Shri Datta Swami

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Posted on: 01/01/2003

The same Swami appeared in the decorations of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Scientist, Rama, Krishna, Shiva etc., to show that the same God exists in different incarnations. Unfortunately in the pictures of Gods [or the past human incarnations] such a concept is not obvious. When we see different pictures or images of Gods, they appear quite different from each other and give the psychological impression that the ‘Gods’ are different. Even in Hinduism, in which the same God is supposed to have taken different forms, this concept is not clearly reflected...

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Posted on: 01/01/2003

His Holiness Shri Datta Swami is a complete incarnation of the Lord (Pari Purna Avatara). He has come to this world to preach Divine Knowledge to mankind. In the past incarnations of the Lord, this wonderful Divine Knowledge was not revealed to its fullest extent. Today, more than ever, there is a real need for this wonderful Divine Knowledge. The situation is rather peculiar. People are not ignorant about the true knowledge. They are highly intelligent. Their minds have been sharpened by the advancement in science and technology. They know the truth but they do not like it. They want to reach the true goal by the false and convenient path. For this purpose they have twisted the meaning of the scriptures. Humanity stands divided by a number of religions and religious sects...

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Posted on: 01/01/2003

A few new visitors have posed a question to Me 'Who are You'? I must mention the answer to this question here because every new reader is obviously attacked by this question. My name is Venu Gopala Krishna Murthy with surname 'Jannabhatla'. This name belongs only to this outer most gross body, which is composed of the inert five elements. The inner body is called as the subtle body, and is made of qualities and feelings which are like waves in a pond of water. The water is the pure awareness, which is called as the causal body or soul. If all My qualities and feelings subside as in the case of a realized scholar, the soul becomes like a pond with stand still water. There cannot be waves without water and thus the subtle body cannot exist without the causal body...

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Posted on: 01/01/2003

PRICE OF THE BOOKS: The price of these books is your Guru Dakshina, which may be in the form of the sacrifice of the fruit of your work (money) or may be in the form of the sacrifice of work (propagation of this book to the right readers). The Bhagavad Gita praises the former as karmaphala tyaga and the latter as karma samnyasa. You can pay the price of this book in one of these two forms or in both forms according to your ability (Yatha shakti), your devotion to the Lord (Yatha Bhakti) and your convenience (Yathavakasha)...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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