Shri Datta Swami

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Don't we have to progress from the concept of form to that of formless God?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

Do you think that we have to travel from clarity to confusion or from confusion to clarity? Anything becomes complicated when there is confusion....

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Why is there a very strong resistance to the spreading of the true knowledge in the world?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

The true God comes down in human form with the true knowledge and His few true devotees accompany him. These few devotees belong to His inner most...

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If pure awareness is God, then isn't every human being God?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

The medium in the human incarnation and human being is one and the same. The medium consists of three bodies: 1. Gross body like a glass...

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What is the real nature of Datta?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

Datta is essentially a teacher. His very nature is the nature of a teacher. If you study the nature of teacher, you have understood the very nature...

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Since Jesus suffered for our sins, is He not our only Savior?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

Please remember that if you say 100 times that Jesus is God, I am saying a million times that Jesus is God. Therefore I request you to have patience...

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Should we not condemn fraud preachers?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

In this world only an atheist is the fraud preacher and you should condemn such fraud preachers who preach that God does not exist. All the other...

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What is the significance of this day which is Your birthday?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

Today is the birthday of this body. It is also a Thursday and a full moon day. These three aspects indicate the three-headed Datta. Thursday is...

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Who is the human incarnation in the present human generation?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

In the chemistry laboratory the practical procedure is given to you and the salt [chemical compound] is given. According to the procedure you have...

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Why don’t You wander around like a realized soul?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

[A realized soul, who is called an Avadhuta, is supposed to wander all over like a person totally disconnected from this world and even his own...

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Why was the wonderful knowledge preached by You not revealed by earlier incarnations of Lord Datta?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

You still have a small doubt about Me. You have not confirmed that I am the fullest incarnation of Lord Datta. Therefore your knowledge about Me is...

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Is there no distinction between the human incarnation of the Lord and the original Lord?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

As long as the human incarnation is alive there is no distinction between the original Lord and the human incarnation because the original Lord...

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What is the real identity mark for recognizing the human incarnation of the Lord?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

The real characteristic properties of the Lord as declared by the Veda are the Special Knowledge (Prajnana), the Love (Rasa or Prema) and the Bliss...

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Why do people insult and neglect the human incarnation?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

An ignorant person neglects Mahatma Gandhi seeing his cheap clothes. He cannot estimate the real value of Gandhi. He will give a lot of value to a...

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What is the difference between two incarnations of the Lord?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

Suppose there is a diamond with light [luster] in a glass case which is placed in a wooden box and which is placed in an iron box. [There are five...

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What is the difference between the Lord in human form and a demon in human form?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

The Lord in human form will not exhibit His super powers frequently. This nature is a modification of His own power called Maya. Whenever a miracle...

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Why is the human incarnation of God not easily accepted? What are the causes for failing in the tests of Datta?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

The human form of the Lord, which comes to test you is itself called Datta. People are fond of statues because there is minimum guarantee in the...

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Should we verify if the Guru practices what he preaches?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

A doctor may be smoking a cigarette. But when he advised not to smoke, you can follow his advice and get the benefit. If the doctor smokes, he will...

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Can the Lord not come in animal forms?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

[The Puranas mention the forms of a fish (Matsya), tortoise (Kurma) etc. that the Lord took and came to earth.] Matsya, etc. are the forms in which...

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Why is the worship of a human incarnation better than that of a statue?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

A statue cannot test your real essence in sacrifice. When you offer food to a statue, your sacrifice is only by words and by mind [since the statue...

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Should temple statues be replaced by human beings?

Posted on: 03/02/2005

Your question is twisted. I never said that the statue in the temple represents any general human being. I also said that the statue in the temple...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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