Shri Datta Swami

 08 May 2024


How shall I tell You O Krishna! (A poem by Smt. Chhandaa on Swami and His reply)

Poem by Smt.Chhandaa   Swami's reply

How shall I tell You O Krishna!

[A poem by Smt. Chhandaa Chandra on Shri Datta Swami]

Swami, You are the Parabrahman, came to me as Lord Krishna!
Everything good that has happened to me, You are the kaaranaa (cause).
Is it possible for me to write down everything?
I will still try to mention at least some happenings.
I am running short of words to show my gratitude towards You,
How shall I tell You, O Krishna?
How shall I tell You?

You have given me this human birth,
Greatest opportunity to learn spiritual knowledge,
So that I can at least try to approach You (God),
I became indebted to You for eternity,
How shall I repay You, O Krishna?
How shall I repay You?

You say that You are always there with me from my birth itself,
Many incidents of my life really confirm the presence of Yourself.
But, I, the unfortunate and ignorant one, could not recognise You,
How shall I say sorry to You, O Krishna?
How shall I say sorry to You?

Now that, You have accepted this soul,
You blessed me with experiences unimaginable.
I tried to approach You with a droplet of love,
You showered on me an ocean of love.
What shall I tell You, O Krishna?
What shall I tell You?

I had so many doubts in deciding You as the Ultimate God,
But, You never showed any hurry as it is not at all required for You.
You only kept the patience for the right time,
So that, I naturally can come to the conclusion, proper and prime.
That You are my God, whom I have wanted always,
And my faith on You becomes firm with quality of tamas.
How shall I thank You, O Krishna?
How shall I thank You?

Now, when I say that You are my God,
You say that ‘I am not the God’,
I fight with You saying, ‘Why are You confusing me?’
You reply me that what You are telling is not to confuse me,
But, to strengthen my faith on You,
So that it will not shake me afterwards,
I can’t even understand Your ways of teaching O Swami!
But I know that You are doing it for my improvement only,
What shall I tell You, O Krishna?
What shall I tell You?

By seeing Your human body, I shall not be repelled,
Common media repulsion must be avoided,
So that I don’t fall into well of “greatest loss”.
This difficulty can be overcome only by Your spiritual knowledge,
As it has the unique characteristic of continuous sharp analysis with sharp edge.
There again, You only come as the rescuer,
Who has always saved me being my sole protector.
How shall I thank You, O Krishna?
How shall I thank You?

Ego and jealousy are the two greatest barriers,
In approaching You, my contemporary human incarnation.
From You only, this beautiful concept radiated,
In order to make my way smoother to reach You, O my Ultimate!
Where else can I find this knowledge, O Krishna?
Where else can I find this knowledge?

Flooding of spiritual doubts made my mind restless,
I went through years of nights sleepless.
By Your kindness, You only approached me, O the most brightness,
And put on the torch light in my path that was full of darkness.
What shall I say You, O Krishna?
What shall I say You?

In the form of You, the Unimaginable God,
Came down to bless this insignificant soul.
Actions of Unimaginable God also became unimaginable,
I truly experienced personally, for which definitely I am not eligible.
You acted like an imaginable,
So that I can be very comfortable,
What infinite love and kindness You showered on me,
I can’t even express in words, my Swami.
What shall I tell You, O Krishna?
What shall I tell You?

The extent of lost naturality in my inherent character,
You only took the responsibility to regain it and made it occur.
No one can know this secret nature of mine,
You only identified and made it possible as You are fully divine.
How shall I thank You, O Krishna?
How shall I thank You?

Through each and every action, You made me learn,
How this world is meaningless if I don’t feel Bhagwan (God),
I thought only selfishly as per my convenience,
You always proved me wrong whenever I did not get the essence,
How lovingly natured You are, O Krishna?
How lovingly natured You are?

Your theoretical knowledge automatically leads in practical reality,
As it has the characteristic of crystal clarity.
I tried to put forward a small step in that direction,
You treated in such a big way that I feel excitation.
Your behaviour only taught me to remain grounded,
In You, the Infinite behaves like finite and Unlimited seems to be limited.
How shall I tell You, O Krishna?
How shall I tell You?

You allowed me to celebrate Holi with You in presence of others,
How beautifully You fulfilled this sacred wish and made me the real enjoyer.
All these years, I was playing colours with all souls of Your creation,
This time, You gave me the opportunity to play with You, my Lord Krishna.
Every sacred wish that was secretly there in my desire list,
You practically made everything to just be complete.
You brought out all secrets even from my subconscious mind,
Then started fulfilling them for no reason, just by being too kind.
How shall I treat You, O Krishna?
How shall I treat You?

You blessed me the fortune to be with Parabrahman, the Unimaginable God,
I lost my all senses, only feeling deep sense of blissful state.
I asked You, “O Swami, where did You take me? I can’t sense anything.”,
You made me to experience that unimaginable state and enjoy that bliss,
Where I could feel nothing but You, the Parabrahman Himself,
Then brought me down to this world again from that unimaginable world.
In response to all these, what can I say You, O Krishna? What can I say You?
I can’t say anything but only thank You, thank You and thank You.


How should I tell you? O Chhandaa!

How should I tell you? O Chhandaa!

(A poem by His Holiness Shri Datta Swami as answer to her latest poem)

Knowledge and devotion are purely theoretical,
But, both are the only source of the practical,
God Datta always tests in practical devotion only,
You have broken the record in Datta-test surely,
You don’t want Me to praise you for your result,
But, that inspires devotees, who mutually consult,
How should I tell you? O Chhandaa! How should I tell you? ... (Chorus)

Practice is the reality of any theory in this world,
It alone gives divine fruit, also in the spiritual field,
You may say that God is omniscient, then why test?
Public blames God as partial in selecting the best,
God, the giver of everything, is not in need at all,
Some blame God, unable to cross greediness-wall,
How should I tell you? O Chhandaa! How should I tell you? ... (Chorus)

You are not only liberated, but also selected by God for human plane,
In the post of divine preacher holding the spiritual knowledge-cane,
God is also coming down to this earth often for this noble purpose,
This is not rebirth as liberated soul is not trapped by world-glucose,
You are the devotional pole star in sky to guide even upper angels,
Let your knowledge, devotion and practice flow like three water falls.
How should I tell you? O Chhandaa! How should I tell you? ... (Chorus)

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