Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Discourses

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Showing 2841 – 2860 of 3483 Records

Datta Avatara Sutram: Chapter-12 Part-2

Posted on: 11/11/2017
10) Mataantareshvapi pravruttyanganivruttih pradarshitaa.
Even in other religions, Pravrutti is main and Nivrutti is also mentioned as the basic part of Pravrutti only. This is exhibited by incarnations as the main program.

[Even in other religions, the scriptures preached by human incarnations like Buddha, Christ, Mohammad etc., are related to the program of control of sins and establishment of justice so that the humanity can live with peace and stability. This pravrutti is the foundation on which the mighty building of Nivrutti can be constructed. The excess fascination to own body and limited family bonds results in doing sins and ending with miseries. God, as Father, is anxious to remove the misery of His issues. The link between sin and misery obtained as its punishment is purely based on the existence of unimaginable God ...

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Will of God is the Basic Power of action that does not decide Direction of Action

Posted on: 11/11/2017

Shri Anil asked: 1) People, who crucified Jesus (along with the disciple cheating Jesus) have done this sin as per the will of God only and did not commit any sin. How do you justify this?

Swami replied: If these people are not sinners, why Jesus prayed God to excuse them for their sin? At the same time, since Jesus told that the will of God, which is crucifixion of Jesus, shall be done (Ref: prayer of Jesus before arrest) they can’t be punished and hence no need of excusing them since they acted as per the will of God. This is a critical juncture developed by misunderstanding a subtle concept of correlation: There are two contradicting concepts: 1) Everything takes place in this world as per the will of God only, in which case, none shall be punished...

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Datta Avatara Sutram: Chapter-12 Part-1

Posted on: 31/10/2017
1) Datta avataara sutram vyaakhyaasyaamah.
We shall explain the points on incarnation as spoken by God Datta.

[After explaining the original status of God as Parabrahma (unimaginable God) in the absolute plane beyond world (called as paramaarthadashaa) in the previous chapter, we proceed to explain the mediated God in relative plane or world (vyavahaaradashaa), who is the unimaginable God mediated by a portion of the imaginable creation...

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Datta Parabrahma Sutram: Chapter-11 Part-2

Posted on: 29/10/2017
23) Uhyaartha shabdaabhaava maunavyaakhyeyam tat.
That creator, absolute God, is indicated by the silence that indicates the absence of any word indicating a specific imaginable item of creation.

[The Veda says that if one knows that God is unimaginable, he becomes the knower of God since he has at least known one point about God that God is unimaginable (Yasyaamatam tasyamatam). The Veda also says that if one says that God is known to him, he does not know any point about God since even one point that God is unknowable is also not known to him (matam yasya na Veda sah). The knowledge of existence of God is not the knowledge of the nature of God. Hence, the total knowledge,,,

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Datta Parabrahma Sutram: Chapter-11 Part-1

Posted on: 28/10/2017
Ekaadasha Adhyaayah
1) Datta Parabrahma sutram vyaakhyaasyaamah.
We shall explain the points about unimaginable God as told by God Datta.

[This is the third part called as Tatva Bhaaga or philosophy of God, which consists of five chapters: Parabrahma (unimaginable God), Avataara (incarnation), Vibhuti (miracles), Samanvaya (co-relation of religions) and Samaadhaana (clarification of all doubts). This first chapter deals about Parabrahma, the unimaginable God...

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Datta Moksha Sutram: Chapter-10

Posted on: 27/10/2017
1) Datta moksha sutram vyaakhyaasyaamah.
We shall explain the points regarding salvation as spoken by God Datta.

[After explaining the points on association with God, the points on detachment or salvation from worldly bonds are explained in this last chapter of the second part called as Nivrutti or divine life...

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Guru Paramapara of Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 20/10/2017

Shri Anupam Kumar asked (Question forwarded by Shri P. Surya from website www.universal-spirituality.org): 1) "Shri Datta Swamiji! Who is Your Guru? Did You surrender to Him?"

Swami replied: I have three Gurus in three levels: 1) In Anuhya or atarkya or unimaginable (absolute) level, Parabrahma (unimaginable God) is My Guru. 2) In Paroksha or imaginable-invisible (relative) level, Shri Dattatreya is My Guru (energetic incarnation having Parabrahma in inert energy+ awareness medium). 3) In Pratyaksha or imaginable-visible (relative) level, Shri Satya Sai having Parabrahma and Shri Dattatreya...

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Datta Yoga Sutram: Chapter-9

Posted on: 14/10/2017
1) Datta yoga sutram vyaakhyaasyaamah.
We shall explain association (yoga) of God as explained by God Datta.

[The knowledge, devotion and practical sacrifice associated with God are specifically mentioned as jnaana yoga, bhakti yoga and karma yoga respectively. The common word is yoga, which means association with God only. This avoids the confusion to misunderstand the knowledge, devotion and practical sacrifice associated with worldly items. The word ‘yoga’ clearly gives...

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All The Pain Was Taken By God When Crucifixion Started

Posted on: 12/10/2017

Shri Anil asked: 1) You mentioned that God underwent the suffering in the crucifixion of Jesus. Before crucifixion, Jesus made a prayer. Can You correlate both these?

Swami Replied: There are two components in the human incarnation existing in a single phase, which is the human being-component only in its phase since the God-component being unimaginable is always invisible even to the imagination. In a normal worldly example like eutectic alloy of two metals, we can find the specific atoms of each metal through a powerful microscope...

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Jihad to Stop Killing Each Other But Not to Use to Kill Each Other

Posted on: 07/10/2017

Shri Durga Prasad asked: Padanamaskaram Swamiji: 1) About the religious fighting at His time, what did the incarnation Prophet Mohammed said and how to interpret it regarding present Jihad?

Swami Replied: I have already explained this point. The human incarnation was totally negated because before Prophet Mohammed, Jesus claimed Himself as human incarnation and was bitterly crucified in spite of His best preached knowledge and exhibition of genuine miracles. He did not oppose the crucifixion by doing a miracle since such crucifixion...

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Datta Karma Sutram: Chapter-8

Posted on: 07/10/2017
Ashtama Adhyaayah (Eighth Chapter)
1) Krame charamam karma phaladam nityam shrutam.
In the sequence, final is practice, which alone gives fruit and is permanent as per Veda.

[The practice (Karma Yoga) is the most important final stage of spiritual effort, which alone yields the fruit. Whatever is learnt is implemented in practice to get the fruit. Knowledge, devotion and service are the three steps in sequence proposed by Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva, who appeared in sequence one after the other. Knowledge gives the right direction...

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Datta Nivrutti Sutram: Chapter-7

Posted on: 01/10/2017
1) Datta bhaktim Vyaakhyaasyaamah.

We shall explain the devotion as spoken by Datta.

[In second part called as Nivrutti or divine life, after explaining the knowledge in the previous chapter, the subsequent devotion is explained in this chapter...

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One Can't Do Away Subject of God and Take Universe and Science As Ultimate Goal

Posted on: 30/09/2017

Shri K.Gopikrishna asked: 1) In the ancient era common man is to fallow Guru. In today's scenario due to change in life style most of the people are not fallowing Sadguru. What will be frequencies, challenges a common man will face? By, K.Gopikrishna

Swami replied: Everybody is seeing the death of every human being on this earth and a very short period of life before death. Nobody is taking away anything earned by him/her and no family member is accompanying the soul just like giving company on this earth when one moves from one place to another place. The life after death and the future fate of the soul are unknown. But, the miracles...

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Datta Nivrutti Sutram: Chapter-6

Posted on: 30/09/2017
1) Datta jnaanam vyakhyaasyaamah.
We shall explain the knowledge spoken by God Datta.

[We shall explain the knowledge spoken by God Datta as sixth chapter related to the second part, field of Nivrutti or Divine life...

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Rama Ideal for Human Behaviour and Krishna for Omnipotence of God

Posted on: 29/09/2017

Dr. Annapurna (Prof. in Central University, Hyderabad) asked: 1) In TV9 channel, I heard one producer of films called as Shri Rama Gopal Varma asking the following questions: i) It is told that God Shiva cuts the head of Vinayaka and latter on joins the head of elephant with the body. God Shiva could have joined the original head itself being omnipotent! ii) Rama cuts the nose of...

Swami replied: i) The story of Vinayaka is a drama played by God to give an important concept to humanity, which is that you should not worship a cinema actor as God seeing the beauty of his/her face. You must worship anybody for the qualities, deeds and knowledge, not based on face value...

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Datta Dharma Sutram: Chapter-5

Posted on: 23/09/2017
Panchama Adhyaayah (Fifth Chapter): Ethical Scripture of God
1) Datto na nindyo lakshyamaatraduhkhanivrutteh.
God Datta shall not be blamed for destruction of bonds, which is goal only and reduction alone can eliminate misery.

[God Datta shall not be blamed for destruction of family bonds. If destruction is kept as goal, at least, the excess fascination to family bonds is eliminated, which is weakening the family bonds. By this, sins can be controlled, which are responsible for the miseries in the worldly life. By this, worldly miseries are eliminated. Not only this, the excess fascination to worldly bonds...

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A permanent thing is always absolutely real in all the times

Posted on: 23/09/2017

Shri B. Raghavender asked: How to come out from a thing in which my mind is deeply involved?

Swami replied: God is greater than any created item of world (Na tat samah - Veda). Hence, the attraction to God is higher than any worldly attraction. Therefore, divert your mind to the subject of God, which will swallow all the other attractions. You need not think of coming out of the attraction to God! The reason is that attraction to God will always give you the best fruits here in this life as well as there after the life. All these worldly attractions will end in misery since these are real illusions...

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Datta Dharma Sutram: Chapter-4

Posted on: 17/09/2017
Chaturdhaa Adhayah (Fourth Chapter): Ethical Scripture of God
1) Trivarge dharma kamau vimrushyau
In the three categories of the worldly life, the two words ‘Dharma’ and ‘Kama’ shall be carefully applied as per the context.

[Dharma (justice), Artha (wealth) and Kama (sexual life) are the three categories (trivarga), called as Purushartha dealing with Pravrutti or worldly life. In Artha and Kama also Dharma should be followed. Other than Artha and Kama, the practical aspects in which Dharma...

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Datta Dharma Sutram: Chapter-3

Posted on: 11/09/2017
Trutiyadhyaayah (Third Chapter) : Ethical Scripture of God
1) Shabdamaatraah samskaaraa artha bhaavarasarupaa bhaktih.
Today, the rituals are by mere sounds only. Meaning of word to knowledge to attraction to devotion is the order.

[The rituals are the occasions of propagating spiritual knowledge and devotion to God in the minds of people for which reason only many people assemble on such occasions. Today, the priests are not doing this actual work and they are only reciting blindly the Vedic hymns in Sanskrit. Neither readers nor audience know the meaning...

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God Happy to Grant Anything Except Love to Him

Posted on: 09/09/2017

Dr. Nikhil asked: I understand that the essence of Spiritual knowledge is practical philosophy or Karma Yoga. Please bless me to become efficient in this practical line in the service of God.

Swami replied: Theory of spiritual knowledge is the most important fundamental step since it is the mother of practice. Fundamental care should be always on theory. If this spiritual knowledge is perfectly true without caring for pleasing the audience with the aim of getting petty materialistic benefits based on selfishness, the truth of the knowledge generates emotion or power in the mind that helps the soul to implement the knowledge...

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