Shri Datta Swami

 08 May 2024


English »   Malayalam »  

What shall be the attitude of the devotee in doing service to God?

[Ms. Gita Lahari asked:- Swami, what shall be the attitude of the devotee in doing service to God? How to get clear mind in doing the service to God?]

Swami replied:- The attitude shall be that of fan devotion and not of business devotion. This means that you shall not aspire anything in return from God. You must serve God like a fan serving his/her favorite hero attracted by the personality of hero as projected in cinemas. The projected personality of the hero in the pictures is false whereas the divine personality of God is true. There will be no aspiration for any desire to be fulfilled from God if the devotion is purely personality-based.

The clear mind can be obtained especially in the service to God by reading and assimilating the true spiritual knowledge of the Sadguru. The true spiritual knowledge of the Sadguru gives not only clarity of mind in spiritual line (Nivrutti) but also in worldly life (Pravrutti).

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