Anil.]

Swami replied: Heaven and hell actually exist above the earth, even though they are beyond the physical vision of human beings on earth. God is omnipotent and nothing is impossible for God. If this one concept is realized, such questions will naturally disappear.

3. How can You correlate faith and logic in spirituality?

[A question from an online discussion group brought to Swami by Śrī Anil.]

Swami replied: Faith should come through logic alone. Illogical faith may be wrong.

4. Can I be a Hindu and Buddhist at the same time?

[A question from an online discussion group brought to Swami by Śrī Anil.]

Swami replied: If you are a member of Universal Spirituality, you will be a member of every religion in the world. When you are Indian, you can reside in any state of India and become a citizen of that state.

5. Which religion do I fit into, if I do not believe in God, but only in energy that connects us all?

[A question from an online discussion group brought to Swami by Śrī Anil.]

Swami replied: You fit into the religion called science. In My Universal Spirituality, I have directed My devotees to represent science as one of the religions. You can see the image on the Universal Spirituality website. Science is the correct authority to understand this creation, even though it is not the authority to understand the Creator. If you believe in science and ethics, it is sufficient for God.
