Shri Datta Swami

 30 Mar 2024


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Can we treat the bond with ancestral money as the strongest and the sacrifice of it as Karma Phala Tyaaga?

Shri Phani Kumar asked:- Padanamaskaram Swami, if some devotee has only ancestral wealth without any hard earned money, can we treat the bond with ancestral money as the strongest bond and sacrifice from ancestral money as Karma Phala Tyaaga (sacrifice of fruit of hard earned money) in absence of the strongest bond with hard earned money?]

Swami replied:- When there is only one item, comparison has no place. If one has ancestral money and hard earned money, his bond with hard earned money is stronger than the bond with ancestral money. This is called as 'paarisheshika nyaaya.' Example for this is:- if the King has two wives and if we say that the elder wife is chaste, it automatically means that the second wife is not chaste. If there is only one wife for the King and if you say that she is chaste, the second case is absent resulting in absence of comparison. Hence, if there is only ancestral wealth, the strongest bond on money (dhaneshanaa) for that person is only with the ancestral wealth. Then, the strongest bond is only with the ancestral money and in such case, sacrifice from ancestral money itself is sacrifice of fruit of hard work (Karma Phala Tyaaga). You can treat the ancestral money also as the hard earned money because the devotee has done a lot of service to his parents and he obtained the ancestral property as the fruit of his hard service or work. In view of this, even the ancestral wealth also can be treated as fruit earned from one's own hard work (Karmaphalam) and sacrifice from such ancestral wealth also can be called as Karma Phala Tyaaga.

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