Shri Datta Swami

 15 Mar 2023


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How do I remember You and worship You every minute even without difficulties?

[Smt. Sudha T asked:  Padanamaskaram Swami!

Question 1: Thank You Swami for protecting us at every moment. During difficult times, I am remembering You and worshipping You alertly. Other times, my mind is thinking about worldly people only and worldly issues only. How do I remember You and worship You every minute even without difficulties?]

Swami replied: There are three stages. 1) Living in only worldly affairs, 2) Living in worldly affairs and affairs of God and 3) Living in affairs of God only. You are present in the second state. It means you have climbed from first state to second state. Now, you want to reach the third state. The same staircase steps exist from second state to third state, which you have already seen while climbing from first state to second state. Therefore, you need not ask Me about the staircase steps. But, you have put a condition for the third state, which is that there shall not be difficulties in the third state. This is not possible because the natural constitution of the third state is that it is full of difficulties. But, there is one way to avoid difficulties in the third state. In the third state, you are fully intoxicated with the devotion to God. In such a state, you will not be aware of the difficulties even if they exist. If you are experiencing the difficulties, it means that you have not reached the third state.

Question 2: Please suggest me a way that I should not forget Your grace on me even in future and become egoistic.

[Swami, You told us personally that You would protect us as long as we have faith that You are protecting us and You would stop protecting us if we start thinking that it is our talent. For today, I am remembering You as our Protector. Suggest me a way that I should not forget Your grace on me even in future and become egoistic thinking that I am the doer. Please save me from ego because I cannot imagine a day without Your grace in my life. I cannot afford to lose Your protection on me.]

Swami replied: Your question is very simple because it contains its full answer in your question itself. I told that you will get protection as long as you remember God. If you forget God thinking that you are protecting yourself, you will lose the protection from God. Hence, the simple answer for getting the protection from God is to remember God all the time. Do you want God to help you in making you remember Him always? This is the worst insult to God. A girl approached a boy and said, “In spite of my hectic efforts, I am not getting love on you. Please do something so that I can develop love on you”. If the boy is sensible, he will slap the girl telling, “Who asked you to love me?”. If the boy analyses deeply, he may enter into depression thinking “Am I so ugly not to be loved by this girl?”. Hence, either God will become angry with you or will enter deep depression. You can ask God anything, He will grant it without hesitation and with lot of happiness. If you ask God for devotion, God will enter into very long and deep depression thinking “Human beings are attracted by so many items in the world. Am I such a worst item so that nobody is getting devotion on Me in a natural way and hence, everybody is asking for the devotion”? Devotion is from the side of the devotee and not from the side of God. Attraction to God shall be from the side of the devotee and not from the side of God since God is not a politician, who bribes people to attend his public speech.

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