1) Are women suffering unfairly for Indra's sin by way of menstruation?
3) Why is it claimed that Vedic civilization was advanced, even though it had many defects?
4) Can religion be questioned? When religion contradicts science, which side should we take?
5) How can we react if Lord Krishna born again?
7) Guidance needed on unimaginable God
8) Question on doctrine of actions and fruits
9) Question on rituals in Bali
10) Can we say that the first created human being is 'Datta' or 'Father of Heaven'?
11) Can we treat Mulaprakruti as 'Adi parashakti' ?
12) What is the meaning of 'nothing of energy' in 'SHRI DATTAGURU BHAGAVAT GITA'?
13) Enlighten on Karma and Karma Yoga
15) Question on Enlightenment on Karma and Karma Yoga
17) Why is it God did not change the Bible for the better?
18) Are atheistic countries more disciplined and flourished than that of theistic countries?
19) How to get direction in my life?
20) Is God continuously creating new parts of universe?