1. Why did God choose such a harsh way of crucifixion in the Incarnation of Jesus?
[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, I have few questions, please guide me out of these doubts-- Why did God choose such a harsh way of crucifixion in the Incarnation of God Jesus. Souls are always unworthy of God's love. Then, why did God have to show such an extreme sacrifice for such unworthy common people...
[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: All the disciples of Jesus had unnatural deaths. So, can we say that suffering in worldly life is inevitable for even close disciples of Human Incarnation also? But in spite of such suffering, are they accepting their bad karma (without aspiration of removal of suffering) and still practically serving God or not is the only point that makes a soul a real true devotee and wins the heart of God?]
Swami replied:- Suffering the results of bad actions is an inevitable aspect of the cycle of deeds...
Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: It is said that "God will ask you to do that one thing which you are not willing to do". But at same time God is the only one who truly loves the soul and never wishes bad for any soul. I always misunderstand God...
[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked:]
To apply in real life- if I take the topic of ignorance of closeness with God...
Shri Abhiram Kudala asked: Padanamaskaram Swamy, Swamy, in one of the articles, You have mentioned the below statement: Radha was so amazing that she broke the divine promise done on God (God Krishna Himself) for the sake of the same God Krishna. Could You please explain a little more on the above statement? Can one keep a false promise on God? If yes, in what circumstances...
1. Please give a few guidelines to me to keep in mind for reading and understanding Divine Knowledge.
[Ms. Bhanu Samaikya asked: Padanamskaram Swami, Swami can you please tell the way and attitude to read spiritual knowledge. I'm with a very poor attitude and concentration. Please give a few guidelines for me to keep in mind for reading and understanding Divine Knowledge. -At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Bhanu Samykya.]
Swami replied:- Attitude and concentration are not important. The basic important point is your attraction towards something. That attraction will create attitude and concentration. Some people are attracted to God and become devotees due to removal...
(By Shri Phani Kumar)
I was driving the car from Guntur to Vijayawada in which Swami was also sitting. Swami advised me not to go near the divider because many accidents take place due to the car hitting the divider. Swami told the following Spiritual Knowledge in this context “You see, the divider is the preacher of practical spiritual...
1. Shri Shankaracharya could not withstand black magic on Him. Please comment.
[Shri Soumyadip Mondal asked: Sashtaanga pronam Swamiji, Kindly clear my following doubts: You have said that black magic doesn't affect the good souls. But Shri Shankaracharya could not withstand black magic on Him. Please comment.]
Swami replied:- There is no point of Adi Shankaraacharya in trying to withstand ...
[Mr. George asked: Greetings. I live in Brazil, could I somehow be initiated remotely by the master and receive daily spiritual practices and guidance? How can I achieve realization? By George]
Swami replied:- There is no necessity for any initiation. Your sincere efforts for God will develop...
Smt. Amudha asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, I am overwhelmed with emotion and can't fully express what I feel inside. I experienced Swami’s presence; He is always with me, though my mind fails to realize it. Yesterday, I was thinking about Shri Datta Swami, Smt. Chhanda Mam, and the satsang while riding my bike. I placed my mobile in my bag as usual. While driving, I didn’t notice that it had fallen onto the road...
1. Will the treating of belief as knowledge lead to blind faith?
[Smt. Priyanka asked: (Question regarding blind faith) Padanamaskaram Swami,
A discussion came up between me and an agnostic person which led to the person questioning me about the authority of spiritual knowledge, faith, etc. When I told about the Vedas being the authority and how the sages carefully passed it on, I was told that I have blind faith in my beliefs and do not seek real knowledge, which is based on evidential proof. The person further went on to say how faith begins...
1a. Kindly explain why is the Veda called Apara Vidya in some context and Para Vidya in some other context.
[Smt. Chhanda asked: Paadanamaskaram O Guru Datta. In today’s Satsang, what a wonderful spiritual knowledge You showered on all of us! With my head bowed down completely, I would like to request You once again to kindly explain this topic on why Veda is called Apara vidya (inferior knowledge) in some context and Para vidya (superior knowledge) in some other context. You made the understanding...
Shri Karthik asked: Namaste Swamiji. Sometimes we feel very much interested in God and highly devotional but very soon we fall down from that state. Please guide us to maintain consistency to be in spiritual path Swamiji. Forgive me if the question...
1. Is the following verse of the Rig Veda referring to Jesus?
[Shri Anil asked: Jesus in Vedas. Padanamaskaram Swami, I happen to watch a video in which the preacher says that Jesus is mentioned in the Vedas as per the following verses, hence Jesus is the only saviour to the mankind. Swami kindly give Your responses to the following, at Your Lotus Divine Feet-anil.
Rig Veda 10:90:7: A sacrificial animal (goat) should be without a blemish. A bush (balusu) be placed around its Head. To be bound to a sacrificial (wooden) post/tree...
[Ms. Thrylokya asked:-]
Swami replied:- The first four incarnations (Fish, Tortoise, Wild Pig and Lion faced Man) were based on the powerful beast nature, which was suitable to kill the demons having very cruel nature of beasts. The fifth incarnation was Vaamana, a small boy coming to beg a small piece of land from king Bali. God deceived Bali and suppressed him to a lower world down the earth because of his egoistic behaviour...
[Ms. Thrylokya asked:-]
Swami replied:- God Datta is very fast in giving your desired fruits so that very shortly, you can expect yourself to become an aspirationless soul by which you can enter the spiritual line that is eternal and become very close to God (Saayujyam). God Datta is the ultimate God (first mediated energetic incarnation) and does not need the approval of anybody...
[Ms. Thrylokya asked:-]
Swami replied:- Rama is confined to a very limited atmosphere, which is totally comparable to the atmosphere of any ordinary soul. Rama never crossed the human boundaries to show Himself as the greatest personality. An ordinary human being is encouraged by this since one can become even the greatest...
(By Ms. Thrylokya)
Two devotees came from the border of Maharashtra to see Swami after travelling the entire night. One is named ‘Digambar’ and another is named ‘Anand’. Shri Digambar told that during the travel, whenever he saw the photo of Shri Datta Swami, the two eyes...
[Ms. Thrylokya asked:-]
Swami replied:- The main and ultimate essence of the Bhagavad Gita is only that contemporary human incarnation is only relevant to the humanity on earth. Krishna was a human being born to human beings called Vasudeva and Devaki. Throughout the Bhagavad Gita, He told thousands of times that He was the ultimate...
1. Is it correct to say that a Gopi is anyone, who hides his/her real devotion towards God? Is Sthitaprajna also a Gopi?
[Ms. Swathika & Smt. Priyanka asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami, In discussion with Swathika about the Gopikas, certain doubts came up between us as listed below. Please give us clarification on these points. Is it correct to say that a Gopi is anyone, who hides their real devotional feelings towards God? If yes, can Sthitaprajnas be called as Gopis because they hide their real love for God and do their duties..
Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only