Shri Datta Swami

 19 May 2018


Brahmajnaana Samhitaa: Part-12

Note: This article is meant for intellectuals only

(Scripture of Knowledge of God)

(Uttaraardha Charchaa - Second Half Part Discussion)

15) Upaadherbhaktimuulyam gananiiyam na tu bhaktaavataarasthitivashyam.

[Opponent:- You told that Hanuman and Radha were devotees and never got insulted whereas Parashurama, the human incarnation was insulted since He showed His anger in wrong direction on pious Rama. Hence, You say that sometimes a devotee standing in dualism is better than the human incarnation standing in perfect monism. You told that the character of the human being is important, which alone is liked by God irrespective of his state as a devotee or as a human incarnation. This point can’t be established with the above examples since Hanuman and Radha were also human incarnations of God Shiva. Your concept fails since all the names including even Rama are human incarnations of God only and none is a devotee.

Theorist:- Hanuman and Radha were human incarnations, but, always acted as devotees only and never behaved like human incarnations. You have to take their roles only. Parashurama acted in the role of the human incarnation with egoism and got insulted. Even Rama is an incarnation of God, but, always behaved like an ideal human being only (Aadarsha maanusha avataara). When sages praised Him as God, He did not accept it by saying that He is only a human being called as Rama born to Dasharatha. Hence, even the complete human incarnation (Puurna Avataara) like Rama acted in the role of ideal human being only and defeated even the human incarnation, Parashurama. If you say that Shri Rama is a human incarnation of God since He is mentioned in the ten divine incarnations, in such case, even the complete human incarnation was defeated by Hanuman, who always acted as a devotee. If you, somehow, become rigid and insist that all these personalities are human incarnations of God only, it does not matter much. You can take the case of Prahlada, who is a perfect devotee only and never got insulted. If you want the case of direct defeat of human incarnation by a perfect devotee only, let us take the story of King Ambariisha. Ambariisha was a devotee and sage Durvasa was an incarnation of God Shiva. Sage Durvasa tried to harm Ambariisha, but, God supported Ambariisha and Durvasa has to run away and finally surrender to Ambariisha only for protection. This story clearly reveals that the devotee may, sometimes, surpass even the human incarnation by his character and pure devotion. It is not the question whether the devotee is in the relationship of monism with God (as incarnation) or in the relationship of the dualism with God (as a devotee). It matters everything that which devotee is having better relationship with God. Hence, every soul must try to remain in dualism only as a devotee of God doing divine service without aspiring any fruit in return even though the soul is the human being-component of the human incarnation of God. Whenever there is a demand for a specific devotee based on the requirement for a specific welfare-program, God Himself will select the devotee to become human incarnation. Even in the human incarnation, the human being-component must be in dualism like Shri Rama, in which case only God will stay in the human incarnation completely throughout the life. If the human being-component in the incarnation is in dualism, God will maintain perfect monism with such human being as in the case of Shri Rama. If the human being-component maintains monism with God as in the case of Parashurama, God will quit him. You should not raise your shoulders when you got an opportunity to become human incarnation because to maintain yourself in the human incarnation throughout your life is very difficult task. Even a devotee remaining in the service like Adishesha can be counted as human incarnation of God. Balarama, the incarnation of Adishesha, who is the servant of God existing in dualism is counted as the incarnation of God in the ten divine incarnations even though he did not become the incarnation of God directly. Hence, a devotee can be counted in the human incarnations of God without directly becoming the actual human incarnations of God! It is the value of the status of devotee that makes the devotee to enter straight into the list of human incarnations of God without actually becoming the human incarnation of God. Hence, the main aspect is the value of your personality achieved by the true devotion towards God that brings you the divine honour and not whether you are existing as human incarnation or devotee. The status of human incarnation or the status of the devotee is immaterial before the value of the devotion of devotee standing as human incarnation or as a devotee. Hence, our jealousy towards the human being turned to become human incarnation by the will of God is meaningless in view of this deep analysis. We must realize that Balarama was not the direct human incarnation of God, but, he entered the list of human incarnations of God and was treated as equal to the human incarnation of God while remaining as a devotee of God! This explanation is the meaning of our statement, which says that Balarama is external incarnation of Adishesha while he is the internal incarnation of God Vishnu. This means that Balarama looks like the incarnation of Adishesha, but, shall be treated as the incarnation of God Vishnu since he is placed as one of the ten incarnations of God Vishnu even though he is actually the incarnation of the topmost devotee called as Adishesha.

The value of devotion of Adishesha can be understood while he incarnated himself as Lakshmana, the younger brother of Lord Rama and served the God like a servant! Lakshmana was younger to Rama, but, left his young wife to serve Rama while the elder Rama was enjoying with His wife inside the hut! Lakshmana, even though younger to Rama, conquered the fascination to his young wife and served Rama as a watchman standing outside the hut for 14 years day and night without food and sleep!! The reciprocal love of Rama to Lakshmana can be seen in the following three incidents:- i) When Lakshmana became unconscious in the war, Rama said to stop the war saying the reason that He does not want Sita without Lakshmana. ii) Sita scolded Lakshmana with utmost ugly words in the forest when Lakshmana hesitated to leave her to protect Rama. For such severe sin to Lakshmana, Sita was punished by God Rama by leaving her based on the similar type of ugly words. iii) While Rama was having a secret talk with Yama, Lakshmana was asked not to allow anybody to come inside on the condition that if such disturbance happens, Lakshmana shall give up his life. Lakshmana could not stop the entry of Sage Durvasa and hence, as per condition agreed, he jumped into the Sarayu river committing suicide. After this, Rama also jumped into the same river unable to live without Lakshmana.

Lakshmana became the servant of Lord Rama and served Him. God became the servant of His servant in return in the next birth. God Krishna was born as younger brother to Balarama (incarnation of Adishesha) and served Balarama as his obedient servant. Hence, God becomes the servant of His servant-devotee to keep him in higher position than human incarnation or Himself!

Balarama is the incarnation of Adishesha, who is the top most servant of God. But, he is placed in the list of the ten incarnations of God Vishnu in view of his long valuable divine service as Lakshmana in the previous birth. Though he is not the direct incarnation of God Vishnu, he is equated with all incarnations of God Vishnu. An IAS officer is he, who passes the IAS examination like the direct incarnation of God Vishnu. Another officer, though not passed the IAS examination directly, is conferred with IAS degree in view of his long valuable service and is treated equal to the IAS officer, who passed the IAS examination. Similarly, Ph.D. degree can be conferred on a valuable investigator of concepts even though he has not acquired the degree through research work done in an institution. This means, the devotee can become incarnation of God through valuable divine service. In the scripture (Nrusimha Puraanam), God Vishnu says that both Balarama and Krishna are His white (Shukla) and black (Krishna) powers only. In fact, the devotee can become not only the incarnation of the God, but also, the master of God. You will find God Krishna (considered to be the top most fullest incarnation as ‘Paripuurnatama’) standing by the side of Balarama like a bodyguard, following the orders of His elder brother, Balarama!

Shankara is the incarnation of God Shiva and is the direct incarnation of God. Ramanuja is the incarnation of Adishesha and Madhva is the incarnation of the deity of air called as Vaayu. Both Adishesha and Vaayu are the top most servants of God. Hence, Ramanuja and Madhva are placed in equal position with Shankara as the triad of divine preachers. Hence, we can say that Ramanuja is the internal incarnation of God Vishnu in essence and external incarnation of Adishesha. We can also say that Madhva is the internal incarnation of God Brahma in essence and external incarnation of Vaayu.


(To be continued…)

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