Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Discourses

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Showing 3661 – 3680 of 3714 Records

Rohit Gita - III

Posted on: 03/02/2005

Rohit: Swami! We should not follow a wrong person at any cost.

Swami: Yes, Rohit! You are absolutely correct in this point

It is better to be in zero if not plus, but should not be minus

But one should try and succeed to achieve the plus

Fearing that you may fall in minus you should not be in zero...

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Rohit Gita - II

Posted on: 02/02/2005

Rohit: Swami! I thank you very much for bringing me into the true path

From the mis-guidance of others, I am very grateful to you.

I need no miracle since True believers do not require any proof.


Swami: Oh! Rohit! Do you think that You have deviated from the truth?

How can you deviate from the Lord, who is such a practical philosopher?

It is by the will of the Lord, that guy misguided you from the truth...

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Rohit Gita - I

Posted on: 01/02/2005

Nikhil: Oh! Swami! None knows your ways, which are always miraculous;

Rohit has a doubt now when the things are finalized for the mission.


Swami: You are Dharma Raja and Rohit is your brother Arjuna,

Who has let down his bow and arrows on the ground in the last minute.

Arjuna was mislead by the love on Bhishma standing before him...

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Posted on: 01/01/2005


When I reach the state of awareness of awareness
That is the final state of salvation in which state
I experience the Brahman and that is Samadhi
Oh! Sadguru Dattaswami! Explain to me clearly



I am the knowledge, love and bliss
The Vedas call Me Parabrahman
Knowledge, love and bliss concentrated
Multiplied by infinity is Myself...

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Posted on: 26/12/2004

In the beginning Brahman (God) was One and alone. Only Brahman knows about Brahman and this is the meaning of the Vedic statement, “Brahmavit Brahmaiva Bhavati”. But this statement is misinterpreted and people say that “He who knows Brahman becomes Brahman”. This is not the correct meaning because the Veda says that Brahman cannot be known by the senses, mind, intelligence or logic (Yato Vachah, Nachakshusha, Apraapya Manasaa, Namedhayaa, Naisha Tarkena etc.). The Gita says “Maamtu Veda Na kaschana”, which means that no body knows Brahman. The reason for this is that Brahman is beyond space. The imagination or intelligence of any human being cannot cross the three dimensional space. Therefore, no human being can imagine Brahman, which is beyond...

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Posted on: 26/12/2004

Final Goal: To achieve Datta by Brahma Vidya is only the first step but to please Datta is the real and final step. To please Datta, the only way is sacrifice. Now the question is: sacrifice of what? People have taken it as the sacrifice of words, mind and intelligence. The sacrifice of these three items is only the sacrifice of one paisa in a rupee [100 paise=1 rupee]. These three items are attained by human beings without any effort, just by the birth itself. It is something like the donation of a tumbler of drinking water, which is supplied by the municipality in plenty. Even here, you are donating that, which is in excess for you. When there is leisure time and there is no possibility of earning more money by sacrificing these three items, then only you donate...

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Posted on: 30/11/2004

A person took some food to give it to a cow. A cow, a donkey, a dog and a cat were present there. He asked, “Which is the cow?” The cow replied “I am the cow”. The person thought that that animal claimed to be the cow due to its ambition to get the food. Therefore, even if you speak the truth you have to see the psychology of the person who is hearing you. The cow said “Recognize the cow by its special characteristic which is the loose skin that hangs below the neck. No other animal will have it.” The person thought that the animal is very intelligent and cunning to give such an identifying sign. The cow should tell him about this identifying sign by referring to the scriptures like this, “The Shastras say that the cow alone...

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Posted on: 05/10/2004

If we grasp the essence of the Ramayana, Bhagavatam and Mahabharata, it will be very useful to our spiritual effort. Hanuman was a saint (monk). He could not sacrifice the fruit of work (money). He could only sacrifice his work (his efforts for the Lord’s mission) and dedicate the fruit of His efforts to the Lord. He always participated in the work of the Lord and sacrificed himself in the work of the Lord. In the Bhagavatam, the Gopikas were householders. They could sacrifice the fruit of their work. Moreover there was no work of the Lord at that time in which they could participate and so there was no need of any sacrifice of work. They did not give the fruit of their work (butter) even to their children...

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Posted on: 01/09/2004

A saint (monk, sanyasi) does not do any worship using flowers, fume sticks, camphor, coconuts etc. He does not burn ghee (clarified butter) or oil in the lamp. He does not do any sacrifice by burning ghee and food in the fire. Only the householders are doing such rituals with the help of priests. When a saint comes, all householders including priests are supposed to prostrate before the saint. What does this mean? The stage of the saint is certainly a higher stage. The saint also does not chant the Gayatri hymn. He has given up the sacred thread because he knows that the sacred thread (yajnopaveetam) with three strings is only a model representing the three qualities of the nature (prakriti). This model indicates...

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Posted on: 15/08/2004

The Gita says very clearly that the fruit of one’s work (money and wealth) should be spent only in the following two channels: 1) For the minimum requirements of living (Shareera yaatraa’pi cha te…),  2) For the mission of the Lord.

There is a third channel, which should be closed. This third channel is that of unlimited enjoyment and unlimited ambition to store for future generations. If you follow this path, the excessive enjoyment brings you diseases and all your money will go in medicines and hospitals. In this way you are not really enjoying. Storing for the future generations is also meaningless. Due to this stored wealth, your future generations...

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Posted on: 31/07/2004

There is no village or town in India in which there is no temple of Lord Rama. The statue of Rama preaches two points to you: 1) The Lord will come in human form, 2) Miracles are not the signs of the Lord. As told in the Gita, the Lord comes only in human form (Maanusheem tanum aashritam). Even though Lord Rama did not perform any miracles, Hanuman and the sages identified Rama as the Lord. Hanuman himself exhibited several miracles but he never claimed to be the Lord. Ravana on the other hand, exhibited miracles and claimed to be the Lord, but nobody agreed...

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Posted on: 15/07/2004

Swami Vivekananda gave an excellent discourse in Chicago and a roaring appreciation was given to him. He gave the credit of his discourse to his Guru Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He said that when he started the discourse he became nervous and his Guru appeared before him. He said that his Guru started speaking through him. Thus he gave the entire credit to his Guru because he knew that when an excellent work is done through him, the credit should always go to the Lord. The energy to do good work is always given by the Lord and due to that reason also the credit should really go to the Lord. The Lord was very much pleased...

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Posted on: 30/06/2004

A temple represents the body of the human incarnation (Deho devaalaya proktah). The statue in the temple represents the Lord in a human body (Jeevo devah sanatanah). The Gita also says that the Lord enters a human body and comes down to this earth (Manusheem tanum aashritam). The Veda says that the Lord can be seen here on the earth itself (Yat saakshat aparokshaat Brahma). The temple and the statue are only models to teach this concept. Once the concept is understood there is no need of any model. Hanuman recognized the human incarnation (Lord Rama) and sacrificed all his work to the Lord. Hanuman was not a householder and so he did not possess money to sacrifice to the Lord...

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Posted on: 15/06/2004

Lord Datta preached to Yadu about 24 teachers present in nature. These teachers are natural items like a tree, a river etc. which are similes for the natural qualities of the Lord. When there is a great deal of similarity between a certain natural item and the Lord with respect to a certain quality, we say that the natural item and the Lord are one and the same (in a metaphorical sense). For example: When a girl is red in color, we say that the girl is red like a rose (similie). When the similarities between the girl and the rose are even more, we say that the girl is a rose (metaphor). Of course it does not mean that one can marry a rose flower instead of the girl. Only an ignorant person...

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Posted on: 30/05/2004

Swami sent four copies of the Sri Datta Vani Spiritual Magazine to four persons from foreign countries. Two of the recipients were of Indian origin and two were foreigners. The two foreigners replied immediately and also extended their support. The two Indians did not even acknowledge. Why is there such a difference in attitude among Indians and foreigners? For Indians, their family bonds are very strong. Even if they have earned enough money to last for ten generations they will continue to work and save for the eleventh generation. Foreigners send away even their own children (first generation) from the home to earn and live on their own after a certain age. The family bonds of foreigners are weak. Therefore, they are easily able to sacrifice money for the spiritual service of the Lord. Money is the fruit of work. The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the sacrifice...

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Posted on: 15/05/2004

The original Hindu tradition in ancient times when rishis (sages) existed was the most precious diamond in the world. There is no trace of doubt in this statement. But today the tradition has turned into charcoal. Perhaps many of you do not know that diamond and charcoal are two forms of same element i.e., carbon. When the carbon atoms are in a crystalline state, it is diamond. The same carbon atoms in an amorphous state are charcoal. The substance is same but the arrangement of atoms differs. Therefore, the same tradition was re-arranged and twisted. The tradition lost the brilliant shine of a diamond and has now acquired a black color. The diamond is very strong and cannot be cut. But the charcoal is easily broken. Thus, the strength of the ancient tradition has been completely lost...

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Posted on: 26/04/2004

Shankara the Genius: Shankara is the top most genius in this world. He was the Incarnation of Lord Shiva. He had the third eye, which is the eye of knowledge that always burns with flames. It is said “Jnanam Maheshwaraat icchet”, which means that only Lord Shiva can give spiritual knowledge. During the time of Shankara, there were two types of atheists: 1)Purva mimaamsakas: They are ritualists, who perform rituals without any analysis and knowledge, 2)Buddhists: They always argue with logic and say that everything is ‘nothing’ (Shunya Vaada)...

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Posted on: 09/04/2004

The Father and the Son:Jesus said “My Father and I are one and the same”. The Father means the Creator who is beyond words, mind, intelligence and even imagination. This Father is called as God and has different names. Christians call Him as Jehovah. Muslims call Him Allah. Hindus call Him as Parabrahman. Buddha kept silent about God because God is beyond words. But followers of Buddha misunderstood the silence as negation and interpreted that Buddha denied the existence of God. This God incarnates...

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Posted on: 22/02/2004

The Greatest Religion: Islam is the greatest religion in this world and I am not making this statement without reason. The reason is that Islam is the only religion, which deals with practical spiritual efforts without any trace of theoretical gossip. This religion shows excellent tolerance towards other religions. Islam says that you should even protect the non-believers of Islam if they pray for protection from you. After protecting them, you can give them the message of Allah and send them...

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Posted on: 18/02/2004

Light and Darkness: Shiva is knowledge (Jnanam Maheswaraat ichchhet). Knowledge is sattvam (Satvaat sanjaayate jnaanam). Sattvam is light (Prakaasa upajaayate, Vivruddham sattvamityuta). Therefore, Shiva is light and is white in colour. Science says that light energy is in the form of waves. The Shiva Linga (symbol of Shiva) is in the form of a wave. In the word ‘Shiva Raatri’, ‘raatri’ means tamas (darkness or ignorance). The Lord is controlling both...

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