Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 12 Jun 2021


Swami Answers Shri Anil's Questions on Islam

1. Did Mohammad marry Khadija for money?

[Did Mohammad marry Khadija for money? Why does Allāh say in the Quran, “Mohammad, when You were poor, Allāh gave You Khadija to make You rich”?]

Swāmi Replied:- The words poor and rich need not be taken always in terms of money. The wife always gives confidence to the husband. Anybody without confidence is poor and becomes rich on gaining confidence.

2. If creating drawings in Islam is wrong, then why did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have two swords with images on them, Al-Battar and Al-Ma'thur (name of the swords)?

Swāmi Replied:- Creating divine drawings with the aim to insult them is sin. Mere drawing is an art.

3. Why in Islam it is considered you surely go to heaven when you die in the middle of a prayer?

Swāmi Replied:- It means that one shall die doing prayer to God. Actually, this means that one shall pray on the deathbed.

4. Why did Allāh make different types of marriage rules in the Bible and in the Quran?

[Why did Allāh make different types of marriage rules in the Bible and in the Quran? Does it befit a God to have so weak a memory to forget what He had said earlier? Or are the Muslims special for Him that He frames different marriage rules for them? Marriage in Islam is a contract that can be dissolved at any time. The Quran urges Muslims to marry women in two’s, three’s and four’s - except when a Muslim cannot treat them equally then he is urged to marry one wife and have concubines (mistress).]

Swāmi Replied:- All these points are related to the worldly life called Pravṛtti. Even in the worldly life, justice must be protected about which God is very serious. The rules may vary from one religion to the other, but, the fundamental justice shall never vary.

5. Why did the Prophet Muhammad kill even if the ten commandments says, "Thou shall not kill?"

Swāmi Replied:- The commandment means that one shall not kill the justice. It does not mean not to kill injustice. For every quality, there are two obverse and reverse sides.

6. What happens to people's souls on the 1st day after death?

Swāmi Replied:- The soul will be lingering around the body due to its long association with the body. The divine force carries it away to the upper first sub-world called Pretaloka for the inquiry by God.

7. According to the Quran, why were Prophets only sent to the Middle East?

Swāmi Replied:- Any scripture must be propagated in a far region in which such concepts as mentioned in that scripture were absent in the far region. The basic concepts are one and the same in all the religious scriptures. The applications of the concepts differ from one region to the other. Hence, the various angles of the applied Spiritual knowledge are also to be known by the entire world. One shall read every religious scripture with broad mind and universal outlook thinking that there is only one God, who created all the souls in this universe.
