Shri Datta Swami

 16 Mar 2024


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Swami answers devotees' questions

1. There are many references to Human Incarnation in Hindu scriptures. But, are there any references in Christian scriptures?

[A question by Ms. Adweeka]

Swami replied:- Jesus Himself is the human incarnation of God. He told that He and His father are one and the same.

2. When the sequence is Jnaana, Bhakti and Karma Yoga, why did Sage Vashishtha ask Guru Dakshina to Lord Rama in the beginning?

[Ms. Deepthika Venna asked:- Swami, You have mentioned in Datta Jayanthi Satsang about Sage Vashishtha asking Guru Dakshina to Lord Rama before imparting knowledge. When the sequence is Jnaana, Bhakti and Karma Yoga, please explain how the case of Sage Vashishtha asking Guru Dakshina to Lord Rama a unique case? Was Guru Dakshina accepted by Sage Vashishtha because he imparted Brahma Jnaana to Lord Rama?]

Swami replied:- Shri Rama is the incarnation of God. Sage Vashishtha is the son of God Brahma. The son of God Brahma must be having the true spiritual knowledge and one need not doubt about the preaching of Sage Vashishtha. I spoke about the preachers in this Kali age. What I spoke applies to the present time in which there are several false preachers claiming themselves as Sadgurus.

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