Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Advanced Discourses

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Showing 161 – 180 of 204 Records


Posted on: 11/07/2010

The Gita says that God is unimaginable and that God enters the human form to be available for the human beings. These two points constitute the essence of the goal i.e., God (Mamtuvedana…, Manusheemtanum…). You should know that you are a part of the creation only and not the creator or [not] even part of the creator. The creator is unimaginable and you are the soul or the imaginable nature. You are made of body, qualities of the soul and the attributeless soul. The attributeless soul is the inert energy, which is isolated from any type of work. The Gita says that the attributeless soul or Atman is inert and workless (Sthanurachalah…) and the soul associated with qualities, called as Jeeva, is the inert energy associated with a specific form of work generated...

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Posted on: 17/07/2009

The debate should always be confined to the limits of relative reality and should not enter the level of absolute reality because none can even touch the absolute reality. In the absolute reality, God alone is real and everything else, which is the Creation including yourself becomes unreal with respect to God. This Creation is a process or activity or work of God. Energy is a form of work, since energy or power is dynamism of God. Matter is another form of Energy. Space is again another subtle form of Energy. Therefore, in the level of absolute reality, the entire Creation is just a relative reality, which is the work of God. Since you are also a part of the Creation, you are also a part of the relative reality. Therefore, you are just part and parcel of the work of God. Your body is matter and hence...

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Posted on: 07/07/2009

[Gurupurnima Message - Morning] The word soul (Jeevaatman) is composed of two components 1)Atman and 2)Jeeva. The component Atman is basic inert energy that is generated in the body by the oxidation of food with the help of digestive system (Annamaya kosha) and respiratory system (Pranamaya kosha). The component Jeeva consists of a complex mechanism of receiving the information from the external world, storing it, thinking about it in several ways, determining the correct path by logic and finally enjoying happiness. Ofcourse, if the path is wrong by bad logic, grief is enjoyed and all this also is part of Jeeva only. Receiving the information and thinking about it in several ways is Manomaya kosha...

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Posted on: 07/07/2009

[Gurupurnima Evening] The Advaita philosophy says that the ‘I’ of the soul should be transformed into ‘I’ of God. The process of transformation should be carefully analyzed. If the ‘I’ of the soul is destroyed, there will be no experience for the soul that it has become God. In deep sleep, the ‘I’ of the soul disappears and there is no experience at all for the soul. Moreover, the ‘I’ of God neither increases nor decreases at anytime. It remains constant. Even though God created this entire universe, God does not decrease by quantity because no part of God is transformed into universe. The worldly logic fails in the process of creation. Even if a soul merges in God, God does not increase. Since God is beyond spatial dimensions, the increase and decrease become meaningless since volume is the property of space. When you have not understood God...

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Posted on: 03/04/2009

[On the Eve of Shri Rama Navami] Dr. Nikhil told “Now the research is being conducted on the existence of Universal Consciousness. If there are some violent ideas in one place, they affect the Universal Consciousness and thereby, the minds of all the human beings are disturbed. The Universal Consciousness is Brahman, which is in contact with every human being as a continuous Universal Medium. Hence, the soul is in union with Brahman”.

Swami replied: If you want to beat somebody, call him as dog and then beat him. Even though he is not a dog; you have confirmed him as a dog for all practical purposes, in order to beat him. Similarly, you want to capture Brahman or God, who is unimaginable and cannot be captured even by intensive process of imagination. Therefore, you name some imaginable item as Brahman, capture it and then claim that you have captured God. Whatever you named or subsequently...

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Posted on: 01/02/2009

No example can be given from the world to explain the unimaginable generation of imaginable world from unimaginable God. We have to select imaginable items only to explain the concept. God creates, controls and dissolves the world like the awareness (soul) creates, controls and dissolves its imaginary world. To understand the concept, you have to place the soul in the place of God and the imaginary world in the place of the world. This does not mean that the soul is God and the world is imaginary world. If a son asks his father about the way in which he is his son, the father says that he is his son just like his grandson is the son of his son. To explain this effectively, the grandfather asks his son to keep himself in the position of the grandfather...

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Posted on: 24/12/2008

[In the below given discussion, Swami is Defendant, Misconceived Advaitin is the Petitioner and a keen follower of discussion is the Mediator. Shankara used to present the knowledge in this dialogue format.]

Petitioner: God is awareness because the Brahma Sutra (Eekkshateh…) says that God is not any inert item since the Veda says that God wished to create this Universe (Tadaikshataa…). If God is inert, He cannot wish at all.

Defendant: The Brahma Sutra certainly establishes that God is not inert. But, at the same time, the Sutra does not say that God is awareness...

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Posted on: 14/11/2008

[Crystal Clear Demarcation of three philosophies i.e., Advaita, Vishishtadvaita and Dvaita] Shankara preached Advaita Philosophy to four disciples directly and those four disciples must have understood His philosophy to the best because they heard Shankara directly. Those four disciples must have become God (Brahman) and should not have served anybody as slaves because God will not serve anybody since He is served by all. But, the four disciples served Shankara like slaves. When Shankara asked Padmapada (one of the four disciples) to bring the washed and dried saffron clothes from the other bank, Padmapada obeyed the order of Shankara more than a slave and walked across the river without fearing death by drowning...

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Posted on: 19/08/2008

The five parts (Pancha Koshas) are to be analyzed carefully to understand that Awareness is neither the unimaginable God (Mayee) nor His unimaginable power (Maya). The straight reason is that the awareness is an imaginable item. The pure awareness can be easily understood in the state of meditation. When all the thoughts are dissolved, the awareness alone remains and this state is called as self-meditation. In this state, the self or the awareness alone remains. Shankara filtered all the five parts or sheaths (Koshas) and the final filtrate is this pure awareness or self of human beings. In this state, the awareness is aware of itself. The subject (Jnata) and object (Jneya) disappear...

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Posted on: 04/08/2008

There is only one God as per the Veda (Ekameva Advitiyam Brahma…) but the awareness is in multiple bits called as living beings. There is only one Ajay but the red shirts are several. If there is only one red shirt like one Ajay, the constant association is valid in both directions. It means, wherever there is Ajay, there is red shirt and wherever there is red shirt, Ajay exists there. Similarly, if there is only one bit of awareness like one God, we can draw the logic of saying wherever there is God, there is awareness and wherever there is awareness, there is God. In such case, we can say that God is awareness and awareness is God. But, in practical experience (Anubhava Pramana), the awareness is discontinuous...

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Posted on: 03/08/2008

Propagation of knowledge is the greatest task and hence, it is done by God only directly. To satisfy an intellectual is very difficult. To convince the greatest genius like Mandana Misra, it requires super-intelligence and so God alone can do it. No intellectual human being can convince another intellectual human being. Therefore, God Himself incarnated in human form as Shankara. To propagate devotion and service, such incarnation of God is not necessary. Developing devotion through praise and songs is easy work. Therefore, Adisesha, the most beloved servant to God, incarnated as Ramanuja. Propagation of service is still easier and hence, another devoted angel, Vayu incarnated as Madhva. Vayu is in constanant...

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Posted on: 24/07/2007

When the Veda says that God is not body (Akayam), how do you support the Human Incarnation of God?
[Reply to Shri Surya, Mumbai] God is not any medium or body (Akayamavranam Veda) because God is unimaginable. The body or medium is a part of creation and hence, is imaginable. God is also not modified into the medium or body. God only enters the medium or body. The electric current is not the wire. The current is not modified into the wire. The current has entered the wire. As long as the current exists in the wire, the wire has to be treated as the current. There is no way to experience the current other than this. The wire attains the property of the electric current...

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Posted on: 09/07/2007

The individual soul (Jeeva) is a bundle of various qualities, which are different proportions of the three basic qualities called as Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas (Nanyam Gunebhyah—Gita). The material of these qualities is awareness or nervous energy called as Chit and this material is known as soul (Atman). The soul is beyond these qualities (Nirgunam) and the same is stated in the Gita (Gunebhyashcha param…). The individual soul always contains the basic material (soul) and hence can be called as Jeevatman [Jeeva + Atman], which is like calling water as waves. Awareness is a special work-form of inert energy and this inert energy is produced by the oxidation of food. The inert energy, on functioning...

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Posted on: 15/06/2007

[Shri Lakshman asked Swami to explain the reason for the twist given by Shankara in His philosophy because of which alone the differences in the interpretations of the scriptures arose.]

Background-Relevant Preaching: If you understand the background of Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva and also the different atmospheres of devotees that existed over a span of time, the differences in the philosophies can be realized and the unity in the entire program can be perfectly appreciated. Before the arrival of Shankara, the Purva Mimamsakas were very ambitious to get heavenly pleasures...

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Posted on: 14/06/2007

[This topic is for scientists, philosophers and intellectuals for whom a slow patient reading is recommended. Swami jokes that this topic is a hard topic for digestion and can be considered as a costly vegetarian dish for rich intellectuals. The other easy topics are like easily digestible cheap vegetarian dishes meant for the common man! Mr. Anil Antony asked Swami that a scientist says, “What is the difficulty in explaining the process of creation? The theory of evolution proposed by Darwin explains it very well”].

Limits of the Validity of Evolution: The main aspect in the theory of evolution proposed by Darwin is that any organ is developed to meet a need. Similarly, any organ is suppressed when the need disappears. In the case of a man the tail disappeared because its use was not there anymore due to the improved efficiency of the hands in say driving away flies. Therefore, evolution...

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Posted on: 20/03/2007

God is always unimaginable and unknowable for any human being and under any circumstances because He is beyond the dimensions of space and time. This is very much stressed in the Veda and the Gita. There is no second thought about this point and Shankara also said the same when He said that God could be understood only in deep sleep. In deep sleep (Sushupti) there is no entity that understands (Jnata) because the process of understanding (Jnanam) disappears. When the process of burning disappears, there is no fire. If you say that the process of knowing itself is the knower, then also the knower is absent because there is no process of knowing in deep sleep. The knower can no more be a knower if the knower loses the process...

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Posted on: 05/03/2007

Tomorrow Lakshman is leaving for Mumbai. Therefore I shall serve a food item, which is to his taste on this farewell day. I will serve the food item of his liking, which is prepared in a better way or in a proper way so that its original true taste is known to him and his liking for that food item will be reinforced. The food item that he likes is the philosophy of Shri Ramana Maharishi, who is considered to be the human incarnation of Lord Subrahmanya. Lord Subrahmanya is the son of Lord Shiva i.e. He is the incarnation of Shiva. Shri Ramana Maharishi was a follower of the philosophy of Shankara, who is also an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is the incarnation of Lord Datta (Shiva Datta) who is the source of all the three divine forms (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). When Lord Datta...

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Posted on: 04/03/2007

Shankara stated that awareness is Brahman irrespective of its association with intelligence or good and bad qualities. This means that birds and animals without intelligence and even cruel wild beings are introduced into the spiritual field since Brahman or God [by Shankara’s definition] exists in all living beings. Of course there is no use of spiritual knowledge for animals. But Shankara included all living beings in the spiritual field because even among human beings, there are some without intelligence and some demons having cruel qualities. Lord Shiva is worshipped even by demons and is said to be the Lord of animals (Pashupati). Angels with great intelligence and good qualities also worship Lord Shiva. Therefore, Shankara embraced...

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Posted on: 05/12/2006

[Datta Jayanti, Shri Ajay asked: You have said that Maya is unimaginable and Prakruti is imaginable. But, you said that Prakruti should be understood as Maya and you quoted the same from the Gita (Mayamtu Prakrutim Viddhi…). How to correlate these two points because unimaginable is different from imaginable?]

Swami replied: You will understand this concept, when God helps a realized devotee and an ignorant devotee in difficulties. The difficulties giving misery are the best ground to understand this statement of Lord in the Gita. Therefore, love the problems and misery. Hate peace and happiness. But, this should be limited to yourself for the personal spiritual effort and should not be extended to society surrounding you. You are not supposed to disturb the society around you in any way in which case God will be furious...

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Posted on: 12/11/2006

The knowledge consists of three components (Triputi) 1) The goal; 2) The soul and 3) The path of the soul to please the goal. The knowledge of the world is not dealt separately because the knowledge of the soul itself is the knowledge of the world since the soul is a part of the world. When the devotees criticize the knowledge, they should specify the component of the knowledge. The devotee cannot criticize the goal because the goal is God. The knowledge of God generates the attraction (devotion) to God. This component is spoiled by Advaitins, who say that the soul in every human being is God...

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