Shri Datta Swami

 05 Jun 2012



In ancient times, the total education was concentrated on the establishment of the existence of God, heaven and hell. If justice is followed, God rewards you with heaven and if injustice is done, God punishes you in  hell. If you say that God exists, people may not believe and may commit sins by which the balance of the society gets disturbed. The existence of God is to be proved through very deep logical analysis and discussions. All the seminars and conferences in ancient India ran on single subject, which is about the existence and nature of God. Today, people think that the ancient scholars in India wasted a lot of time on this useless subject. Today, scholars spend lot of time on seminars and debates dealing with developments of new materials, machines and applications of energy. In fact, the ancient scholars were highly wise and the modern scholars are highly foolish. The results of the present research in Science are leading to the improvement of several amenities for humanity. But, these amenities are now realized to be the ways of destruction of the environment leading to global calamity in a very short period of time. Our ancient scholars did not encourage such research in science since the advanced knowledge of energy and materials will lead to the destruction of humanity. Moreover, they concentrated on the logical understanding of the existence of God so that the resulting balanced society without corruption and chaos will give immense happiness to the life of the humanity. We now realize that the ancient materials and technologies were far better for health and environmental balance of the world. Added to this happiness, a strong fear for God and hell were well established in the mind of every human being through long period of spiritual education.

Little knowledge of materials and technologies was sufficient for the happiness of humanity and to maintain the ecological balance. This aspect is at the external physical level. Regarding the internal intellectual level, intensified realization resulted in every human being regarding the existence of God. After a long period of learning, the human being came out of the ancient university with thorough realization of the existence of God, hell and heaven so that in the practical life, the human being perfectly followed justice rejecting injustice at any cost. People did not know even the word ‘corruption’ because everybody was afraid of God and hell. Today, after a long period of learning, the person coming out of the modern university is not at all in touch with the subject of God. Moreover, the person is well versed in the technologies of energy and materials and is dedicating the total life for increasing amenities, which ultimately lead to environmental pollution and global destruction. The present human being is well versed in the concepts of profit and loss and is a master of business administration. Everybody wants to improve the personal amenities even through corruption. Corruption has become a spontaneous global phenomenon. Metals undergo corrosion and the human beings undergo the process of corruption. The government has become corrupt. The government officials are corrupt. Even the judiciary system has become corrupt. In such atmosphere of powerful corruption and corrupt human beings, can you expect a system like Lokpal to work perfectly to control the corruption? When all the human beings are corrupt, the members of the Lokpal also become corrupt. You cannot bring the angels from heaven to appoint them as members of Lokpal. After sometime, you will have to bring another control in the system to control the Lokpals! There will be no end to this and the desired aim can never be fulfilled.

Only Solution for Present-Day Corruption

The only solution for this is to revert back to the ancient system and concentrate on spiritual education. Today, the government does not spend a single rupee on the propagation of spiritual education. Only a few persons in private and personal sector like saints are taking interest in propagating the spiritual education. Atleast, the huge funds of very important temples like Tirupati should be spent on the propagation of spiritual education. You are starting colleges and universities with the funds of such temple, in which again the materialistic education is propagated. Kings used to construct huge temples and spend lot of money on temples. In fact, these temples were the universities in which learned professors of the spiritual education propagated the spiritual knowledge in the humanity. Lot of encouragement was given by kings to this spiritual knowledge, which controls crime and corruption from the basic level itself. Even if you spend 1/10th of what you spend on the control of crime and corruption for the sake of the propagation of spiritual knowledge, the crime and corruption will disappear from the root itself. The government should open its eyes on this basic issue and reform the education system in the light of this concept. The negligence of the present blind government on spiritual education is the main reason for the present crime and corruption in the society. The present system of education stressing mainly on science and technology for improving the amenities of humanity is the reason for the environmental pollution and the future untimely global destruction. If you revert back to the ancient education system, every human being will come out as a citizen with in-built aversion to corruption and crime. Such ancient education, concentrated on God, will also reduce the over attachment to amenities and this will lead to ecological balance and global safety.

For the sake of control of crime and corruption, the existence of God need not be accepted. Such acceptance will be based on falsehood and such realization is not real. Moreover, the result of such false realization will not be true also. It means that the control of crime and corruption cannot be achieved by forcing you to accept the existence of God for the sake of control of corruption and crime. The realization of existence of God should be independent and should not be for any purpose. Whether the crime and corruption are controlled or not, the existence of God should be realized on its own merit and truth. What I mean to say is that the ancient scholars did not create the concept of God for the sake of control of crime and corruption to achieve the balance of society. The existence of God was realized as the independent concept on the credit of its own merit.

The ancient education system is composed of several schools like logic (Tarka), grammar (Vyakaranam), analysis of sacred scriptures (Mimamsa), etc. and all the schools aimed at the subject of God (philosophy) only. The student, after realizing the existence of God with the help of all the schools of education (Shastras), comes out as a citizen fearing for crime and corruption. Therefore, the existence of God is primary basis and the control of corruption and crime is the secondary consequence. Hence, it is wrong, as some people say, that the concept of God by itself is not true, but, should be respected and maintained for the sake of control of crime and corruption. In such a way, the crime and corruption can never be controlled because one knows that the basic concept is only a created story for control in crime and corruption.

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