Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 02 Jul 2024


English »   Malayalam »  

How does the conversion of a person from one religion to another become a sin?

[Prof. JSR Prasad asked:- Swami, You told that different religions are like schools preaching in different media or languages. Then, how conversion of a person from one religion to another religion becomes a sin? This question has reference to Your answer given for a latest question asked by Shri Anil regarding Mother Theresa.]


Swami replied:- When a Christian is converting a Hindu into Christianity, there is necessity for him to show some merit in the conversion. Such merit is not regarding the medium or language because the Christian preacher is not telling that the Hindu shall convert into Christianity because their language (English) is better than Sanskrit or any Indian language. The Christian preacher is telling that their syllabus is better than the syllabus of another school for the same class. The Christian preacher is telling that their point is better than the point of Hinduism in the same concept. This means that the management of one school is claiming that the standard of their syllabus is far better than the standard of the same class of another school. This is to say “You take any class from first to tenth class, our syllabus is more meritorious than your syllabus for any common class”. One gold shop says that all the jewels in that shop alone are made of 24 carats gold whereas the golden jewel of any other shop is made of only 22 carats gold. Here comes the sin because all the religions have the same syllabus for any common class, even though the medium (language) differs. One God in different forms preached the same true and complete spiritual knowledge in different languages of all religions in the world. The difference is only in language and the contents of the syllabus are one and the same for any common class. The preacher involved in the conversion of religion says that the spiritual knowledge of his religion is the best and the specific form of God related to their religion is only  God. The preacher is not only involved in the praise of his religion, but also is strongly involved in abusing other forms of God and other scriptures related to other religions. In fact, by abusing other forms of God and other scriptures, such a blind fellow is abusing God and scripture of his own religion only because God is one and the knowledge of any scripture is one and the same, irrespective of any religion. This point brings the sin to the preacher of any religion trying to convert a soul belonging to another religion since by scolding other religions, he is scolding his own religion only. If the preacher says that in the scripture of his own religion, it is written that other religions shall not be respected and the devotees of other religions must be killed, such concepts are to be rejected since they are insertions made by bad followers in their scriptures. A soul can be blind and foolish, but, God is omniscient and perfectly logical.
