Shri Datta Swami

 26 Jun 2012



The development of any limb of a human being is desirable as it grows from the childhood onwards. But, the growth of any limb should be within the proper limits. The growth of the finger should not be equal to the growth of the leg. Similarly, the development of science should not cross the proper limits so that there is no harm to the global environment and the health of humanity. In ancient India, sages also developed sciences. But, the sages were strong devotees of God and hence, the development of the research in science and technology did not cross the limits of danger by the grace of God.

For example, let us take the ancient system of herbal medicines (Ayurveda). All these medicines were effective in controlling the corresponding diseases. At the same time, there was no side reaction to lead to another disease and no medicine damaged the tissue cells. The medicines were active in developing the resistance of the body to disease. Almost, no medicine was directly involved in attacking the disease. Today, the modern medicines are directly involved in attacking the disease and as a result, the resistance of the body decreases and the tissue cells get damaged by the negative effects of the medicines. What is the reason for this difference? The research in medical science in ancient India was under the supervision of God so that unwarranted sides were blocked. Today, the scientists develop the research in very fast way without the supervision of God. The scientists neglect God and slowly become the atheists, who negate God. Negligence in course of time becomes negation. Therefore, the development of science in the directions of safety of the humanity is very important. My criticism, about the dangerous directions of the growth of science and technology, should not lead to the conclusion that I am against the development of science and technology. I am a scientist, who worked in an institute of technology throughout My life period.

In fact, the knowledge of science was given by God (Vedaah shaastraani vijnanam etat sarvam janaardanaat…). The knowledge of science and technology was used in ancient India for earning livelihood in various professions. The growth of science was limited so that the natural balance was not disturbed. For example, there were no synthetic chemical fertilizers. Only natural fertilizers like cow dung etc., were used. The knowledge that the crop requires fertilizer was known, but, too much research leading to the manufacture of chemicals acting as fertilizers was not there. There was no danger to health due to natural fertilizers. But, there is a lot of danger to health due to the toxins entering the body from the present fertilizers. Therefore, in those days, research in science never developed in the harmful direction due to the grace of God. Today, a scientist does not like the name of God thinking that God is unaware of science! When you neglect God, He keeps silent about the research in science without any interference. As a result, science developed in all the ways without any supernatural control so that the ecological balance is disturbed.

The development of industries involving various applications of energy leads to the global warming. Scientists predict global destruction, if the warming results in the increase of two degrees more. The applications of energy and the development of scientific research in various directions resulted in the discovery of several artificial amenities. These amenities have been stamped with the higher status of life. To maintain these amenities, more and more money is needed. To earn more and more money, unlawful ways are invented, which formulate the network of corruption. As a result of corruption, the poor becomes poorer and the rich becomes richer. As a result of this increase in the gap, social revolutions have come and terrorism is one of those. Sin is the basis of corruption and this spoils even the life after death in the upper worlds. The controlled growth of science in ancient India developed very few amenities only, which could be available to everyone even with little money. Hence, the very basis of corruption was absent in those days. Today, scientists find that these amenities are responsible for the environmental pollution, leading to global destruction. Therefore, all the steps of this analysis end in the uncontrolled growth of science and technology.

The growth of science leads to negligence of God, which is the basis for doing sin without fear. In ancient India, very little development of science and technology was present, creating minimum number of amenities, which could be attained by everyone easily. There is no need of much argument in this topic because there is a clear practical resultant difference between the people of ancient times and the people of modern times that the ancient people lived with more longevity, with better physique and more mental peace and the exact contrast is seen in the modern people. The actual aim of science blessed by God was only to analyze the creation and realize that the creator is beyond all this creation. Every item in this creation, including awareness was subjected to scientific analysis to arrive at the conclusion that no created item is the creator (neti neti… Veda). By this, it became easy to recognize that God was unimaginable. The faith in the existence of the unimaginable power, God, was the basis of the establishment of the golden society without corruption and global destruction. Major portion of scientific analysis was only to understand that God is beyond this imaginable creation, rewarding the good deeds and punishing the bad deeds done by any human being in this society through His unimaginable power since God by Himself is unimaginable.

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