Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 06 Sep 2021


What is the difference between Rasa and Aanada?

[A question by Ms. Laxmi Thrylokya]

Swami Replied:- Aananda is bliss attained in lonely state. If a soul is alone and when there are no problems having perfect peace, it leads to bliss or Aananda. Rasa is blissful entertainment, which can be obtained only in presence of other items. Continuous simple bliss also gives boredom since anything continuous can’t maintain the bliss. If the same bliss (obtained through peaceful state) is obtained in Dualism and Pluralism, it can be permanent because there are interval breaks. Eating sweets continuously without hot dishes in between gives boredom. But, if hot dishes are also available in the intervals, there will be continuous stream of bliss without boredom. For this reason only, God arranges the fruits of deeds in alternating manner of sweet and hot dishes. Such arrangement is not possible in Monism. For this reason only, God developed the wish of creation.
