Shri Datta Swami

 10 Sep 2024


What are the primary programs of God and Nature towards humanity?

The primary program of God is to give guidance in the path of worldly ethics and in the path of spirituality. God is called as the divine Father in the Gita (Aham bija pradah pitaa…). The primary program of nature, which is the divine Mother, is to provide food and necessary materialistic comforts as said in the Gita (Suyate sacharaacharam…). When you kill the other living beings for your food, the Mother shows Her anger through earth quakes, cyclones, drought etc. God, the Father, gives the theoretical guidance and your duty is to practice it and get good fruits. Therefore, God always comes down in the human form to give right directions by preaching the correct and complete divine knowledge. He can preach the knowledge even through a statue or photo since He is omnipotent. But, such action will excite the devotees, who will not be free to ask the doubts. The reason is that such an action gives you total faith that actually God is speaking. In the excited state, the doubts are not clarified because even the expression of doubts is blocked. Moreover, the unimaginable power of God needs to be used here unnecessarily. A demon will always try to perform such miracles in order to expose himself. But, the humble God never tries to expose Himself in such a way. Instead of such unnecessary miracle, God enters a human being and preaches the knowledge. The natural capability of talking of the human being is used by God without wasting the unimaginable power unnecessarily.

Moreover, when God speaks through a human being, the devotees will not believe Him completely as God. They will always have a doubt about the human incarnation thinking that the preacher might have been a learned scholar. Due to this doubt, the excitement will not take place and the receivers of the knowledge will be always in the free ground state to express their doubts in a natural way. Moreover, for the devotee, the clarification of doubt is important and whether the preacher is God or learned scholar is not much relevant. Hence, the medium of human being is selected by God than the unnatural statue. The learned scholar also can clarify the doubts, but, his answers can be only from the books studied by him. Sometimes, the doubts of the people are quite new and the knowledge gained from the books may not be sufficient to answer such doubts. Only God, the creator of the knowledge, can answer such doubts. The learned scholar is called as guru, where as God in human form is called as Satguru.

When the right guidance is given to you, it is your duty to practice it and achieve good results. The duty of the teacher is to teach you in perfect way and clarify all your doubts in the subject. After this, your duty is to study it well and write properly in the examination to get good results. The teacher will not involve in your studies and in your examination. The certificate after passing the examination will come to you only and not to the teacher. You are benefited by such certificate to get employment. The teacher is already employed and his duty is only to give guidance. Hence, the total program of the preacher is to give guidance perfectly.

The sign of the human incarnation is only the excellent knowledge and not miracles. Even demons performed miracles. If Krishna lifted a mountain, Raavana also lifted a bigger mountain. Krishna was not addressed as God (Bhagavaan) anywhere while performing miracles or the other activities. He was called as Bhagavaan only when He was delivering the Gita, the divine knowledge. Sage Vyaasa called Him Bhagavaan only in the context of the Gita. Vyaasa also has super natural powers to perform miracles. Therefore, Vyaasa was not excited by miracles. He was excited only by the Gita. The divine knowledge is the primary step in absence of which, the two subsequent steps devotion (bhakti) and service (karma) become useless. The sages have taken several births to analyze the subject about God and to arrive at the conclusion that God comes in human form for the sake of humanity. Due to the power of such analytical knowledge, they captured the human incarnation and served Him with full devotion. Their devotion and service were only in one final birth. But, the preliminary analysis took several births. Therefore, we have to concentrate much on the knowledge in the beginning. Knowledge gives you the details of correct goal and correct path. If the details are correct, you can reach the goal even by slow walk. If the details are wrong, you go in the opposite direction of goal and cannot reach the goal even by running. Running is the karma and speed in running is bhakti. The knowledge of correct direction is jnana. Hence, the jnana is the first step and also the most important step for which you have to spend a lot of time. Foolish people laugh at the analysis of the knowledge stating that time is wasted by such discussions and debates. They enter into bhakti and involve in the karma in a hasty way neglecting jnana, which is the primary foundation step. The devotion and service of Gopikas was excellent, but it became fruitful only since they caught the correct goal. Without analysis, suppose, think that they caught a demon instead of Krishna. All their devotion and service would have become waste. Therefore, you must spend lot of time in coming to a decision regarding the correct goal and correct path.

The intensive analysis in the enquiry about God is called as penance (tapas), which was performed by sages previously in several births. The correct goal is the contemporary human incarnation to be recognized through His excellent knowledge and not miracles. The correct path is capturing Him with full love and sincerity (devotion) and service without any aspiration in return (nishkama karma yoga). You have to conquer your ego and jealousy towards a co-human form in this path. The essence of Ramayanam, Bharatam and Bhagavatam is only to capture contemporary human incarnation by Hanuman, Arjuna and Gopikas. Only very few can succeed in this way and hence, there are only three epics describing the human incarnation. There are eighteen books (Puraanas) describing the energetic incarnations. The energetic incarnation is a specific energetic body charged by the unimaginable God. The human incarnation is the materialized human body charged by unimaginable God. The human incarnation is relevant to the human beings, which are the souls existing in the materialized human bodies on this earth. The energetic incarnation is relevant to the souls existing in the energetic bodies in the upper worlds. Only a relevant incarnation will answer you. Only the chief minister of your state looks into your complaints and not the chief minister of the other state. He is also a chief minister but is not relevant to you. Due to the principle of repulsion between common bodies, most of the human beings neglect the human incarnation and get attracted to the energetic incarnation. For the sake of such unwise majority, eighteen books were written and for the sake of the wise minority, three books were written. These human beings on this earth, neglecting the human incarnation based on the principle of repulsion between common bodies, neglect the energetic incarnation also in the upper world when they reach it in the energetic bodies after death based on the same very principle of repulsion! As a result, the foolish soul is losing God here on this earth and there in the upper world also and this loss is forever!! This is the greatest loss for a human being as said in the Veda (Mahatee Vinashtih…).
