Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 25 Oct 2020


When Allah Himself is the protector of the Quran, how can people still burn or destroy it?

[Shri Anil said: A person asked in an online forum why Allāh does nothing when a person burns the Quran, even though Muslims say that Allāh has taken the responsibility of protecting the Quran. The verses supporting the protection and preservation of the Quran by Allāh are: Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it [Quran 15:9]. This is an honorable Quran. In a protected book. None can grasp it except the sincere. A revelation from the Lord of the universe [Quran 56:77-80]. Indeed, it is a glorious Quran. In a preserved master tablet [Quran 85:21-22].

Swami replied: God knows the exact time to give the punishment for the sin. God waits for a long time expecting the reformation of the soul. Meanwhile, hasty people ask so many questions. Why was the criminal who killed somebody, not hanged to death, immediately, on the spot? When the human court of law itself delays the judgment and punishment so much, how can you expect the divine court of the divine Father acting as the judge to be so hasty in punishing the sinner-soul?


| Shri Datta Swami | When Allah Himself is the protector of the Quran, how can people still burn or destroy it? |
