Shri Datta Swami

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What are the merits Universal religion established by You?

Posted on: 29/07/2017

Swami replied: The world peace is disturbed by the differences between the religions. The correlation between the religions will bring unity and...

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Presence Of God Does Not Disturb Properties and Capacities Of Human Being-Component In Incarnation

Posted on: 23/07/2017

Dr. Nikhil asked: Padanamaskarams Swamiji, I would like to submit the following questions related to ananda at Your divine feet. Your servant, Nikhil. 1) Could You please explain the terms lokānanda, rasānanda and brahmānanda in the three contexts of unimaginable God, the human incarnation and the ordinary human being?...

Swami replied: The word ‘ananda’ means the happiness that is continuous without any break (aasamantaat nandati iti). There are two aspects of happiness: 1) The quantitative value and 2) The continuity without any break...

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Pure Sattvam Without Influence Of Rajas and Tamas Can't Exist in Any Soul

Posted on: 22/07/2017

Shri G. Lakshman: Padamanamaskarams to Swami!! I put forth my humble question to you. 1) Does all the souls in the upper world able to identify the human incarnation on the planet Earth or is it only the Bramharakshasas able to identify (referring to the Bramharakshas who directed Vishnudatta to the Lord). Does the spirits that live on the earth also  able to identify and chase the Human Incarnation for their upliftment. At the lotus feet of Sri Dattaswami, Regards, Lakshman

Swami Replied: Living being in the upper world is made of sattvam (awareness) and rajas (inert energy) along with a trace of inertia (tamas) associated with energy. Any living being has all the three qualities associated with each other...

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Every Religion Has Merits Of Original Preacher and Defects Of Followers

Posted on: 08/07/2017

Dr. Nikhil Asked: Padanamaskarams Swamiji, I would like to bring the following questions related to the Ṛg Veda and Indian culture. I seek Your clarifications on the same. At Your Divine Feet, Nikhil.

1) Are the deities mentioned in the Ṛg Veda, the human incarnations of God or different devoted angels from the upper worlds, who have periodically incarnated on Earth to guide humanity?...

Swami replied: The power is of two types:

i) Power of unimaginable domain, which can’t be touched by any human being through any instrument at any time and in any place and ii) Power of imaginable domain, which is sub divided into a) Power so far achieved by human beings and b) Power to be achieved in future through research...

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Posted on: 01/07/2017

Shri Nikhil asked: Padanamaskarams Swamiji, I would like to bring the following questions from the perspective of atheists who feel that theism and religions are mere human inventions that are based on the misunderstanding that extraterrestrial aliens, who have been visiting Earth since ancient times, are gods. I seek Your clarifications on the same. At Your Divine Feet, Nikhil.

1) Why are intelligent life forms on other planets not possible?

Swami replied: Living beings in materialized bodies do not exist in the upper worlds or planets or galaxies. Except this one earth, all other planets contain living beings in energetic bodies called as Deva, Gandharva, Siddha, Chaarana, Asura, Naaga etc., who can’t be visualized by human beings...

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For Scholars Posted on: 24/06/2017

Shri Lakshman asked: Padamanamaskarams to Swami!! I put forth my humble question to you. This is in light of the statement made by Jesus, when the unimaginable God was leaving him, he exclaimed, “Why are you leaving me God”. In a Human Incarnation, is the soul aware of the unimaginable God at all times? Then in deep sleep is there an existence of a witness or (soul) and the witnessed (unimaginable God)? At the lotus feet of Sri Dattaswami. Regards, Lakshman

Swami replied: Awareness of unimaginable God does not mean knowledge of the nature of unimaginable God. Here, awareness means awareness of the existence of unimaginable God. The Veda says that only awareness of existence of unimaginable God is possible (asteetyeva…). Such knowledge is possible by inference. Such knowledge is not a mere theoretical knowledge...

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Fix The Concept First Analyzed By Sharp Analysis and Then Apply Scripture

For Scholars Posted on: 24/06/2017

[June 24, 2017 2nd Message] Shri Balaji asked: Namaste Swamiji. Kindly clarify the Gita verse

(ye 'py anya-devata-bhakta yajante sraddhayanvitah

te 'pi mam eva kaunteya yajanty avidhi-purvakam)

By anyadevataa, does Lord Krishna mean even energetic incarnations of God like Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva? Or is He referring only to angels like Indra etc. It is confusing in this verse whether by 'maam', He means Lord Krishna (human body) or Lord Vishnu (energetic body). In a few verses back in the same chapter, He says 'Avajaanantimaam…manusheem…' where He clearly means human body...

Swami replied: The word ‘devataa’ means energetic form or body since the root word “div” stands for light or energy whether the energetic body is of Indra or Lord Vishnu (or Lord Shiva), it means the same because in both cases the body is made of inert energy and awareness (awareness is also a specific work form of inert energy only). As far as the medium...

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Posted on: 22/06/2017

Dr Annapurna, Prof. Hindi, Central University of Hyderabad asked: Lot of stress is given on cow slaughter. What about the slaughter of other living beings like goat etc.?

Swami replied: The scripture says that a Brahmana should not be killed (Brahamano na hantavyah). Does this mean that you can kill people of other castes? You must know that the characteristic of Brahmana is soft nature, who does not harm even his enemy (Ghaatam na ghaatayet viprah). This means that any human being, who is of soft nature, is Brahmana irrespective of his caste by birth. The Gita says that caste system is based on characteristic qualities expressed by corresponding deeds...

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Will intellect take immediate decision on an issue?

Posted on: 18/06/2017

[Reply to Shri Karthik] Decision may be immediate or may be taken after some analysis. Intelligence of a human being may not be so efficient to take...

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Surgery without anesthesia?

Posted on: 18/06/2017

Swami replied: If your awareness gets detached from the body, this may be possible. But, I believe that it is not possible especially in the case of...

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Posted on: 10/06/2017

Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, A question from a Muslim devotee is enclosed. 1) A muslim devotee, Imran Ahmed, on Qoura commented on the divine knowledge of Shri Datta Swami on re-birth as given below.

[Kindly give Your answer to this. Imran Ahmed. Jai Shri Datta

Your articles are very insightful and whenever I read them, I feel that it contains only truth. Thanks for your beautiful messages. In this article you have mentioned that : “Some people think that cancellation of the rebirth in this world is salvation! This is climax of ignorance.” During my spiritual journey so far, I had a conclusion that the key effort in spiritual path is to attain Moksha/Liberation...]

Swami Replied: Salvation means relief from the worldly tensions for which the worldly bonds are always responsible. One should not try for salvation or detachment without attachment to God. A bond breaks only by another stronger bond. A stronger bond with God can only break the worldly bonds. Hence, salvation from the worldly bonds (worldly tensions) should be a natural consequence of the stronger bond with God. The aim shall be attachment to God...

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Inner essence of the worship of Lord Satya Narayana

Posted on: 10/06/2017

Kishore Ram asked: Please explain the inner essence of the worship of Lord Satya Narayana, which is frequently done by several people in this country.

Swami Replied: A few days back, one person came to My house requesting Me to act as a priest for this worship saying that on that day priests were not available. I agreed to be the priest. Then, he asked Me “How much is Your fees?”. I replied “the fees is according to your capacity (Yathaa Shakti) and according to your impression on Me (Yathaa Bhakti). Between these two, whichever is lower, that must be followed by you. I will explain this point. You may have high capacity (100 rupees) but if you have a low impression about Me (10 rupees), you must give as per the low impression (10 rupees). If you have low capacity (10 rupees) and have high impression about Me...

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Posted on: 04/06/2017

Shri G. Lakshman asked: In the light of your explanation of Mandukya Upanishat, please clarify the following: 1) Regarding the state of deep sleep of Human Incarnation like Krishna and, 2) Regarding the visible objects to the eyes of Angels in the upper worlds.

Swami Replied: 1) The Upanishat mentions four states, i) Awaken State or Consciousness (Jaagrat): The human being or Human incarnation observes this world in which objects constituted by inert energy, inert matter and awareness are seen. The seer in the human being is the individual soul made of awareness. The seer in the Human incarnation is the individual soul of the human being with which the unimaginable awareness or unimaginable God is mixed. Both God and individual soul are simultaneous seers...

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Datta Veda - Chapter-8: Real Love For The Incarnation

Posted on: 22/05/2017

12—08—1994, 04.00am You think that a specific area on this earth is especially pious because a deserving sage has seen Me in that area. I surely tell you that there is no specialty in that area to treat it as very pious place to be visited as pilgrimage. I appeared in that area because the deserving sage was living in that area. You can attach importance to Me and that sage but not to that area. People come to that area in crowds thinking that that area has My special grace. This is the climax of ignorance. Priests have stressed some importance on that area to attract crowds so that they can be benefited by their offerings...

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Almost All Souls Really Attached To Families Only and Not To God

Posted on: 19/05/2017

(The following queries made by some people through emotional arguments, which were captured by Dr. Nikhil, a scientist and best devotee to God, are answered by Swami.)

1) How do you justify the detachment from family in spiritual path that hurts and harms the family members?

Swami Replied: Some people submit criticism to know the truths in the spiritual knowledge. If we answer them without deviating from truth (since we don’t aspire anything from them), such people will certainly convince. But, there are some people, who put forward their criticism with some other hidden background like greediness, ego, jealousy etc., they will never convince because of their different personal background. Such people are not seekers of truth...

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Dream-State and Deep Sleep Absent in Angels

Posted on: 18/05/2017

Today Shri Phani asked: While explaining Mandukya Upanishat, You told that angels don’t sleep and hence there is no dream-state for them. But, the state of Taijasa represents dream only. Does this fact apply to angels (energetic forms of souls) and to Narayana also (energetic incarnation)?

Swami Replied: In the case of angels, there is no dream-state due to the absence of sleep. The deep sleep is also absent. Only the state of awakening is present, which is exactly similar to the dream state of human beings. In the dream state of human beings and also in the awaken state of angels...

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Posted on: 18/05/2017

Shri Anil asked: Some times, we find even just born babies are punished by suffering of severe diseases and accidents that lead to death. There is no possibility of doing any sin in this world in such early stage. If you say that their punishments are due to previous sins done in past births, the soul is receiving the punishments without the memory of its corresponding sin. The sinner is punished in this world by court so that the sinner is aware of sin responsible for the punishment. What is the answer for this?

Swami Replied: A good question indeed. When a soul is born in this world, the attitudes (samskaras or vaasanaas) follow it, provoking the soul to do related deeds and if these are severe, fruits are given in this world itself. Since sins and fruits appear in this life itself, the soul can correlate the fruit as punishment...

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Posted on: 17/05/2017

Shri Gangaiah Garu (Advocate & Great Scholar in Gita & Upanishads): Today we are observing several people suffering with several types of difficulties with lot of tension. If God created this world for His entertainment, is it not pleasure of a sadist?...

Swami Replied: I know very well that you are a strong theist. Hence, I know that you have raised this doubt only to know the truth about the planning and administration of God. First of all, we must have firm faith in God that He is omniscient and omnipotent and also that nothing goes wrong in His plan or administration. If any doubt comes, we must know that the doubt is only due to our ignorance...

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Posted on: 23/04/2017

Prof. Bhanoji Rao (F/O Kishore Ram) asked the following Questions: 1) Jesus preached right spiritual knowledge upto the age of 32 years. Later on, His life ended abrupt. Had He lived more, the program might have been completed. What is your opinion on this point?

Swami Replied: Whatever quantum of Spiritual knowledge was preached by Jesus, it was as per the divine plan only. The knowledge preached by Jesus was planned as the prescribed first part of divine knowledge to be preached by Jesus. The extension of spiritual knowledge by disciples after Jesus was also as per the divine plan of God only...

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Posted on: 15/04/2017

Dr. Nikhil asked (on Phone): 1) One of my relative says “You need not leave the family bonds for the sake of God. We believe in the existence of creator. Doing Social service is good and that is also not compulsory. Spiritual progress is selfish only.” Please comment on these remarks.

Swami Replied: Nobody told that you should leave family bonds for the sake of God. For your information, by leaving family bonds, you cannot get the grace of God. What I told was simply that the family bonds get spontaneously dropped due to your over attachment to God...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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