Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 01 Mar 2024


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Swami Answers Questions of Smt. Priyanka on Runaanubandha

1. If somebody invites me for food, does it result in the formation of repayment-bond in the next birth?

[Smt. Priyanka asked:- Paadanamaskaaram, Swami. When somebody invites me for taking food with them, does it result in the formation of repayment-bond (runaanubandha) in the next birth?]

Swami replied:- If somebody invites you for food, it cannot result in runaanubandha because you did not aspire for their food. If you go on your own need to take food in the house of somebody without their invitation, such situation becomes the cause of your runaanubandha to them. On such situation, if you pay for your food and stay in their house in the form of some material-gift or money-gift, this bond of runaanubandha will not happen. Your gift must be approximately equal to the service and sacrifice done by them to you. Whatever may be the intention of the host, you have to pay back this runaanubandha to the host in the next birth. If you pay back in this birth itself, you will be benefitted in not paying the interest of the loan. If a receiver-devotee thinks that he/she will get association with another devoted host in the next birth, it may happen so, but the loan with interest has to be paid by the devotee, who received service and sacrifice from any host in this birth.

2. Is it wrong to invite relatives for food in return, irrespective of their deservingness?

[So many relatives or friends keep inviting for lunch or dinner. When we have to go out of obligation or due to unavoidable circumstances, we end up inviting them to our house for a meal as well to return the favor out of social expectations. Whether we like them or not, whether they are good people or not, we have to invite them for lunch or dinner to return the favor. Is that wrong to do so?]

Swami replied:- It is not wrong to do so. The principle is that if somebody offers anything to you, you can take it including food. On some other occasion, you can repay whatever you have received, if you have taken food without their invitation. Even if they have invited you, you can pay back to them if you feel that it is more correct. But, there is no obligation on your part since somebody invited you without your intention.
