Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 28 Mar 2023


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How do we know whether You are pleased with our work or not?

[Smt. lakshmi lavanya K asked: I am experiencing a lot of difference in my life after You came into my life, only You are handling each and every situation in my daily routine, But still I want to live with You. Is my wish wrong? You are saying pleasing God is best, in trying to please You we do mistakes, how should we know that You are pleased by our work or not?]

Swami replied: - If you are thinking about the pleasure of God for your work, your next aspiration will be to aspire for some fruit in return from God for the sake of your selfish pleasure. Even if the devotee says “I don’t have any aspiration for any selfish pleasure. But, I need to know whether my work is pleasing God or not because then only I can proceed continuously in my work since I have the confidence that my work is pleasing God”. The answer for this type of statement is “After walking on the road, suppose you have reached the Y junction. One way will certainly lead to hell with liquid fire. Another way will lead to blissful abode of God. But, you don’t know which way leads to hell and which way leads to God. In such a case, it is better not to travel in any way since both are unknown ways. You must stop the journey at the junction till you get perfect information about both the ways. Stopping at the junction means to stop enquiring the measure of pleasure of God every time by asking God “How many kgs. of pleasure you have now due to my work?” The pleasure of a person can be easily known and need not be known orally only. Sometimes a person may reply that he is pleased with the work for the sake of avoiding hurting the other soul. The superconsciousness (consciousness in the state of contact with God) will certainly reveal the truth. If you are clear to your innermost consciousness, that is the clear instruction from God.
