Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 17 May 2023


English »   Malayalam »  

Shall I verify the conclusions of a debate of co-devotees with the Sadguru?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:  If I am convinced by the conclusions of a debate with my co-devotees, is it sufficient or have we to verify with the Sadguru? Is it not disturbing the time of the Sadguru?]

Swami replied: Sometimes due to the weak potential of the analysis, you may be convinced by a wrong conclusion. Due to this defect only, false religions are also spreading in this kali age. If you have the facility of asking the Sadguru, it is far far better to verify the conclusions with the help of your Sadguru. Then, you can believe the conclusions closing your eyes. When the facility of verification exists, why take any type of risk? The very purpose of the arrival of the Sadguru to this earth is only to clarify the doubts of humanity in Pravrutti and Nivrutti. Moreover, when your doubts are clarified in writing, such clarifications given by the Sadguru will help the similar devotees. Every clarification from the Sadguru must be recorded and propagated, which is called Jnaana Yajna by which God said in the Gita that He will be pleased in climax level (Jñāna yajñena tenāham…).
