Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 21 Nov 2020


Why have many Incarnations including Yourself, appeared in India instead of the West?

[Shri Anil asked: Swāmi, why did You incarnate in Hinduism, instead of western religions like Islam or Christianity? The doctor is needed by the patient. In India, there is already a lot of spirituality. In the West, after Jesus and Muhammad, no direct Human Incarnation has appeared. Could You kindly clarify. - At Your Divine Feet-anil]

Swāmi replied: O Learned and Devoted Servants of God! The real patient is Hinduism alone because over-intelligence frequently leads to misunderstanding. One Hindu told Me that Hinduism is the greatest since God incarnates frequently in this land alone. I replied that the teacher goes more frequently to the class where the students are lagging behind. Hinduism is excellent in logical knowledge based on its wonderful scriptures. But Hindus are lagging behind in the practical side of the spiritual knowledge. The West is not as logical and intellectual as the East. Hence, once the preaching was given to them, they followed the concepts sincerely and fully. Another drawback of Hinduism is that everyone believes in human rebirth, which makes them postpone the spiritual effort to some future birth. The West believes that this human birth is the last one and hence, they are more alert and serious about practically following the spiritual path.

One should not be fanatic and blind about one’s own religion. The West should learn more analytical spiritual knowledge from the East and the East should learn more practical spiritual knowledge from the West. I have come to the East by the commandment of God Datta to rectify the misunderstandings and misinterpretations caused due to logical over-analysis. This is the establishment of true spiritual knowledge. In the course of time, this true spiritual knowledge will spread all over the world as Nostradamus (astrologer) has predicted.
