Shri Datta Swami

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Posted on: 26/01/2010

[Republic Day Message] A devotee asked Swami ‘The Brahmin priest collects about one lakh rupees as fees for performing the rituals after death. Is this justified for your caste?’

Swami replied: The priest is Brahmana. But every Brahmana is not priest. Ofcourse, if a person in a caste behaves wrongly, it reflects on the entire caste. I condemn this behavior of the priest as he loots the society through exploitation. This specific case is certainly opposed by Me. At the same time, every exploitation in the society and consequent looting everywhere in all walks of life of all the people should be equally condemned. Every job holder and every businessman loots the society through exploitation. I am not supporting this specific case, since generally the exploitation exists everywhere...

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Posted on: 23/01/2010

Sage Shuka was completely attached to God and was completely detached from the family. He left his family and went away for the sake of God, though his father ran after him. His attachment and detachment were exposed and were not hidden in his heart. The Veda says that one should leave the family as soon as one is attached to God (yadahareva…). King Janaka was also completely attached to God and was completely detached from the family like Shuka. But, his attachment and detachment were not exposed and were hidden in his heart. They were exposed only when the Lord conducted the test (Datta Pariksha). Once, Janaka was immersed...

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Posted on: 01/01/2010

There are several scholars, who are unable to implement their right knowledge in practice. Knowledge is the seed, which should be transformed in to practice-tree. The force of inspiration required for this transformation, like a fertilizer, is devotion. Mere knowledge and mere devotion are inefficient to cause the transformation. Man has natural instinct to practice worldly procedures. For example, one serves his family members with natural instinct. The person has all the knowledge about service to his family members. He has sufficient inspiration to implement his knowledge in doing the service to his family. No preacher is required for anyone to love and serve his family members, but preachers are required to love and serve God! Even if the preacher preaches, the person fails to develop...

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Posted on: 29/09/2009

Basic interest on God is called as Shraddha. This basic interest cannot be created by showing the benefits from God after death (Param) like protection from hell, because the problems in this world (Iham) are very much relevant and urgent. The human being tries to postpone the param to old age. But, even in the old age the Iham continues and does not give any relief to concentrate on Param. Both Iham and Param form Pravrutti, which is nothing but selfishness only. Whether you worship God for Iham or Param, you do not have real love on God. Your love on God is only for yourself and for your family members only. Nivrutti means real love on God without any trace of selfishness. Therefore, Shankara told that your care for Iham...

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Posted on: 23/08/2009

[Ganesh Chaturthi] Ganapati means the Lord of a group of close devotees, who have reached the climax of devotion. The word Gana does not mean the entire group of normal souls. Gana means a group of souls, who have become very close to the Lord by their unimaginable devotion. The Lord is certainly the master of all the souls but, the Gana is specially attached group of souls. The king is attached to the people in his kingdom but, he is specially attached to his family members. There is difference in the intensity of the attachments. When the Lord incarnates on this earth in human form, these souls from the Gana also accompany the Lord. These liberated souls have no bondage of the cycle of deeds and their lives are totally planned...

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Recognize God Behind Unimaginable Events

Posted on: 22/07/2009

[Solar Eclipse Day] Today is the day of eclipse of Sun and we see arguments between the theists having old religious belief and atheists having scientific belief. This debate has nothing to do with the existence of God. Science is nothing but the normal administration of God in the nature. The truth in this running administration of the nature was found by the ancestors based on the then available scientific concepts. The modern scientific concepts are certainly better than the old concepts, since the present science is based on experimental studies involving intricate instruments and procedures. But, this does not mean that all the concepts found out by the modern science should be correct. The limitation of the scope...

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Posted on: 21/07/2009

Shankara told that if you are interested in God, it is immaterial whether you are in congenial atmosphere or in the opposite atmosphere (Yogaratova Bhogaratova…). This applies equally to a person interested in the worldly affairs. If you are a real devotee of God, you will rememberGod only, e.g. whether you see a devotional movie or a social movie. Even if it is a social movie, involving worldly scenes only, without any direct scene related to God, you will see God only everywhere. Generally, in social movies some scenes show development of injustice through cheating, rowdyism etc., and some other scenes show the defeat of injustice and suppression...

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For Scholars Posted on: 17/07/2009

The debate should always be confined to the limits of relative reality and should not enter the level of absolute reality because none can even touch the absolute reality. In the absolute reality, God alone is real and everything else, which is the Creation including yourself becomes unreal with respect to God. This Creation is a process or activity or work of God. Energy is a form of work, since energy or power is dynamism of God. Matter is another form of Energy. Space is again another subtle form of Energy. Therefore, in the level of absolute reality, the entire Creation is just a relative reality, which is the work of God. Since you are also a part of the Creation, you are also a part of the relative reality. Therefore, you are just part and parcel of the work of God. Your body is matter and hence...

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For Scholars Posted on: 07/07/2009

[Gurupurnima Message - Morning] The word soul (Jeevaatman) is composed of two components 1)Atman and 2)Jeeva. The component Atman is basic inert energy that is generated in the body by the oxidation of food with the help of digestive system (Annamaya kosha) and respiratory system (Pranamaya kosha). The component Jeeva consists of a complex mechanism of receiving the information from the external world, storing it, thinking about it in several ways, determining the correct path by logic and finally enjoying happiness. Ofcourse, if the path is wrong by bad logic, grief is enjoyed and all this also is part of Jeeva only. Receiving the information and thinking about it in several ways is Manomaya kosha...

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For Scholars Posted on: 07/07/2009

[Gurupurnima Evening] The Advaita philosophy says that the ‘I’ of the soul should be transformed into ‘I’ of God. The process of transformation should be carefully analyzed. If the ‘I’ of the soul is destroyed, there will be no experience for the soul that it has become God. In deep sleep, the ‘I’ of the soul disappears and there is no experience at all for the soul. Moreover, the ‘I’ of God neither increases nor decreases at anytime. It remains constant. Even though God created this entire universe, God does not decrease by quantity because no part of God is transformed into universe. The worldly logic fails in the process of creation. Even if a soul merges in God, God does not increase. Since God is beyond spatial dimensions, the increase and decrease become meaningless since volume is the property of space. When you have not understood God...

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Posted on: 12/06/2009

Lord Krishna stated in the Gita that human beings with demonic nature are not only unaware of the path of pleasing God (path of liberation or Moksha marga) but also unaware of worldly justice (Pravrittimcha Nivrittimcha janana vidurasurah...). Demonic nature means that neither do they know on their own nor listen to others. This is due to ignorance combined with egoism. These people fail even in the worldly duties like marriages...

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Posted on: 26/05/2009

Pravrutti is the field of worldly matters involving bonds with your body and family members, which is limited to the present birth only. Nivrutti is the field of spiritual matters involving bonds with God and devotees, which is related to every birth of the soul continuously. The basic frame work is the same in both the fields. In both the fields, knowledge, devotion, work, sacrifice and the final fruit for sacrifice are common. In Pravrutti, the knowledge gives the identification of yourself and your family members. You will distinguish your family members as your dear and near from the outsiders to whom you are neutral. Similarly, in Nivrutti, the knowledge gives the identification of human form of God and identification of good deserving devotees...

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Does Your preaching not contradict the Bible, which says that salvation is not obtained by works but by the grace of God ?

Posted on: 26/05/2009

Work for God is karma sanyasa. Dedication of the fruit of work for God is Karmaphala Tyaga. The work indicates the practical sacrifice or service to...

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Why should we accept Krishna, when His character is only a myth from the Puranas, while Jesus is a historical personality?

Posted on: 26/05/2009

Is there any direct photograph of Jesus? Is there any audio cassette that recorded the voice of Jesus directly? If you show the birth place and the...

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Why does God speak to only one person and expect him to propagate the message to others? Why does He not speak to all?

Posted on: 26/05/2009

You are assuming that the Human Incarnation is only a Prophet bringing the word of God to the humanity. In that case, your question is reasonable....

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What is the problem if I believe that God is present in every human being and that he alone who serves all, is worshiping God?

Posted on: 26/05/2009

If God is in every human being, God is present in yourself also. Then why should you serve all? You can serve yourself repeatedly. Instead of...

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If God is unimaginable even to the 'Son of God' how can the Son of God be aware of God present in Him?

Posted on: 26/05/2009

If the existence of Unimaginable God is experienced, it does not mean that the unimaginable nature is imagined. When you see an unimaginable event...

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What is the meaning of endless service to God, when the upper worlds are only meant for enjoying the fruits of deeds?

Posted on: 26/05/2009

The upper world means hell or heaven with reference to the departed ordinary souls and this is not with reference to departed devoted souls. In hell...

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Scientists ask why God condemns materialism, when it is by materialism alone that good hospitals, roads etc. are created?

Posted on: 26/05/2009

Materialism is misunderstood by you. In spiritual knowledge, materialism means selfishness. The selfishness is condemned under the name of...

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When God is unimaginable, how is God said to have continuous happiness?

Posted on: 26/05/2009

God present in a medium is referred to when you say that God is happy. Here, God is denoted through the medium and not the absolute unimaginable...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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