Shri Datta Swami

 07 May 2024


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How to detach from fascinations like watching worldly films?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked: Swami, some devotees are suffering with fascination to worldly films. How to detach from such blind fascination?]

Swami replied:- If you want detachment from worldly films, you must attach to the films of God since God is opposite to the world as said in the Veda (Dūramete viparīte viṣūcī). If you want to detach from winter (cold air), you must associate with summer (hot air). Shankara told that there are four stages to get strong association with God. The first one is association with spiritual scholars and devotees in presence of the Sadguru (Satsanga). The second stage is detachment from worldly bonds (nissanga). The third stage is permanent detachment from the fascination of the worldly bonds (nirmoha). The fourth step and final stage is the unshakable bond with God (nishcala tattva). The final fruit of all these four stages is liberation from world while alive (Jiivanmukti). Similarly, there are four stages to get strong attachment with worldly bonds. The first stage is association with worldly bonds, worldly people and worldly films. The second stage is detachment from God and salvation. The third stage is permanent detachment from the devotion to God. The fourth stage and final stage is the unshakable bond with worldly affairs. The final fruit of all these four stages is liberation from the concept of God becoming an atheist. In the prior case, the soul reaches the abode of God (Brahma Loka) and sometimes even Goloka. In the latter case, the soul reaches the horrible hell and sometimes even the special hells maintained by God Kaalabhairava. In the second case, the four stages are like the four stages of cancer disease. Cancer is certainly curable in the first stage. Similarly, the soul of the second case is curable in the first stage of association with worldly films. The best way to attach with God is by studying the true spiritual knowledge of the Sadguru. Association with devotees encourages to read the spiritual knowledge more and more sincerely. The soul must see the films of devotion to God instead of seeing the films of worldly affairs. This is like attaching to summer to get rid of winter. The soul can also see TV devotional channels like Bhakti, Samskaar, Aastha, etc. The movies of biographies of incarnations and great devotees are also very much recommended in this line.

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