Posted on: 14 Aug 2017
Shri Anil aked: "The mother of Krishna was telling the story of Rama to Krishna so that Krishna can enter into sleep. When the story came up to the point that Ravana stole Sita, immediately Krishna awoke, crying, asking Lakshmana to give the bow for fight ". In this event, whether soul component in Krishna reacted this way?
Swami replied: Some times, some soul-component of a human being remembers the incidents of previous birth and this concept is established in the world through several examples and based on this the department of para-psychology was also evolved. The memory of incident of previous birth happens sometimes in some souls due to the will of God so that we can believe that the soul takes rebirth in this world. You can limit this incident to the human soul itself that takes rebirth again. Here, God is also associated with human soul of Rama and Krishna. Every soul does not remember all the previous lives, in case of which, every soul taking birth is loaded with such huge information of previous births so that every soul taking rebirth must be mad. The memory of the previous birth appears in some soul only due to the will of unimaginable God and this also can be taken as miraculous event to accept the existence of unimaginable God as the source of miraculous events. We give importance to this memory since it is not only related to the soul but also related to God associated with the soul in both births.