Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Questions & Answers

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Showing 61 to 80 of 417 Records

61) I receive mails from numerologists, tarot card readers.

62) What is the necessity of 3 separate forms (Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma) when the three forms are existing in the single Lord Dattatreya Himself?

63) As per Your preaching, sharp logical analysis shall be used for finding out the truth, However logic fails in certain places. Please enlighten.

64) If God takes no pleasure in the death of the man then why does God wants us to die?

65) Swami, You mentioned that 'Your brain is filled with answers only'

66) Kindly enlighten on background of Lord Shiva meditating on Lord Vishnu etc.

67) You explained that after death of Human incarnation, It goes to the upper-world in eternal energetic form. Please enlighten.

68) If a preacher (Brahmin) gives wrong knowledge, can the receivers be punished by their wrong practice?

69) What is the fate of terrorists and how to turn them to spiritual side?

70) In bible it is said that poor in heart will see God. What is the right meaning of this?

71) Please elaborate on 'Love to children will spoil them'

72) Shall we see deservingness in knowledge propogation?

73) Why Japan is prone to frequent Nature Disasters like Earthquake and Tsunami?

74) Does a person share the sin due to procurement of non-vegetarian food from the shop for the family members?

75) How do I get Sampoorna Dyana and be Samadhani?

76) I want bhagyoday and salvation from all debts monetary and pitru. please find me a way out this all mess.

77) Why Satguru accepts a disciple and how He takes work from him?

78) Guruji i faces some monetary problem few years for my business purpose. pls help me.

79) How to excel in pravrutti? How can we take inspiration from Dr.Abdul Kalam in spiritual field?

80) I would like to know from datta swami who is my guru in this birth and what is right sadhana for me.


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