Posted on: 08 May 2016
That is My Swami
Dr. Nikhil
That’s my Swami! Incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Abode of matchless divine qualities; served by the gods.
What fame in all the fifteen worlds can ever elude You?
Yet You’ve hidden Yourself from all worldly fame.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Creation is Your wealth alone—Lakshmi at Your feet serving.
Why work and earn, with Kubera waiting to rain gold on You?
Yet You’ve striven day and night lifelong, to earn Your living.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Train travel by second class sleeper; adorable humility!
Simple life and food; I’ve noticed Your tattered shirt too!
The Lord of Creation—a living embodiment of simplicity.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Being God, You’ve lived struggling and suffering
Silently as God’s human servant; The superpowers
Used only for devotees’ sake, even without they knowing[1].
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Being above the Karma-cycle, having no cause for malady[2];
Yet the sins of dear devotees are borne constantly by You;
Untold ailments and pains in secret on Your human body.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Devotees’ unasked hidden desiresYou’ve fulfilled
As the Provider; exceeding all their expectations[3].
Guiding to overcome, freeing them from their bondage.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
You blessed devotees with oceans of knowledge, boons ‘n miracles.
Without a trace of aspiration, even for a call saying “Thank You”[4].
You alone are Aptakama in creation; there’s no other example.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Grave errors and ungratefulness from devotees You overlook.
You neither find fault nor expect apology, but simply saying
“There’s no need for any apology”, You guide towards knowledge[5].
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
You relieve the pressure of guilt from the devotee’s mind.
By words of loving compassion, You just dismiss the issue.
Starting to guide afresh each time. What kind of love is this?
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Ever-focused on devotees’ upliftment, You teach and clarify,
Giving full freedom to the devotee; not binding in rules.
Allowing realization through free analysis; without pressure.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
When the world sees in the devotee, faults and defects,
When even the devotee himself knows that it’s true,
Yet to bless the devotee, You glorify the tiniest virtue.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Born in the sign of the crocodile[6], You hold the devotee
In Your unfailing grip; purifying with sacred knowledge,
Liberating and granting Your eternal blessed association.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Your ways are most subtle; beyond comprehension.
Gently without hurting,You reveal the harshest truth.
Ever protecting the devotee’s honor and emotions.[7]
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
When all have left, You alone remain as the eternal true Friend.
When everything fails, You alone stand as the unfailing Support.
When all refuse, You alone pour as the most generous Provider.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Whose mere thought draws streams of tears from the eyes;
Springs of blissful love surging from the depths of the heart.
Drowning the worries of the world and dissolving its bonds.
That is my Swami! The incomparable Datta Sadguru.
Only One Desire
Smt. Devi
How to say what’s in my mind? My only desire Lord, is that I may attain You.
No aspirations, no grievance; my whole pain is of not being able to meet You.
It’s not a complaint, Lord; but a punishment is the pain of separation from You.
Then how can You say O Swami that now Your work here is through?
How to say what’s in my mind? My only desire Lord, is that I may attain You.
Beyond repair are my defects; but who said that it’s easy to attain You?
O Swami, my pain is nothing in comparison; the three worlds are after You!
Then how can You say O Swami that now Your work here is through?
How to say what’s in my mind? My only desire Lord, is that I may attain You.
You’re life’s light; there’s darkness without You. My Sun and Moon are but You.
Without You O Swami, life is nothing; my life is like death, without You.
The breath of my body itself is like a burden on my body, without You.
How to say what’s in my mind? My only desire Lord, is that I may attain You.
With Your memories begins each morning; evening passes in thoughts of You.
Unable to meet; unable to live without You; I wish to ever be in thoughts of You.
There is no other Lord for me O Swami; this soul’s ultimate goal is but You.
How to say what’s in my mind? My only desire Lord, is that I may attain You.
You’re the lamp. May I be the moth to burn in Your flame out of love for You.
If You can be attained even by sacrificing myself, I’d say it’s easy to attain You.
I’m that bit of earth that cannot reach; which cannot be reached, that Sky are You.
You are reason for my livingO Lord; this life’s but a graveyard without You.
Turning even to ash if I find a place at Your feet, it would be a favor done by You.
Like the body depends on breath, O Lord; my life depends on the presence of You.
I pray that Younever ever say O Swami, that now Your work here is through.
My breath seems like a curse upon my body, if I even think of life without You.
Never give me such a life O Swami, in which there is not the presence of You.
Each moment is heaven with You, Lord Venu Gopala; and is hell without You.
Just another world—nothing much—is even the Goloka, O Swami without You.
I cannot imagine a single situation in which it is easy to live without You.
How to tell You my pain O Swami? My pain is fully known to You.
Like a terrible dream, O Lord Venu Gopala, is the idea of life without You.
A grave sin it is for this inert soul to even think of such a life without You.
This priceless truth I understood now; before Your pleasure, what’s life’s value?
Your pleasure alone is divine merit for me; each life I surrender to You.
No aspiration for liberation anymore; my only desire is to be bound to You.
With You alone there’s joy Swami; else even blessings are a curse without You.
Never speak these heart-breaking words that now Your work here is through.
Where’s the joy in this pain? Like suffering a punishment, is living without You.
The beating of my heart feels like a spike piercing my own heart, without You.
O Lord Venu Gopala Krishna, even ‘God’, is merely a name for me without You.
Lord of Nivritti
Unimaginable God
Dattaswami is the name of this present human incarnation, which means that
Datta, the energetic incarnation, in which unimaginable God was merged, also
Merged with this human being-devotee called Swami, if I call this human form
As Swami as the generator of miraculous knowledge, songs and miracles,
Logically it is true because God and Datta are merged with this Swami.
All the three became one entity by merge and any of three names
Indicate one only, of course, it is better to use the name Swami since
Swami alone is visible, God is unimaginable, both are two extremes,
In between lies Datta, the subtle energetic form, descending from God
To Datta to Swami is the ascending order of clarity in visualization.
However, it is better to call the generator of these by name of God
Since unimaginable God alone is the real generator of any miracle,
But this extreme truth has extreme defect that God is unimaginable,
Hence, for the sake of visual clarity either Datta or Swami to be used.
For humanity Swami alone should be used for the visual clarity here,
Since Datta is imaginable but invisible form of subtle energy; Datta,
The name, to be used in the upper worlds where souls are living with
The same subtle energetic forms, relevance to receiver is important.
But, this highest concept has the highest defect also, which is that
The human souls here have the same human materialized bodies,
This gives the repulsion between common media that gives jealousy,
This reason applies to upper worlds if the name Datta is used, therefore,
The ultimate solution is that in the upper world Datta should be named
As the unimaginable God and here Swami should be named as Datta.
This will make the ego and jealousy of receivers to disappear at once,
The satisfaction is that the visual clear medium is not having at all
Any special credit more than other souls, this is ultimate solution.
You may suggest an intermediate solution that by calling this Swami
As Dattaswami and calling that Datta as Datta-God, it is best solution,
But, in this, the visual medium appears to have 50% credit leading to
50% jealousy in receivers, the % may grow more in course of time.
Hence, in the present context it is better to use the name of Datta as
The speaker of this miraculous knowledge, the singer of miraculous songs
And the doer of miraculous deeds since the main aim always is that
The receiver should grasp the concepts without disturbance of jealousy,
Very few ripened devotees like to use the name Swami here and Datta there
Based on the important relevance of visual clarity, but, majority is only to be
Aimed for preaching the concepts, patients only require the need of doctor.
Yajurveda is prose, best suitable for knowledge to give best clarity,
Rigveda is poem and Samaveda is song, best suitable for devotion,
Same poem is sung as song, hence, part of Rigveda is Samaveda,
Song, Gayatri, is best mode of worship, Gita says that Samaveda
Is the highest theoretical path, My expression is always knowledge,
Hence, the poetic prose is chosen by Me, which is accepted in literature.
Datta, bored with fame there came here to avoid fame and enjoy defamation,
At least to enjoy the secrecy of Himself, working and earning are done by Him,
Only to set an example for the devotees in Pravrutti to take care of the basis
For their livelihood, simplicity is non-exposure and this is needed in Pravrutti
Since exposure raises jealousy and eyes become red, which will hit the soul.
If Shakuntala is in silk sari the eyes of women will become red on her,
This red color will hit her and her natural beauty will be damaged at once.
Struggle and suffering of Datta like devotee is to set example for devotees
That they should follow the cycle of deeds without asking any favor from God.
Any favor should come from God to devotee without asking for it, since asking
Postpones the Divine favor even if the devotee is deserving, asking is cheapness.
If the deserving devotee does not ask, the Divine favor is immediate and in plenty,
If one asks his father for property, father postpones the will,but, gives it at once
If the son serves the father without asking for it, in the case of omniscient God
Asking means thinking in mind itself, surrender, sacrifice and service to God without
Any desire kindles infinite eternal grace in Him to give everything here and there.
Devotees serving God without any desire through total surrender form inner family of God
No need of oral thanks from any nearest and dearest family member for any Divine favor,
Real thanks are expressed through the selfless service to God, God is always saturated
Since there is nothing that was not attained and there is nothing that is to be attained,
Veda says that God has no desire since any desire is fulfilled just by His will itself,
He appears to be unsaturated like human being appearing to be human being only
Through His external human form and this is only to test sacrifice of devotee for Him.
God is more concerned about ungrateful-fallen devotee, doctor is more serious
To the critical case of patient, scripture says that ungratefulness is highest sin
Among the five horrible sins, every human being should be grateful to God for
Sanctioning human birth to it keeping its file pending since if the file is opened
Human birth is impossible, if there is some progress in it, file is closed and the
Human birth is given to it to continue the progress, if even no little progress,
It will be thrown into cycle of birds, animals, worms, ghosts etc., as Gita says.[8]
God tries to bring devotee to spiritual path by removing the misunderstandings
Through clarifications, once devotee comes to right spiritual path and is progressing,
He will create misunderstanding to testhis progress and test is only to inform him
So that he will know how much real progress he has made to remove his illusion,
Periodical tests for student are for this purpose only, we realize this in education, but,
We misunderstand and blame God for same not realizing that it helps him constantly.
While preaching knowledge mind of receiver should be fully opened without
Any fear or attraction for favor, full freedom in deep analysis should be given,
Nothing should be insisted or rubbed by force on mind of any soul, Lord said
After finishing entire Gita that Arjuna should analyze deeply what all He said,
Then only to follow it provided the conclusion of his analysis coincides with Gita.
Devotee is glorified by God just to encourage the soul from any depression,
Lord said that Arjuna is also God and hence should not be depressed more[9],
This should not be misunderstood that Arjuna is God, but can become God
Anytime if he is chosen as human incarnation for specific purpose in future.
As you said I’m born in sign of crocodile, the tips of the teeth of which are bent back,
Hence, if a devotee comes into My grip, I cannot leave the soul even if I try for that,
I am born on Saturday, in the star of Saturn[10], Saturn is the Lord of My sign, Saturn is
Seeing My sign from 7th house, Saturn is generator of knowledge, scripture says[11],
God gave spiritual knowledge to Sun as per Gita, Sun gave it to his two sons,
Saturn and Yama, Yama preached to Nachiketa and Saturn is deity of knowledge.
Unimaginable God is extremely subtle, Datta is subtle energy and Swami is visible matter,
The ways of Swami are subtle because of the background, if truth is not revealed thinking
That it is harsh, the soul is not cleared from its harsh doubts, Bhagavatam is harshest truth,
Stealing butter and dancing with Gopikas show the secrecy, which alone is thesolution.
Not to hurt other associated souls, hurting should be the last resort like pass in the test,
Not hurting other souls is passing the test with gold medal, scripture says that only
Truth should be spoken and it should be spoken in pleasing way not hurting anyone[12],
This means that whatever Krishna did was kept as secret in order to please everybody.
Issues are not hurt by secret stealing of butter and husbands were not hurt by secret dance,
Test went on regarding three strongest bonds, yet, nobody was hurt and was displeased,
This should not be extended to Pravrutti initiating some human beings feel that they are
The human incarnations and their selfish pleasure in doing sins be misinterpreted as their
Tests given to devotees, therefore, secrecy was followed by God also to protect Pravrutti,
Same secrecy was opened after Krishna left Brindavanam, it became an open secret so that
The reason of secrecy was explained in the case of God, but same secrecy implemented.
By others in Pravrutti makes the sin doubled, one sin is the unjust activity and other sin is
To keep it secret to deceive the associated souls, activity actually happened is truth, which
May be theft or dance, escaping the crime done is a double sin, accept the crime first
Since it is truth, then, give explanation of the circumstances that led to do that crime.
This pleases the judge, escaping the crime by misinterpretation is the double crime,
Some say that Krishna was small child while dancing with Gopikas, this is a lie to escape
From truth, in such case, how Bhagavatam mentions the word ‘sex’ in dance? Similarly,
They say that it is play of God to steal butter, is not this play promoting theft in Pravrutti?
Correct interpretation of truth will please everybody, if you have killed somebody to save
Your life from his attack, it is not crime, truth with correct explanation should be given.
Explanation pleases even people of killed person, escape from truth by saying lie that
The person was not killed by you becomes double sin, Krishna danced for two years,
When He left Brindavanam, He was eighteen years old, two moon-seasons after rains were
Used for dance, moon-season was convenient to follow path from village to garden in
Midnight for Gopikas, Vasudeva performed thread marriage of Krishna in Madhura city
Feeling that the boy crossed the age of maximum limit, the 16th year, as per scripture[13].
Devotee in the path of spiritual progress shall never fall as promised by God in Gita[14],
God is always standing as your real support, no human being can be your support
Since any human being is supported by God only, Veda says that all human beings
Are women and wives of God[15], husband is the supporter and wife is supported always[16],
Hence, Meera asked Tulasidas ‘Is there a male in human beings? I thought that Krishna
Is the only male or Purusha, every human being is a form of nature or Prakruti only.
Soul is Paraprakruti and the body is Aparaprakruti, body means gross and subtle,
Soul is also the causal body and hence soul and body come under Prakruti only.
However, if you call the soul as Purusha, God is called as Purushottama meaning
That God is Lord of all Purushas or souls, soul being the husband of Aparaprakruti,
God, Purushottama is the husband of husbands i.e., the husband of total Prakruti.
Stealing butter involves two bonds, wealth and issues, dance involves life partner.
These three strongest world bonds form the triple bond, sign of highest unsaturation,
Alkynes having triple bond are highly unsaturated, alkenes are also unsaturated with
Double bond, bonds are horizontal standing as culvert for the flow of devotion,
These three horizontal bonds[17] are present on forehead of Shiva, deity of destruction,
Indicating that these three strongest worldly bonds are to be destroyed, before
Shiva stands Vishnu, the deity of maintenance having three vertical bonds on forehead
Indicating that these three bonds should be maintained towards God situated upward.
The conclusion is that if your bonds are towards God through devotion, the worldly bonds
Get subsequently destroyed, devotion is naturally followed by subsequent detachment,
If you taste Divine nectar, you are naturally detached from all other drinks, detachment
From world is impossible without devotion to God, leaving every drink including nectar
Is highly impossible since human being shall drink something in the absence of nectar,
Policy is that if you are strongly attracted to something you are detached to everything,
Without understanding inner meaning three lines on forehead only pollute the skin!
Suffering with suspense and surrender with sacrificing service is static dynamism,
When a river is stopped by hill, it does not flow further and this is static state,
But, the water is in dynamic state, effort to move and inability to flow is this state,
Gita says that you should find dynamism in static state and vice-versa in devotion[18].
Narada says in the last part of the definition of devotion that this is final state[19],
Gopikas were in this state after Krishna left Brindavanam, neither they can stay there
Nor they can go to Dwaraka, this is neither sin nor punishment of any sin, suspense
And suffering are the two legs to walk from the village to Dwaraka, sacrifice and service
Are the two hands to worship God, yes, all these four ‘S’ letters are four gates of Dwaraka.
Separation always increases attraction to God and association leads to neglect God,
This is reason why God always preferred separation from souls to be unimaginable,
Separation gives value and association gives negligence, God is not exception to this,
Veda says that even Divine souls in the upper worlds are bound by this phenomenon.
Once Radha came to Dwaraka, Rukmini gave her hot milk to drink, Krishna became red
Proving that He is in the heart of Radha, everyday Rukmini drinks the same hot milk,
Krishna never became red indicating that He is not in heart of Rukmini, the reason is
That Rukmini developed negligence to Krishna by constant association as wife.
Rukmini became jealous and criticized Radha that Radha violated the Pravrutti,
In reaching God whereas she reached God legally without violating the Pravrutti,
Husband of Radha, Ayanaghosha, was shouting against Krishna in streets, still Radha
Crossed hurdle and reached God, in the next birth, Rukmini was made husband and
Radha became wife of Rukmini, still Radha reached God as usual, Rukmini realized the
Power of devotion of Radha and saluted her, Rukmini is only a devoted soul of God.
Whereas Radha is incarnation of Shiva, God Himself, hence succeeded in devotion,
Even if Radha becomes husband, she will not be affected by jealousy in which case
Rukmini cannot reach God fearing for violation of Pravrutti and hell the fruit of sin.
Krishna acted headache and said that medicine is dust of the feet of a devotee,
All eight wives of Krishna could not give the dust fearing for sin and further hell,
Gopikas immediately gave dust of their feet, relief and pleasure of God were far more
Important and they stated that they do not mind to be punished in hell for that sin!
Eight wives including Rukmini reached the abode of God, whereas Gopikas reached
Fifteenth newly created world called Goloka, their feet dust falling on head of God!
So that He will not get headache again from the ambitious worldly devotees.
Only once Krishna met Gopikas before He left His body on the day of a sun eclipse
At the sea shore because Gopikas became totally mad due to His long separation,
Their lives were in danger and hence He met them, some Gopikas died on hearing
That Krishna left His body, some jumped into the fire, some were alive with agony
And some, who complained to Yashoda expressed normal and routine condolence.
First type went to Goloka, second type went to His abode since wife also jumps
Into fire after his death, third type born on earth as strong devotees of God,
Fourth type took births as per the normal fruits of cycle of deeds and this type
Was robbed by hunters in the forest while Arjuna was bringing them to his city.
The third type was brought safely by Arjuna to the city, what you sow you reap it,
Rosy path to thorny hell and thorny path to rosy heaven, path to abode of God is
Full of burning, red charcoals and the abode of God is full of bliss, the path to
Goloka is full of flames of fire and Goloka is infinite ocean of Divine bliss.
Preparation for examination and examination are full of tension and suffering,
The result afterwards is getting a degree with gold medal and then good job,
Bhagavad Gita is for Pravrutti and Bhagavatam is for Nivrutti, latter is
More difficult than former, former is walking on earth from village to edge of
Earth, latter is swimming ocean between edge of earth and Dwaraka,
To reach Dwaraka the devotee should know both walking on earth, which is
The protection of Pravrutti through secrecy and swimming ocean, which is
Reaching God, in walking or Pravrutti, there is no danger of drowning, but,
In swimming ocean or Nivrutti, there is danger of drowning in every step.
Walking is normal effort that can be learnt naturally by every soul-child,
Swimming is special-serious effort that can be learnt with help of preacher,
You can reach heaven avoiding hell in Pravrutti by putting normal effort, to reach
And please God, climax of effort is needed, Paramahamsa explained this point
To a devotee by drowning him in Ganges for a minute and then said to him
“In this one minute you have put climax of effort to come out and breathe air,
Such effort was put by Me throughout my life to just see and talk with God!”
Pravrutti-sacrifices are possible and imaginable, Nivrutti-sacrifices are Impossible and unimaginable, pravrutti is must, nivrutti is soul-choice.
Unimaginable God is the source of unimaginable events called as miracles
For the proof of the existence of His unimaginable nature, since such God is
Invisible and unimaginable, a visible medium is necessary for the souls,
In upper world, energetic incarnation and in this world human incarnation
Become the visible media, the unimaginable power of unimaginable God
Is expressed as the quality of the visible medium as said in Gita that Krishna
Is the substratum of the unimaginable power[20], which means imaginable God.
This is not insulting God since God merged in Krishna through Vishnu,
Vishnu is energetic incarnation, in whom unimaginable God merged,
Unimaginable God is like antibiotic medicine covered by energetic form
Called Vishnu–capsule introduced into human incarnation called Krishna,
The human being; therefore, any of three names, God, Vishnu and Krishna
Can be used for the human incarnation, hence, no point of insulting God.
Miracles are like antibiotic medicines used by prescription of physician,
Which should not be given directly to patients without the prescription,
Devotees pray for miracles from God like patients pray physician to use
Antibiotics for their illness and this is not correct for the patients' health.
The reason is that the antibiotics kill germs but also kill living tissue cells
Resulting in terrible weakness, similarly, miracles solve your problems,
At the same time, the side negative effect is that you become more lazy
To solve your problems without effort and solutions increase selfishness,
Which is against the sacrifice that is needed in the spiritual path, therefore,
Miracles and antibiotics should be used by plan of God and doctor respectively,
When Datta enters the human form, all the three qualities enter,
If Vishnu enters, Sattvam and if Shiva enters, Tamas dominate
If Brahma enters Rajas prevail, quality as per the energetic form.
Gita says that there are 4 types of human beings[21] related to Divine miracles,
Devotee suffering with worldly problems, seeker of true knowledge, aspiring
For material strength necessary as the fundamental basis and human incarnation
Though which unimaginable God performs these miracles in this human plane,
As I told already that the performer of these miracles can be called as Swami,
Who is imaginable and visible medium, this option is suitable for minority,
Which realizes that unimaginable God through Datta merged in Swami here.
But for the sake of major humanity, which is jealous to accept this option,
The option of God as unimaginable – invisible entity or Datta as energetic
Incarnation, which is imaginable – invisible entity is the best option here,
God being unimaginable and Swami being the common medium of repulsion,
The best middle way is to say that the performer of these miracles is Datta,
Datta means Swami for the minority, for the majority Datta means God and
Not at all Swami, who is just a medium of expression of Datta or the God.
Miracles for strong atheists are unnecessary because there is no flexibility,
Duryodhana unchanged even a little on seeing cosmic vision, highest miracle.
For strong devotees serving God with total surrender and sacrifice also no need,
Miracles are needed only for devotees with doubts, who are in between extremes.
Antibiotics are useless in the final stage of cancer and also useless for full health,
A healthy person with some infections only need antibiotics, that too not by
Self-prescription, but only by the prescription of perfectly efficient physician,
Reason is that medicine has both good effects and bad effects simultaneously,
Bad effects are laziness and selfishness, good effect is strengthening devotion,
Some miracles shown by Datta through the medium called as Swami are given
Here giving the background reasons for such prescription of the Datta – doctor.
Lakshman, a true seeker of true Divine knowledge, follower of sage Ramana,
After reading an excellent message of Datta phoned that pleasure of message
Be celebrated by enjoying the Divine scent generated by Datta, immediately
The strong Divine scents were generated in his words “buckets of scents were
Poured on my head for hours and when I reached home my mother asked that
How she is getting such a Divine scent from me?”, here, in his desire there is
No selfishness except that the celebration of the pleasure of message through
Inhaling the Divine scents, no selfish benefit exists for thisDivine miracle.
Lakshman was not having children for a long time, one day he asked Datta
“My wife is going for a special operation this month for getting child, my wife
Insists me to ask You to grant a son”, Datta said “No operation, this month itself
Your wife will conceive and you will get a son, if Datta fails in His word, she
Can go for operation in the next month”, she conceived that month itself and
Delivered a son, here the devotee was not asking for any desire to be fulfilled,
Only on the insistence of his wife and absence of children in that entire family
Made devotee to pray for a boon, otherwise, he is always thirsty for knowledge,
Since God knows his inner psychology, being omniscient, miracles were shown.
Pavan was also not having children and every time there was a miscarriage,
One day he was typing the message dictated by Datta as usual and suddenly
He heard the news of miscarriage of his wife, he cried in very loud voice
“Oh Lord Dattatreya!”, his pain through that voice pierced the heart of Datta,
Who patted his back by repeatedly saying “Don't worry, the next pregnancy
Will not be a miscarriage, certainly it will give you son, this is My firm word”
It happened as said by Datta, here, the pitch of his voice expressing climax
Of his deep pain is the reason for Datta to melt, he continues Divine service.
One day Datta told Ajay that his wife will climb chariot for the upper world,
Next day, wife of Ajay went into coma, paralyzed, no walking or talking,
Doctors completely gave up hope, scanning showed the broken brain-nerves,
The fluid forming a large mat, Ajay surrendered to Datta with lot of deep pain,
Patient was brought to his house with no hopes, Datta went to his house, told
“You go to office, she will rise, walk and talk” It happened immediately.
Doctors said “this is impossible in the medical history!!”, Datta insisted
For scanning again, the new scan showed connected nerves without any mat!,
Datta told Ajay to preserve both scans safely to show the proof for this miracle
Since this Kali age is the time of laughing away the miracles as created stories!
Ajay has done unimaginable service to God Datta, lot of knowledge was typed
By Ajay while Datta dictates, Datta told Ajay that he was the priest of the God
On the seven Tirumala hills in his previous birth and that he is doing this service
Only as per the boon given by God in his previous birth, he got a dream that night
In which he saw himself as a priest asking God to give him spiritual knowledge,
The hurdle of such devotees is naturally removed by Datta for his future progress.
Lavanya, a strong devotee of Datta, invited Him to her in-laws' house for lunch,
Her mother-in-law told “I will give Him food but not salute Him as all of you do”,
She is a good spiritual soul with small error, Datta decided to remove it from her,
Datta appeared to her as three-headed Lord, she ran at once and fell on feet.
Once Datta met Vishwamji, very great saint of Lord Datta, who offered lunch
In the house of his brother, who thought Datta as a poor beggar for food,
Datta appeared to him as Lord Dattatreya and he fell on His feet pouring
A basket of flowers plucked from his garden meant for his daily worship!,
He was good devotee, with small error, author of several books on Datta.
Datta gave several such visions of several deities to several devotees for
Strengthening their devotion by removing small errors for further progress,
On the day of Krishnashtami, Datta was worshipped by all the devotees,
The mother of Phani was terribly shocked with very high heart beat since
Datta appeared as Lord Krishna singing on the flute with crossed legs!
Once, Datta was speaking to a crowd of devotees, some doubted Datta
Thinking that the visions given by Him are only illusions of eye as magic,
Then, Datta gave same vision to two devotees sitting far separately, asked
Both of them to explain the vision they saw, both told that both had seen
Same cosmic vision as shown by Krishna to Arjuna, Datta told “One vision
Observed by one person may be illusion of eye, how both devotees saw
Same vision unless there is objective truth?”, devotees realized truth.
Datta appeared to different devotees in different places in the same time
On the same day, proving that it is possible for His super omnipotence,
God is not omnipresent already, if so, there should be no bad person,
He is omniscient by His omnipotence, though not omnipresent already,
He became omnipresent instantaneously by desire of Prahlada only.
CBK Murthy with his wife Bhavani was the founder devotee of this Datta,
Datta showed several miracles to him like the impression of large footprints
Made by Datta on a cloth spread on the floor as foretold by Datta, one day,
Swami Narendra came and abused Datta that God is unseen in this Kali age
And Datta is exploiting them, the couple was thrown into mud of suspense.
That midnight, Swami Narendra came running to house of this pious couple,
Fell on the feet of Datta praying Datta to excuse him for his ignorant words,
He stated that Divine mother Kaali appeared before him strongly hitting him
On the top of his head with Her folded palm saying that he should go and fall
On feet of this Datta, who is Lord Dattatreya, then, Datta told him “I know
That you are an expert in black magic and you tried to kill your own preacher
Through the black magic and your preacher necked you out of the asylum.
At least, now repent and go, fall on feet of your preacher, I recommended
Him to accept you”, Swami agreed that all that said by Datta is totally true,
All miracles were done by Datta to correct good souls polluted by errors.
Swami Shivananada came to the city, who is very great saint of Datta,
He was considered to be the disciple of Shri Narasimha Saraswati directly,
He was performing several miracles, was surrounded by thousands always,
All the devotees of Datta planned to take Datta to that miraculous saint.
Datta was refusing to meet the saint, doubts of devotees became stronger,
They thought that the truth of this Datta will be revealed by that saint only.
Hence, Datta is fearing to come there, this is the anti-climax of play of God,
Somehow, devotees took Datta to the saint and Datta was shivering to go.
On seeing Datta, the saint fell on the feet of Datta after garlanding Him,
Crying “Oh Lord Dattatreya! Victory to you”, the doubts were cleared,
Phani’s parents invited the saint to their house, the saint told them
“When Lord Datta is with you, no need of my coming to your house”,
Ajay was thinking that God will come on Datta now and then only,
The saint looked Ajay and said “If you think that God comes on Datta
Now and then, you are totally slipped, God always exists in this Datta”
On another occasion, Datta was hiding Himself in the large crowd behind
Thousands of people, the saint came to Datta piercing all the huge crowd,
Touched the feet of Datta and went away, Ajay and Phani were with Datta.
Ramnath, highly devoted to Swami Samartha, progressed in professional line,
By the blessings of Datta, asked one famous great saint on a hill in
Kerala state, “I have a friend called Venugopala Krishnamurthy, can you say
Something about my friend?”, he did not use the name Datta Swami since
Such name may reveal some spiritual scent, the saint immediately told him
“He is very great, the greatesthuman incarnation”, he was shocked!
Before this incident, Ramnath asked one saint called ChaayaShastri about
Datta Swami, the saint told him “How could you catch Him? All devotees
Are thrown by Him and none can approach Him”, Ramnath doubted that
The word Datta Swami might have influenced his mind to say like this,
Hence, the name as friend was used so that there will be no clue at all.
Doubt of Ramnath is clarified by Datta since he is a very pure devotee.
One humble devotee called Prasad was walking on the platform of railway
Station, that platform was emitting very bad and pungent odor from side,
You cannot find such dedicated devotee, a flash of doubt struck his brain,
He thought that why not Datta change this bad odor into Divine scent,
Immediately, the Divine scent of Lotus flowers was strongly generated
In the place of the bad odor till he walked the end of the platform,
Point here is that Datta removes doubt of deserving devotees,
These miracles were shown to excellent devotees to clear doubts
To help progress of good spiritual devotees with further strength.
A few names of devotees and few miracles are mentioned here, there are
Several deserving devoted diamonds with experience of Divine miracles,
Like Anil, Surya, Durga Prasad, Sharma, Yogi, Padma, Gayatry, Rangaswami etc., belong to the innermost circle, closest family of Datta,
The few above clearly analyzed miracles so that Datta is final authority,
In this Kali age the human incarnation exhibits miracles now and then since
Without miracles the program fails like a cinema without break dances!
Devotees of Nivrutti are in minority like the pious and innocent Pandavas,
Followers of Pravrutti, hit by jealousy are in majority like the Kauravas,
If both clash, God takes side of Nivrutti only, Pravrutti is destroyed,
Before this extreme situation, God tries for mediation between both sides
Like to protect both Pravrutti and Nivrutti through the solution of secrecy.
The soul should fear very much for hell in Pravrutti, the same soul should
Have the climax of courage in Nivrutti, that lady[22] crossing Narmada
In the night fearing for the crow in the daytime is only cunningacting
So that the family can never expect her to go out in the night.
But, the soul should not be like that lady since it should fear for hell
In which iron nosed crows will tear the soul in reality for the sins,
Same soul does not bother for hell and heaven, injustice and justice
Since the ocean of devotion is immersing everything to be unseen
Since soul sees God alone, however, the solution of secrecy binds
Both God and soul, best is that Nivrutti should not spoil Pravrutti at all.
The main reason is that majority of humanity sees the human incarnation
As a human being only, which cannot understand the other side of the coin,
Which is God testing the devotees for the strength in their worldly bonds,
Unable to understand other side, it criticizes and insults human incarnation[23],
As said in Gita, even a human incarnation without such other side like Rama
Was even crucified just by the jealousy that He is the human incarnation,
Messenger of God is tolerable, son of God results in insult and incarnation
Can never be tolerated and it results in killing the human form by crucifixion!
When the basic idea of human incarnation itself is so much intolerable to others,
What about human incarnation like Krishna testing Gopikas by theft and dance!
Even from the view of this point secrecy was maintained by God in the village.
Entire humanity is limited to Pravrutti only, Nivrutti is in extreme minority.
Democracy favoring majority is applicable to Pravrutti, not to Nivrutti at all,
In view of its highest quality, one diamond is greater than several gravel stones,
However, Pravrutti should not be disturbed by Nivrutti for the balance of society,
Yet, Nivrutti should be honored for its highest value not openly but secretly,
One sentence for Nivrutti telling that you should surrender to Buddha for minority,
Two statements for Pravrutti telling that you should surrender to society and justice,
For the majority, two is greater than one as majority is greater than minority, but,
One is greater than two in view of the greater value of diamond than two stones,
Yet, see that the stones are not hurt by the value of diamond, value be secret.
God is omniscient and knows the state of every soul, only human beings need
The expression of the problem by words, separation increases devotion and
Association increases negligence, but, attainment is granted to ripened devotees,
When they reach a stage in which their constant association with God will not
Lead to even a trace of negligence, their devotion is always maintained in climax,
Then only, the devotee enters innermost circle of the family of God in which
Soul is constantly associated, till this final stage is developed God gives only
The separation, the suspense and the suffering, which is not punishment at all,
It is only the culvert developing the force of the speed of the flow of devotion.
First, I told that I like to leave this world since My program is finished, naturally,
Strongest devotee wept for separation, but I told the same for second time also,
I expected that modern devotee of this Kali age will react to My statement
Repeated for second time also as “OK, You are insisting for going to upper world,
What can I do? Take care of Yourself there and also us here, tata, bye bye”, but,
I was shocked that you wept for Me second time also unlike modern devotee!
Defects are also sweet in love like cotton sari on beautiful-innocent Shakuntala,
King Dushyanta did not like merits of his egoistic Queen like silk sari on her body,
All three worlds are after Krishna, the word Krishna means attracting the souls, but,
Krishna is running after Radha, angels on searching God asked Narada for address.
Narada told that God is in Brindavanam drawing the designs of lines by red color
On feet of Radha, Narada asked his father Brahma “who is the real bachelor and
Who is the real chaste lady?” Brahma showed Krishna and Gopika as two answers!
Inner meaning is that any action of Krishna is without selfish desire since there is
Nothing to be desired by Him and hence stealing and dance are not real, He is
The real husband of all souls and Gopika was dedicated to her real husband only.
Unimaginable pain in separation means that devotee is near to unimaginable God,
Last part of definition of devotion given by Narada shows such suffering as last stage,
Veda says that God is the light and Pranaadhikarana of Brahmasutras says that
God is the life of this entire world, without God the pain is darkness or tamas
That represents the firm devotion leading to God, love of Radha is the moon and
Her pain is the sun, sun and moon are the two eyes of Krishna, hence Radha is
The two eyes of Krishna and not the reverse, forgetting God is death as said by
Sage Sanatsujaata to King Dhrutarashtra, life without God alone is real death[24].
Memories of God should rise with the sunrise and thoughts of the world
Should set with the sunset, pain is penance, unable to go to Dwaraka and
Unable to stay in Brindavanam is suspense causing suffering, the last stage
In the devotion of God, devotion is long academic year and final suspense
Is like year-end examination, by walking on earth one can go upto edge of earth,
Such walk is the process of Pravrutti, Nivrutti ocean starts from edge of Pravrutti,
You must be an expert in walking and in swimming ocean to reach Dwaraka,
Even though God expressed Himself as visible human form to every naked eye,
Repulsionbetween common media as jealousy is already born like horrible poison
Even before the birth of Divine nectar while churning the ocean of milk, it is fate!
Once God is in the thoughts of devotee like dream-shadow, immediately
Devotee is in the thoughts of God like the reality in strong awaken state,
Suffering by attraction of devotee to God multiplied by millions and millions
Becomes the same of God towards devotee, this is unknown to any soul.
Soul burns in knowledge-fire and becomes ash, which is final oxidized form
That cannot further corrode or oxidized any more like the firm devotion,
Moth fly burning in lamp gives this spiritual message like the preacher,
Entire creation preaches various spiritual concepts, God behind speaks.
Certainly God is the sky and devotee is the earth, sky means plane of God,
Below which thirteen planes exist and middle plane is earth, planes refer
Various ratios of love to God and love to world mixed together, as love to
God increases middle human being from the earth plane rises above and
Becomes angel, when love to God alone remains, fourteenth plane is reached,
When this love is concentrated and solidified, fifteenth plane, Goloka, comes,
When love to world increases soul falls to the lower planes, these planes
Are in terms of love to God and love to world and not in terms of distance.
God is reason for not only life but also for the very existence of entire creation,
Life without God is certainly graveyard, where the souls become ash finally,
The ultimate oxidized form representing climax of firm devotion, in such place
God Shiva, embodiment of Tamas or rigid devotion is existing, you request for
A place at His feet, but reality is that such ash is applied by Him on His forehead,
Not only this, final ash is applied all over His body indicating total merge with God
Covering entire God from foot to head, least requested gives the highest fruit!
When the Divine program is finished Swami has to leave this world at once,
My ultimate Boss is Datta in whom unimaginable God merged, the final order,
My program will not finish unless I console you, otherwise, if you continue pain,
Swami, body of Datta will have to live eternally here only like eternal Hanuman.
Gopikas refused to fear for hell for the sake of Krishna and reached Goloka
By the infinite climax of devotion, if Goloka is refused, what is the solution?
Life without breath is not a curse, but is the climax of effort to reach God
As referred above in the incident of Paramahamsa drowning the devotee.
Terrible dream wakes you up like terrible devotion leading you to God,
Pain is known to omniscient God, but pain is the spiritual effort done,
It is only the positive sense, if misunderstood the negative sense comes
In which there is no joy, but joy exists in the effort that leads you to goal,
Delivery is very painful but joy comes when you see the delivered child,
Pain is not a sin at all, it is climax of the spiritual effort that leads to God.
Doing good deeds to please other souls is good, it is way to the heaven,
Doing bad deeds to pain other souls is bad, it is the straight way to hell,
Pleasing God is climax of good, the path to the blissful abode of God,
Paining God is climax of bad, it is the path to specially equipped hells,
In fact, whatever pleases God is alone good and whatever displeases God
Alone is bad, complete and correct definitions of real good and real bad.
Once Shankara told that He has no desire for salvation except to please God,
Even heaven is a curse if God is not pleased, total surrender alone pleases God,
Once God is attained, this total surrender becomes eternal and no need
To surrender to God again and again, anything of God is climax of sweetness.
Work is only to keep God engaged through entertainment, otherwise,
Work is finished in a fraction of second, all souls can be transformed,
Just by a single will of God, cinema is over in a minute, but in such case,
You have to refund ticket, suspense exists everyday while TV serial is
Stopped for the next day, joy and pain change alternatively, in such case
Pain is also joy, otherwise continuous joy itself becomes constant pain.
Piercing heartbeat shows that your swimming in the ocean to reach Dwaraka,
In walking from Brindavanam to the edge of earth the heartbeat is normal only,
The abnormal heartbeat is only in swimming Nivrutti-ocean, God is by your side
Constantly during swimming Nivrutti ocean like boat by your side, no drowning.
No part of the body is untouchable for doctor in medical examination,
No place of the building is beyond search of bomb for the bomb squad,
No portion of this creation is unknown to omniscient creator, God,
No topic of spiritual knowledge is above the sharpest analysis of Datta.
[1] Frequently, devotees experience that they miraculously escape from difficult situations or even from accidents. At other times, they unexpectedly receive some benefits and favors. The devotees are clear that these numerous situations are nothing but Shri Swami’s loving grace for His devotees. Moreover, God’s favors in our worldly life are relatively more noticeable, but His favors from a spiritual point of view are far subtler and immeasurable in value. But in spite of possessing all these divine powers, Shri Swami, lives the most simple life, without any luxuries; working hard day and night.
[2] According to astrology, physical ailments are the result of one’s sinful deeds. Shri Swami being above the cycle of Karma, has no reason to have any physical ailment. It is obvious that He is suffering for the sins of His devotees, so that devotees get His help and yet the cycle of justice is not disturbed. This is the secret behind the miraculous escape of devotees from their troubles and illnesses.
[3] Shri Swami fulfills the hidden desires of devotees even without they asking. Sometimes, only after receiving the benefits, do the devotees realize that it had been their deep hidden desire that even they themselves had not explicitly identified. As surely as He fulfills desires, He liberates the devotees from the bondage of desire. He is indeed Lord Datta, who is famous as the Bhoga-Moksha Pradaataa—the Fulfiller of Desires and Liberator.
[4] For the innumerable favors that Shri Swami does for devotees, there is not the slightest trace of aspiration in Him. For the vast majority of times, devotees do not even realize, what He is doing for them. Even when they realize in a few incidents, they hardly ever thank Him. But Shri Swami is the living embodiment of the Vedic statement (Aapta kamasya ka spirhaa?), which means “Where is the desire or aspiration for God, whose all desires are already fulfilled?”. Shri Swami’s help for His devotees is the practical expression of the highest and purest divine love.
[5] Shri Swami never considers a devotee’s mistake as a mistake. He immediately converts the situation into a natural process of learning, which always involves making mistakes, and improving upon them. So, even though the devotee feels guilty and apologetic, Shri Swami does not expect any apology. He simply dismisses the issue and with His loving and soothing words, guides the devotee in understanding the divine knowledge more clearly. He wipes the slate clean and starts afresh each time. At times He even refuses to accept that there was any mistake from the side of the devotee, saying that it was God’s plan. No words can ever come close to describing Swami’s loving compassionate ways!
[6] Shri Swami is born in the rising sign (ascendant or lagna) of Capricorn (Makara) as per Vedic astrology. True to the nature of the crocodile, once Shri Swami takes a devotee in His grip, no power in the whole of creation can stop that devotee from getting liberation and reaching His eternal abode.
[7] Shri Swami always keeps the devotee away from harm and insult. Adverse situations are only meant for teaching us our lessons; not for vengeance. So as soon as the devotee realizes his mistake, the situations are controlled by Him so that they do not hurt the devotee any further.
[8] “Kshipaamyaasurayonishu”—Gita.
[9] “Pandavaanaam dhanamjayah; Maashuchah…”—Gita)
[10]Uttarabhadra is the star (constellation) for which the period is of Saturn.
[11] According to Vedic astrology, Saturn is the generator of knowledge i.e. Jnanakaaraka.
[12] The scripture says “Satyambruyaat priyambruyaat”, which means, “Speak the truth in a pleasant way”. It further says “Nabruyaat Satyamapriyam”, which means, “Don’t speak the truth if it is unpleasant”, i.e. secrecy should be maintained to hide the truthto avoid the displeasure of anybody. It further says, “Priyamcha naanrutam bruyaat” which means “Don’t speak that which is not true even though it is pleasant” i.e. you should not create a lie to escape from a crime or to please others.
[13] “NaatishodashaparyantamGaayatripatitaabhavet” – Scripture.
[14] “Na me bhaktahpranashyati”—Gita.
[15] “Striyahsatih…pumsah”—Veda. (Rig Veda 1.164.16).
[16] ‘Bhartaa’ means husband. It means the one who supports the wife. ‘Bhaaryaa’ means the wife that is supported by the husband. Here God is the Supporter (Husband) and the soul is the supported (wife).
[17]The three horizontal bonds stand as three culprits or three horizontal hurdles todevotion.
[19]Paramavyaakulateti—Narada Bhakti Sutras.
[20] “Brahmanohi pratisthaaham”—Gita (14.27).
[21] “Aartojijnaasurarthaarthijnaani cha…”Gita.
[22] This refers to the lady in the poem of king Bhoja, mentioned previously. See footnote 123.
[23] “Avajaanantimaammoodhah…”—Gita.
[24] “Pramaadaakhyomrutyuh”—Sanat Sujaateeyam from the Mahabharata.