1. Please explain why is Veda called as both Aparaa Vidyaa and Paraa Vidyaa.
[Smt. Chhanda Chandra asked:- Paadanamaskaaram O Guru Datta! In today’s Satsang (31st August 2024) what a blissful knowledge You showered on all of us! With my head bowed down completely, I would like to request You once again to kindly explain this topic on why Veda is called as Aparaa vidya (inferior knowledge) in some context and Paraa vidya (superior knowledge) in some other context. You made the understanding of Veda clearer today.]
Swami replied:- The same Veda describing the performance of sacrifice is inferior in the angle of misunderstanding and is called Aparaa Vidyaa (Inferior Knowledge). The same sacrifice is superior...
1. Kindly give the essence of the following verse.
[Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Kindly give the essence of the following verses from Quran and Hadith. At Your Lotus Divine Feet -anil. Allah's Messenger said, “Do not exaggerate my status as the Christians have done with the son of Mary. Verily, I am only a servant, so refer to me as the servant of Allah and His messenger”. [Sahih al-Bukhari 3443]]
Swami replied:- This confirms the theory of Prophet Mohammad that there is no human incarnation...
Shri Ashish asked: Bad son: O my mother, Swami. I am devoted to Bhagavan Vishnu, lovingly I call God as my own mother to embrace pure feelings and affection unto Lord. Hence, I addressed You as mother. I have been suffering...
Anju asked: Swamy I am struggling, I don’t have a job and money is also stuck in a property. What should I do. I need to sell that property at the right rate and desperately need a job, been trying for over one...
Dr. Nikhil asked: Padanamaskarams Swamiji, I seek your kind explanation regarding the thumb-sized Puruṣa described in the Veda. Please refer to this file: Thumb-Sized Purusha.docx. Your servant, Nikhil
Questions about the Thumb-Sized Puruṣa: What is the thumb-sized puruṣa described by the Veda?
This topic was discussed in a spiritual debate at Sringeri, a few years ago...
Dr. Nikhil asked: Padanamaskarams Swamiji, I request You to kindly clarify the following doubt about the interpretation of this Vedic statement. Your servant, Nikhil
In what sense does the Veda say that God causes souls to rise or fall to higher or lower worlds?
eṣa eva sādhu karma kārayati taṃ yamebhyo lokebhya unninīṣata eṣa evāsādhu karma kārayati taṃ yamebhyo lokebhyo'dho ninīṣate—Veda, Kauśītakī Brāhmaṇa 3.8...
Amudha asked: Pāda Namaskaaram, Swami, These thoughts keep going on in my mind, Swami. I keep thinking repeatedly about changing my workplace, considering either Hyderabad or Bangalore. Swami, I’ve been very stressed, and one of my friends suggested that I visit an astrologer. Recently, my mind and actions have not been logical...
Shri Soumyadip Mondal asked: Respectful pronam Swamiji, Many times You have explained in details about do's and don'ts for a soul in this world. Will You kindly summarize the same about how to earn merits in this world so that the fruits of good works...
[A question by Shri Anil Antony]
Swami replied:- Generally, our thinking is first phase and making it materialized is the second phase. We have to do a lot of work in order to materialize our wishes. In the case of God...
[Shri Kama Sastry garu through Smt. Rama Sundari garu: The Inner Meaning of Datta Jayanti (Part-2). In response to the above message, following question was raised. Om Sairam Sai, I have not understood properly. In such a case, there is a doubt whether all the pujas we do are correct or not. Think it over if you can.]
Swami replied:- Suppose the majority does a sin, will it be correct since the majority is doing? In a foreign country, if all the people living in that country are non-vegetarians, will you support...
(Shri G. Lakshman and Smt. Chhanda from Mumbai and Smt. Priyanka from Canada participated in this Satsanga along with some local devotees.)
1. Which type of Maya is crossed in the miracle of continuous water coming out of the Shirdi Sai statue?
[Smt. Chhanda asked:- Swami, You mentioned that a lot of water is coming out from a very small statue of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. Does this miracle come under crossing Maayaa or Maha Maayaa or Mula Maayaa?]
Swami replied:- This miracle is crossing Mula Maayaa because large amount of new space is created during the miracle. To understand this miracle, you have to cross space, which is impossible. The size of the statue is very small and hence, very small space exists in the statue. Lot of water that needs very large space for existence is coming out from...
(Shri G. Lakshman and Smt. Chhanda from Mumbai and Smt. Priyanka from Canada participated in this Satsanga along with some local devotees.)
Shri G Lakshman asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami. For the liberation of the soul, is the association with some divine personality necessary?
Swami replied:- For the liberation of a soul, three conditions are there as told by Shankara in His book called ‘Viveka Cuudaamani’, which are i) Human birth, ii) Intensive desire for liberation and iii) Associating with Sadguru...
(Shri G. Lakshman and Smt. Chhanda from Mumbai and Smt. Priyanka from Canada participated in this Satsanga along with some local devotees.)
Shri Phani asked:- Veda said that God is bored with the continuous single type of state, which is existing alone (Ekakii na ramate). Here, the God referred must be unimaginable God existing before creation. In such case, who has seen the boredom of God?
Swami replied:- Seeing something and getting information is perception (Pratyaksha Pramaanam). Assuming the information without perception is inference (Anumaana Pramaanam). Fire emitting smoke in the kitchen is seen...
(Shri G. Lakshman and Smt. Chhanda from Mumbai and Smt. Priyanka from Canada participated in this Satsanga along with some local devotees.)
[Prof. JSR Prasad asked:- Swami, in the Gita, God Krishna says that there is no need of weeping in any context (Tatra kaa paridevanaa?). Is it real and practically possible?]
Swami replied:- The creation is existing in both expressed state (Vyakta) during existence of creation and in subtle state (Avyakta) after dissolution of the creation like the film show and the film reel after the show is over. Therefore, nothing is destroyed and everything...
(Shri G. Lakshman and Smt. Chhanda from Mumbai and Smt. Priyanka from Canada participated in this Satsanga along with some local devotees.)
Dr. Geetha Lahari asked:- Swami, You told that we should not control our devotion but control our self to become a Sthitaprajna. But, when a devotee loves God selflessly, there is no ‘self’ only. Therefore, how can we control the ‘self’ when it doesn’t exist in devotion to God?
Swami replied:- ‘Selfless’ does not mean that the ‘self’ is really absent. It only means that you should not be aware of your ‘self’. When you are not aware...
(The human incarnation is an example of 100% monism with God
and the ordinary souls are examples of 0% monism with God.)
[February 22, 2016, Shri. Ajay asked: “Bhagavan Shri Satya Sai Baba was repeatedly telling that every human being is God, which perfectly coincides with the Advaita Philosophy of Shankara. This philosophy is opposed mainly by the concept that a specific human being alone is God, which is contemporary human incarnation. Reconciliation of these two contradicting concepts is to be clarified and this is the basic necessity in the spiritual knowledge”.]
Shri Swami Replied: First, let us take the most important and most sacred epics like the Shrimat Ramayanam and the Shrimat Bhagavatam, which represent the concept of the specific contemporary human incarnation. Thus, we are starting from one side thoroughly after which only we can speak about...
1a. Someone says PM is not a religious leader and is the PM of a secular country. Please reply on it.
Smt. Priyanka asked:- Questions raised on Ayodhya Ram mandir & other topics: Padanamaskaram Swami, Some Hindu people I know who are not only atheists and agnostics but also theists have commented negatively about Ayodhya Ram Mandir, religion, and other topics during a big discussion. The following are the long list of comments made by them. Please advise on how one should respond to such arguments. "While I am seeing all the happiness...
O Datta! You are Pashupati, the Lord of all animals,
Internal and external animals are ignorant and excusable,
Internal animals and external humans are not...
Shri Anil asked:- In the Bible, after rising from death, Jesus appeared to His disciples and He spoke to Peter as follows. Why did Jesus ask Peter the following 3 times? At Your Divine Lotus Feet-anil.
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord, You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs.” He then said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me...
Smt. Lakshmi Lavanya K asked: Namaste Swami. I had a dream. In the dream, Phani Swami spoke to me on the phone "If you want to do any service to Datta Swami, please send the money to your Swami." Then you spoke to me on the phone and said that if you want to be a servant of the Lord, you must first stop doing unnecessary things in the world." I don't understand what are the things...
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