Shri Datta Swami

 15 Jan 2023


Divine Experiences of Shri Anil Antony

[By Shri Anil Antony]

Miraculous Stoppage of leakage in the flat

Around 3 years ago, there was some water seepage in the bed room of my flat in Navi Mumbai. As time passed by, the issue aggravated and continuous drops of water was falling in the master bed room from the ceiling. The plaster also fell down. The tenants were complaining about this. I contacted society office and builder many times, they said they cannot do anything about that since it is an internal issue and I have to solve this issue mutually in consultation with the flat owner staying in the above flat. The main issue was that the people staying in the above flat was not at all cooperating added to that only ladies were staying there and it was very difficult to convince them.

Saturdays & Sundays I go there and beg them to enter their flat to search and locate the leakage source. This happened for a long time. One day I went there and the flat owner, after seeing me, just closed their door and shouted at me to go away. Assuming the leakage may be from their first bathroom; the bathroom tiles were changed, but still the water leakage did not stop. This irritated them as well as me. After this the flat owner become very hostile and did not allow me to enter their flat. After repeated appeals I tried several means to locate the source of leakage taking experts help.

This went on for almost 3 years.  Some said the tiles of the second bathroom also need to be changed. As a last resort I thought let us change the tiles of 2nd bath room and I gave the work to a plumber. Even after giving work to the plumber the flat owner above gave one or the other reason and did not allow to start the work to change the tiles of bath room. This delay happened for almost 1 month.

One day, by Swami’s grace the plumber went to their flat and looked again for any other probable source. Then he located the source of leakage from an overhead tank kept in their kitchen area which was overflowing all the time. He stopped the over flow and the leakage also stopped. Thus 3 yearlong head ache disappeared with just mere will of Swami.

I cannot even imagine the situation in which the tiles of the second bathroom also changed and leakage do not stop. What would have been the reaction of those people staying! I thank His Holiness Shri Datta Swami a million times for this invaluable help to solve this burning issue.

Food during train journey

One day I was coming from Kerala by train to Mumbai. Even though food for lunch was prepared and packed I forgot to take the food along with me. I realised it when I was in the train. During lunch time I was looking for the food. But only non-veg food was available in the train as well as outside. It was raining also. Whenever train stop, the coach in which I was travelling stops outside of the platform and I could not go out for buying the food. This happened for some time. Then I thought it may be my fate. Just after that the train stopped in Mangalore station. To my surprise my Coach stopped just in front of a hotel and from there I could get the veg meals.  This incident shows that Swami takes care of even the fundamental needs of us. Thank You very much Swami for this.

Saving from extreme cold climate

Recently I had to visit Delhi for an official work. Early morning, I along with my colleague started to Airport by Taxi. In the Taxi my colleague asked me whether I have taken sweater or not. I told no. I have no idea that Delhi is under cold wave. Since everybody knows this; he thought that I also will bring the sweater by default. By Swami’s grace another team is also coming to Delhi but their flight is after 1 hr. Then we immediately informed the other group to bring 1 extra sweater. By Swamis grace my colleague was wearing an inner sweater and he was also having 1 extra sweater for his use. He gave me that sweater when we got down at the airport. We had to wait at outside airport till the second team come. It was terribly cold that time. If my colleague did not bring that extra sweater, I should have waited for the other team to arrive to get the sweater. Swami saved me by arranging the sweater of my colleague at the right moment. Thank You Swami for saving me from the crunch situation.

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