30 Mar 2004
Swami replied:- The whole life of Rama is simply based on action i.e., Karma Yoga. He is an incarnation of Lord Datta. Datta means practical sacrifice. He sacrificed His kingdom (money) and sacrificed His beloved wife for the sake of the public. He never talked too much and never expressed anything. He was always silent and was almost like a statue without any expression of any feelings. He controlled His tongue and mind and concentrated all His energy in the practical aspect. This is the highest stage in the spiritual sadhana. Hanuman also behaved like Rama. He participated in the work of Rama without talking and without expression of any feelings. Both of them concentrated only on action. Hanuman did the service of the Lord with perfect silence and perfect control of mind. Rama also never talked anything and never expressed any feelings but silently embraced Hanuman when He returned to Ayodhya after completing the work. When Rama and Hanuman embraced each other, Hanuman submitted the complete report of his work silently and Rama gave Him the post of the future Creator silently. It almost seemed like two smugglers exchanging their briefcases silently as they show in movies.
Thus the message of Shri Rama is the essence of spiritual sadhana. Today the spiritual sadhana is done only by words and feelings and nothing in action. It is said that Rama is Taraka i.e., the Lord with whose help you can cross this worldly ocean. Again the meaning of this is that you should concentrate on action and not on words and feelings. Thus for all Indians who are very famous for sacrificing words and feelings to the Lord, Shri Rama is a very very useful incarnation. Sita is the straight line marked on the field during ploughing. Sita indicates the ordinary soul, which follows the rules and regulations of the Prakriti (nature). The marriage of Sita with Rama indicates the soul catching the human incarnation in this world. When Rama went to the forest, Sita followed Him. This means that even if the Lord gives troubles, the devotee will never leave Him. The wealth and miraculous powers of Ravana did not attract Sita. This indicates that the devotee of Datta cuts his bond with wealth and is never misled by the super natural powers exhibited by demons and devils. Sita represents the perfect devotee of Datta. Lakshmana left his wife for the sake of the Lord. Bharatha left his wealth for the sake of the Lord. Satrughna was prepared to kill the mother of Bharata [since she was responsible for sending Rama to the forest] and thus he left Dharma [justice] for the sake of the Lord. These three devotees indicate that the devotee of Datta cuts his bond with wife (Kama), wealth (Artha) and with justice (Dharma).
Rama is the embodiment of salvation (Moksha). Rama indicates that the human incarnation of the Lord is the only path for human beings. Rama again indicates that the super natural powers are not the identity of the Lord because Rama never exhibited super natural powers. If the Lord proves Himself by exhibiting super natural powers, everybody in this world will fall at His feet. In such a situation a real devotee cannot be distinguished from a fraud devotee. Rama also indicates the practical knowledge, which alone is the true path; not words and feelings. Thus Rama indicates the true goal as well as the true path in the spiritual line. If Rama and Hanuman are understood, there is no need for any other spiritual knowledge.