Shri Datta Swami

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Difference Between Unimaginable Power and Imaginable Power Disappears in Ultimate Stage

For Scholars Posted on: 02/09/2017

Shri Anil asked:- Can you explain the mixed domain with more clarity?

Swami replied:- The mixed domain is a mixture of both imaginable and unimaginable powers and therefore unless you understand clearly the imaginable and unimaginable domains, you cannot achieve your aim. All these domains are created by God only. The imaginable domain is starting with the creation of the imaginable energy from unimaginable God. This process of generation of imaginable from unimaginable...

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Datta Dharma Sutram: Chapter-1

Posted on: 02/09/2017
Ethical Scripture of God
1) Exposition of the principles of ethics

दत्त धर्म सूत्रं व्याख्यास्यामः।१।

datta dharma sūtraṁ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ|1|

We shall explain the points of ethics as formulated by God Datta...

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Swami, please answer on videos in which strong slogans like 'God of our religion is only the God' are heard.

Posted on: 02/09/2017

Swami replied: This creation is created for the entertainment of God without any violation of justified rationalism. A drama or cinema contains all...

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Truth is Always Universal And Protected By God

Posted on: 20/08/2017

Dr. K. Sudershan Rao (Doctor in Global Hospitals, Hyderabad) asked: Your answer contains perfect logic. But, the problem is that we have heard this way of doing rituals since from our childhood from our elder forefathers. How to discard this suddenly?

Swami replied: My main point is that you shall examine with your own maximum capable analysis both logics of My answer and the sayings of our forefathers. After deciding, which is correct logic that alone can establish the truth, one may immediately realize and practice it. Others may realize and practice after sometime only. Once you hear something, you should analyze and then come to the decision...

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Energy Becomes Invisible to Human Beings Due To Will of God

For Scholars Posted on: 20/08/2017

Shri Anil asked: “Swami! With reference to your answer to the question of Smt. Devi, kindly clarify the concept with more clarity about the unimaginable and imaginable domains coexisting in the case of these supernatural worlds of supernatural energetic beings”.

Swami replied: There are two clearly different domains, which are unimaginable creator and imaginable creation. Just for the convenience of explanation in terms of imaginable logic, I may use words like unimaginable nature or unimaginable power or unimaginable awareness or unimaginable process etc. You must always remember that all these terms having ‘unimaginable’...

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Mediated Unimaginable God Better Than Non-Mediated Unimaginable God

For Scholars Posted on: 14/08/2017

Shri Anil asked: 1) “You told that Charvaka (atheist) told that awareness is generated from food only and this point being true shall be accepted even if the speaker is an atheist. If this point is true, is it also told in the scripture?

Swami replied: This truth is clearly told in the scripture that (relative) awareness is generated from food (Annat purushah). Purusha means the awareness or soul, which lies in the body (puri shete). This awareness is called as the relative awareness treated as one of the items of creation (kshetra) by the Gita (Chatanaa dhrutih). This awareness is the specific work form of inert energy generated in a specific nervous system while functioning. This awareness should not be confused with the unimaginable awareness...

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Is God re-entered Jesus after His death on the cross? Did Jesus really die on cross?

Posted on: 14/08/2017

Swami replied: Jesus Himself asked God “Why did you leave Me?” This means God must have left so that Jesus alone suffers for the sake of...

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Question on Entry of energetic from of Datta dissolving in You at Sri Sailam.

Posted on: 14/08/2017

Swami replied: Entry, leaving and re-entry are explained in the above case. Since God is unimaginable, He can leave the human being component even...

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Question on Possesion by vedic ghost.

Posted on: 14/08/2017

Swami replied: The proof of such miraculous incidents establishes the existence of unimaginable domain by which the existence of unimaginable God...

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The memory of the previous birth appears in some soul only due to the will of unimaginable God

Posted on: 14/08/2017

Swami replied: Some times, some soul-component of a human being remembers the incidents of previous birth and this concept is established in the...

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Question on greediness in materialistic life.

Posted on: 14/08/2017

Swami replied: Lack of charity towards deserving receivers in the worldly life (Pravrutti) induces greediness in to the mind. The same human being...

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Question on test conduted by Lord Datta.

Posted on: 14/08/2017

Swami replied: Here, the statement is given by God Datta through My throat. This statement refers to several other incarnations, which appeared in...

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Sacrifice of Wealth Earned By Hard Work Higher Than Sacrifice of Wealth of Forefathers

Posted on: 13/08/2017

Dr. Annapurna asked: Is logical analysis alone sufficient in finding out the truth?

Swami replied: To find out truth in theoretical phase, logical analysis in the positive right direction alone is the torch light provided it is not twisted towards the negative side to result in dry bad logic leading to wrong and dangerous conclusions. It helps to confirm the truth in theory. Theory is very important because it is the source of practice. If the theory is wrong, practice will be wrong and the fruit received by practice...

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Unimaginable Power of Supernatural Worlds Makes Them Different From Physically Existing Countries On Earth

For Scholars Posted on: 13/08/2017

Smt. Devi (w/o. Dr. Nikhil) asked: You told that the upper and Lower worlds are to be treated as upper and lower levels of devotion to God and should not be treated as the physical places separated by physical distance. But, simultaneously, you say that the upper and lower worlds exist in space geographically, which can’t be seen by us due to the God’s will acting as unimaginable barrier. How to co-relate both these two concepts?

Swami Replied: Coimbatore-city in which you presently reside is called as the Manchester-city of India. Manchester-city exists in the world outside India. The statement means that like the Manchester-city in the world, Coimbatore-city is in India. Coimbatore doesn’t contradict the geographical existence of Manchester outside the India. This human body called as Pindaanda is a representative mini model...

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Human Incarnation Shows Externally Monism But Internally Dualism

For Scholars Posted on: 06/08/2017

Ms. Shyama Kamala Lochana asked: 1) While answering the question of Vena Datta, You told that the human incarnation is like sugar dissolved in water and the sweetness of water is due to sugar only. This means that God-component and human being-component are always separate in the finest level, which means that dualism is ultimately correct and not the monism. Can You explain this point?

Swami replied: I have taken the solution of sugar dissolved in water as a simile to express the dualism in monism in view of certain devotees, who do not like perfect monism in the ultimate level due to some extent of jealousy in them towards co-human beings. This is dualism in monism taking the example of human incarnation in view of devotees having some jealousy...

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Deservingness of Receiver is Life of Sacrifice in Practice

Posted on: 06/08/2017

Dr. Sudershan Rao (Doctor in Global Hospitals, Hyderabad) asked: 1) What about the human beings present in Western countries to develop spiritually in the absence of this Vedic culture in those countries?

Swami replied: You sympathized foreigners missing Vedic culture due to your kind and good heart aspiring universal benefit. But, if you follow My analysis, you will know the truth, which is otherwise. What is the meaning of the word ‘culture’? Is it external language like Sanskrit in which the Veda is composed and external religious practices? If this is the meaning of the word ‘culture’, such culture can’t take any human being to the God. If the meaning of the word ‘culture’ is the internal spiritual knowledge...

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God and souls in three states

For Scholars Posted on: 05/08/2017

Shri Veena Datta asked: Please explain the God and souls in three states (Refer Dr. Nikhil’s question).

Swami replied: The unimaginable God is always in one state and there is no effect of any state on Him. He is always omniscient observing the entire creation. To be omniscient He need not be omnipresent. Without being omnipresent, He can be omniscient due to His omnipotence. If one requires to be omnipresent to become omniscient, such a seer is bound by logic. God is beyond logic...

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Universal Subjectivity

For Scholars Posted on: 29/07/2017

Shri P. Surya asked: “Swami! Please explain more about the word ‘Universal subjectivity’, used by Dr. Nikhil.

Swami replied: Subject means knower (kartaa or jnaataa). The process of knowing (kriyaa or Jnaanam) is the link between subject and object to be known. The object is the item known (Karma or Jneyam). Subjectivity means the experience or knowledge gained by the subject. The subject can be Unimaginable God or imaginable soul. The soul knows certain limited objects...

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What is meant by Sthitaprajna as said in Gita?

Posted on: 29/07/2017

Swami replied: 1) The word ‘prajna’ in Sanskrit means intelligence. Intelligence makes a decision after doing lot of sharp analysis....

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What is the importance of sacrifice of work and sacrifice of fruit of work?

Posted on: 29/07/2017

Swami replied: The path to please God is of two parts: i) Theoretical and ii) Practical Theory is again of two sub parts: i) Knowledge...

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