Shri Datta Swami

 09 Apr 2004



The Father and the Son:Jesus said “My Father and I are one and the same”. The Father means the Creator who is beyond words, mind, intelligence and even imagination. This Father is called as God and has different names. Christians call Him as Jehovah. Muslims call Him Allah. Hindus call Him as Parabrahman. Buddha kept silent about God because God is beyond words. But followers of Buddha misunderstood the silence as negation and interpreted that Buddha denied the existence of God. This God incarnates on the earth. He creates a human body and pervades all over that human body as electric current pervades all over a metallic wire. Since God created the human body of His Incarnation, God is called as the Father and the Human Incarnation is called as His Son. The electric wire is [can be treated as] the current itself because wherever you touch the wire, it gives a shock, which is the property of electric current. For all practical purposes the electric wire is the current. Similarly, the Human Incarnation is the Creator or God. Therefore, the Son is the Father. The Human Incarnation can be seen by us and we can talk with Him. We can touch and can live with the Son. Thus vision, conversation, touch, and living together with God are the four fortunes given to the devotees.

God can never even be imagined by any human effort. But by His infinite kindness, He is not only seen but He also talks, touches and lives with us. If you cannot utilize such infinite kindness shown to us by God, and if you neglect the Human Incarnation due to your ego and jealousy, you are losing everything forever. Neither can you attain the unattainable God nor do you accept His Human Incarnation that approaches you. You are a loser on both sides. Such Human Incarnations come to various parts of the earth and they are Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Buddha, Mahavir etc. Therefore, Jesus is Jehovah. Mohammed is Allah and Krishna is Parabrahman. The electric wire is the current. The Son and the Father are one and the same. One should not extrapolate this truth by saying, “Since every man is God’s son, every man is also the Father.” If every son were the Father Himself, then there would be no necessity of preaching.

Suffering for Whom?

God has to come in a human body alone to preach to human beings. But there is a natural repulsion between any two human beings as in the case of like-charged particles[1]; this repulsion is jealousy and ego. The crucifixion of Lord Jesus is the best example of such jealousy and ego. Holy Jesus suffered only for the sins of the real believers of God. One of the basic ideas of the Human Incarnation is to suffer for the sins of deserving devotees. The human body is selected for Incarnation for this very purpose. The human body of the Incarnation suffers like any other human body. Then alone is the real transfer of sins fully justified. The Incarnation can avoid the pain while He is suffering for devotees’ sins by using the super power of God. But God never deceives justice. Therefore, Jesus really suffered all the punishments of deserving devotees just as any other human body suffers. He thus fulfilled the justice in the transfer of sins. This is the real reason why God selects a human body and gets identified with it. In the case of an inert statue, such transfer of suffering cannot take place[2]. Although the Son is suffering on the Holy Cross, actually it is the Father who pervaded all over the Son that suffered. This is the essence of saying that the Father and the Son are one and the same.

The Father does not suffer for the sins of wicked people who will not change at all. Only those who are the real devotees and those who have served the Lord without aspiring for anything in return, are liberated from their sins. Such devotees never pray to the Lord for liberation from their sins because they never desire that the Lord should suffer for their sins. Therefore, they never agree to the liberation from their sins. If they come to know, they will object to such a transfer of sins because they are real devotees of God. Hence, the Lord suffers for their sins without revealing it to them. If you do not turn to the Lord, you have to carry all your sins with you and go to hell. If you turn towards the Lord, He will liberate you from all your sins provided you change and lead the rest of your life in His divine service. His work is to bring peace in this world and see that every human being gets salvation. He wants hell to be permanently closed. But you should turn towards God without aspiring for liberation from your sins. You must participate in His service and yet you should be ready to undergo the punishments of your sins as per the rule. You should not ask Him or even desire for such liberation from your sins. Once you desire for such liberation, you are indirectly asking the Lord to suffer for your sins. In such a case, you are not His real devotee. He takes your sins and liberates you only when you serve Him without any aspiration for such liberation.

[1] Two positively charged particles repel each other. Similarly, two negatively charged particles also repel each other. i.e. like charges repel each other.

[2] If God comes to earth in the form of a statue, He cannot suffer for the sins of His devotees since a statue cannot suffer like a human being. Transferring the sins of a devotee onto a statue, which cannot suffer, would be a violation of justice.

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