Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 21 Jul 2022


Yajnahoma Prakaranam (Topic of Sacrifice)

Jump to other chapters in BRAHMAJṆĀNAM (The Knowledge of God)

1) Yajñaḥ pūjā Sadgurostu, kṣudhāgnau saghṛtānnataḥ |
Nāgnau havanīya hotā, śrutaḥ cittvaṃ jaḍo na hi ||

[Yajna means worshipping the contemporary human incarnation, called as Sadguru by burning ghee-food in His hunger fire (vaiśvānarāgni) and not burning ghee in a physical fire lit by sticks. The first hymn of the first Veda (Rig Veda) says that both the supplier of ghee-food (hotā) and eater (havanīya) are one and the same fire (Agni). Such fire can’t be inert and must be the possessor of hunger fire, who is supplying the ghee-food to his mouth and eating it subsequently. Such possessor can’t be inert but must be a living being with awareness, who is none but the hungry Sadguru. In the case of a human incarnation or Sadguru, the properties of the human medium like hunger are not interfered with by God present in the human body in a merged state.]


2) Lakṣaṇārthe ghṛtaṃ proktam, ghṛtānnaṃ so'gni rīdṛśaḥ|
Anna nāśe śruternindā, ghṛtaṃ buddhirapārthataḥ||

[Foolish people are burning ghee directly in physical fire since they have not understood the indicative meaning (Lakṣaṇārtha) of the word ghee. Ghee means food associated with ghee. The possessor of an item is called by the name of the item. The possessor of apples (seller) is called by us “O apples! Come here”. Similarly, the possessor of hunger fire can be called as fire. The result is that ghee-food is given to the possessor of hunger fire for eating. People have misunderstood the word fire as the physical fire and the word ghee as actual ghee and have started burning ghee directly in physical fire! Veda says that food shall not be destroyed (Annaṃ na paricakṣīta) and ghee is a precious food that increases intelligence as per Ayurveda. All this misunderstanding has happened in the Kali age where priests have been blindly reciting the Veda without studying its meaning in depth.]


3) Ṛṣisatyo havirdānāḥ, kṣudhā śāntyai Hareḥ purā |
VedaDharma sthāpakasya, Yajña satyārtha vādinaḥ ||

[When the wives of Sages prepared food mixed with ghee to burn it in the physical fire in the name of Havis, God Krishna approached them asking them to donate such Havis to be used as food to pacify the hunger of His friends, they agreed and donated the Havis to be utilised as food. God Krishna came as Human incarnation of God to this earth to protect the Vedic Dharma or Justice (Dharmasaṃsthāpanārthāya…- Gītā) and will such God break the Vedic justice? This means that the food shall not be burnt in the physical fire, which shall be burnt in the hunger fire (Vaiśvānarāgni) of a hungry person.]


4) Nininda Kapilo dāham, kshudhārta matithiṃ Śrutiḥ |
Brūte Vaiśvānaraṃ vahnim, Brahmajñaṃ cā'gni mityapi ||

[Even Sage Kapila criticised the burning of ghee in physical fire while preaching Spiritual knowledge to His mother. Veda also says that the hungry guest is the Vaiśvānarāgni or fire (Vaiśvānaraḥ praviśatyatithiḥ…). The possessor of the hunger fire is called as hunger fire. Veda also says that the Braahmana or the scholar of Vedic knowledge is fire (Āgneyo vai Brāhmaṇaḥ…).]


5) Agniragri padādvahniḥ, pākāyāṣṭa kapālagam |
Havir bījaṃ śrutaṃ Jñāna-yajñe cāśrama vāsinām ||

[The word Agni came from the word ‘Agri’, which means that Sadguru or Human incarnation of God must be given food in the beginning (Agri). The purpose of the physical fire lit in the sacrifice is to cook various food items fried by ghee. About eight types of food items were prepared for the lunch in the noon (Āgneyamaṣṭākapālaṃ caruṃ nirvapati… - Veda). In Camaka Sūktam of Veda, several types of grains were mentioned and from these grains various types of food materials fried with ghee were prepared. Actually, the debate in Spiritual knowledge (Jñānayajña) used to take place in the hermits of Sages and the host Sage used to prepare these food items at  noon for the sake of food for the participants.]


6) Sadgurau devatāḥ yebhyo, vṛṣṭirdāhe marunmalam |
Vijñānenālpajña nindā, kalau muktārtha pāṭhakāḥ ||

[When the hungry divine preacher (Sadguru) is fed with ghee-food, rains occurred since in His body, all angels live (Yāvatī rvai devatāḥ… - Veda). The king of these angels called Indra caused rains. Without understanding the underlying concept, if ghee is burnt in physical fire, that will cause pollution of air and rains will be stopped. Some people having half-knowledge in science and scriptures say that the smoke generated in sacrifice is causing rains and this concept is easily disproved by science. All these misunderstandings causing misinterpretations happened in the beginning of this Kali age in which the priests blindly recited Veda without studying its meaning in depth.]


7) Strīśūdrāṇāṃ niṣiddhāṃśāḥ, tallābhāya svapāpmane |
Sarve'hantā kriyā evam, dveṣa bhedāya jīvinām ||

[Thinking that all these misunderstandings were correct, these tape recorder-priests banned all  females and the fourth caste from doing the following wrong things and finally indirectly helped all of them from falling into hell. i) The false Gāyatrī was banned and the real Gāyatrī exists with them. ii) The false Upanayanam was banned and the real Upanayanam exists with them since they only became close to God through singing of sweet songs on God. iii) Burning ghee in physical fire is banned and the real Yajna is performed by them since they cook food and serve it to hungry people. iv) Blind recitation of the Veda was banned and they escaped wasting time unnecessarily and gained the real Vedic knowledge by hearing the secondary scriptures, called Purāṇams. v) Blind recitation of the Veda without doing any work of Pravrutti was banned and they saved that wasted time in doing the essential work of Pravrutti. In this way, all the egoistic angles to suppress others were punished by God and all those egoistic angles became beneficial to others! However, all these ignorant interpretations misled others to develop hatred among people of Hinduism leading to splits.]


8) Pāṭhakāle pramāṃ vidyāt, Veda śāstrārtha pāṇḍitīm|
Granthaṃ paṭhet jñāna bodhaiḥ, carcābhiśca kratuṃ nayet||

[The priests shall be reformed in order to revive Hinduism to its original state of the time of the ancient sages. The priest shall not waste time in unnecessary blind recitation of the Veda and shall spend all the time of the study in learning the deep knowledge of the Vedas and the Shastraas. The priest shall use the printed book of the Veda for recitation of the text and shall spend the entire time of the ritual in revealing the deep meaning of the scripture and in clarifying the doubts of the participants of the ritual.]


Chapter-1: Matāntarīkaraṇa Prakaraṇam

Chapter-2: Parabrahma Prakaraṇam

Chapter-3: Māyā Śakti Prakaraṇam

Chapter-4: Īśvara Prakaraṇam

Chapter-5: Avatāra Prakaraṇam

Chapter-6: Ākāśa Tejaḥ Prakaraṇam

Chapter-7: Vibhūti Prakaraṇam

Chapter-8: Sṛṣṭilakṣya Prakaraṇam

Chapter-9: Jagat Sṛṣṭi Prakaraṇam

Chapter-10: Jīvātma Tattva Prakaraṇam

Chapter-11: Matasamanvaya Prakaraṇam

Chapter-12: Yoga Vicāra Prakaraṇam

Chapter-13: Mokṣa Vimarśa Prakaraṇam

Chapter-14: Jñāna Yoga Prakaraṇam

Chapter-15: Bhakti Yoga Prakaraṇam

Chapter-16: Karma Yoga Prakaraṇam

Chapter-17: Pravṛtti Nivṛtti Prakaraṇam

Chapter-18: Dharmādharma Prakaraṇam

Chapter-19: Varṇa Vyavasthā Prakaraṇam

Chapter-20: Upanayana Gayatrī Prakaraṇam

Chapter-21: Yajñahoma Prakaraṇam

Chapter-22: Upadeśa Prakaraṇam

