Posted on: 08 Sep 2018
Recently, Nikhil and Devi felt deeply pained for the illness of Swami for the past two months and now Swami is maintaining good health. When I told Swami about the deep pain of the couple, Swami wrote the following verses to them. I felt that these verses have very good message for devotees in general also. Hence, I took the permission of Swami to send these verses to all our devotees. —S Phani Kumar
Several times, this Datta sang like any daughter-in-law,
“Mai maikii chalii jaavuungii tum dekhte rahanaa”,
Song in your mother tongue, I sing in My mother tongue,
“Dattalokam gamishyaami, tvam darshanaparo bhava”.
Datta couldn’t go to His native place in spite of hectic trials,
The reason is your divine love to this Datta that bonded Him,
You both are His two lungs to live here, active with devotion,
Also both His eyes to see you both only everywhere around!
I want you both to maintain this value of devotion to Datta,
Till your end, hence, Datta is far from you, the Brundaavanam,
You both are this life partners only, Datta is your eternal partner!
To protect you both here and there, He never breakes His promise.
Datta suffers the sins of His real devotees only, He is sinless,
Sins are taken by Him as illness, personally perfectly healthy,
Names of such real devotees are in His heart only kept secret,
Since this is not business devotion, no aspiration on both sides.
The practical love to Datta is real and very important divine path,
Propagation of this divine knowledge is burning problem of Datta,
Personal theoretical devotion with practical love is the scented gold,
Cost of gold alone is paid, but, with bad scent none even weighs it!