Shri Datta Swami

 14 Mar 2024


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Swami answers devotees' questions

1. What is the meaning of Aatmavaiputhranaamasi?

[Shri Satthi Reddy asked: Mee Paada Padmalaku Namaskaram Swamiji. Swamiji, Aatmavaiputhranaamasi (son will be born as a father but not a girl): I heard one preacher saying that a son will be born according to the deeds of the parents, not the daughter. Is it true, Swamiji?? Why only sons, not daughters?? Please explain, Swamiji. Swamiji please kill my ignorance with Your spiritual sword. Swamiji,i am not even qualified for prostitute devotion and a prostitute is far far better and best than me, even the prostitute will laugh at me if i myself compared with her. Please help me Swamiji  and show the way, help me to walk in Your path Swamiji 🙏🙏🙏]

Swami replied:- The priest is wrong. Putra means both son and daughter as per Eka Shesha Sutra (Putra bhrātṛ pitṛṣu eka śeṣaḥ).

2. Is it correct to ask God to come as his/her own child as boon?

[Swamiji, Lord Datta given Himself as Krishna to Devaki and Vasudeva and as Rama to Kausalya and Dasharatha; it is also based on their deeds. Is it correct to ask God to come as his/her own child as boon? Please explain. Swamiji?? Swamiji please kill my ignorance with Your spiritual sword. Swamiji, i am not even qualified for prostitute devotion and a prostitute is far far better and best than me, even the prostitute will laugh at me if i myself compared with her. please help me Swamiji  and show the way help me to walk in Your path Swamiji 🙏🙏🙏]

Swami replied:- The parents of God did a lot of penance for God and asked this boon. Penance means continuous burning interest for God. If the souls (parents) are deserving devotees, this boon is sanctioned by God.

3. How can one develop Veeratva in oneself?

[Shri Jayesh Pandey asked: Padanamaskaram  Swami ji!

Below Your Feet.]

Swami replied:- Veeratva is the valour belonging to the quality called rajas and this quality is based on ego. God has valour based on sattvam quality. A human being has valour based on rajas quality. A demon has valour based on tamas quality. The valour of God can be obtained by the grace of God. Valour or daringness based on sattvam quality, which is the courage to face any number of difficulties in spiritual journey is seen in Radha, Miira, Prahlaada, etc.

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