16 May 2023
[Devotees asked some questions during some recent Satsangas and Swami replied to them, which are given below.]
[A question by Shri M. Rakesh]
Swami Replied:- A soul like Rama or Krishna or Sai Baba is God. Both extremities are wrong. One extremity is that every soul is God. Another extremity is that no soul is God. Since the soul that became God is having all the properties of every soul, every soul is challenging that specific soul that why it is also not God since the same properties like birth, death, sleep, hunger, thirst etc., exist. Here, the specific soul is charged by God like a specific wire charged by current. The charged electric wire also looks like a normal non-electrified wire since the current will not interfere with the properties of the wire in which it is flowing.
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