Shri Datta Swami

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When Shankara recommended singing devotional songs, why do You preach about Karma Yoga to please God?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- The meaning of ‘Bhaja’ means service (Bhaja—Sevayaam) and not singing songs. Similarly the word Govinda does...

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How can You say that service (Karma Yoga) is the highest when people say that by devotion one can attain the Lord?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- The word Bhakti (devotion) has two meanings i.e., to attain and to serve (Bhaja – Prapane, Sevayaam). Bhakti means love...

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How can one sacrifice justice (dharma) for God?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- The Gita says “Sarva Dharman Parityajya”, which means that the Lord is greater than justice. The Lord Datta is...

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What is the importance of Jnana Yoga for attaining salvation?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- Jnana Yoga means the recognition of the Lord in human form in your human generation. Such recognition can be misled by several...

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What is the use of the knowledge gained by us through discussions on the scriptures?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- If scholars spend all their time in discussions without any practical sacrifice, there is no use. The intelligence and logic...

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How can there be a competition between the Lord, who is either formless or in statues, and our children?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- People, who are unable to sacrifice practically to the Lord, want to make such excuses. They also say that there is no need for...

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Why should we attain homogeneity in action, words and mind when it is not practicable in this world?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- I advised homogeneity before the Lord in the spiritual effort. I never told you to be homogeneous in this world. Lord Krishna...

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What do you mean by self-analysis?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- You cannot analyze yourself. Only a Sadguru can analyze and show you your internal self. You cannot see the condition of your...

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Can we use all the religions in our spiritual effort?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- Think that you are a universal human being and not a Hindu, a Christian or a Muslim. You belong to all the religions, which are...

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Why can the mind not be fixed permanently on the Lord?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- You are taking a tablet for your cold (common cold) and are drinking ice-cold water throughout the day. The tablet can control...

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How can one fix the wavering mind on a single point?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- The very nature of the mind is to waver. The Lord created the mind with such a nature. You cannot change the nature of mind...

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What is the appropriate way of posing a question (Pari Prashna) to the Guru?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- Pari Prashna means a question that can be posed to your Guru or a scholar. In order to know the truth if you are asking the...

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Should we pray for capacity or for devotion from the Lord?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- Devotion is the love for the Lord, which has to be developed by you alone. The Lord cannot give you the love for Himself....

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Why should I not enjoy this life when I am unable to see the Lord and the upper world with my eyes?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- It is true that I did not show you the existence of hell and heaven by taking you in a rocket. But even you did not show the...

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Why should we be hasty about reaching the spiritual goal in this birth?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- In that verse the Gita also says that the person attains Vaasudeva. This means that the Lord is referring only to the devotees...

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Can't we reach the goal through our spiritual effort, without a Guru? What is the difference between Sadhana and Upasana?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- Sadhana means attaining the grace of the Lord in human form by serving Him. Upasana is attaining something, which is very much...

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Can you explain yoga, kundalini, six chakras etc.

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- Kundalini is the mind, which travels in a curved way like a serpent. The chakras mean the false attractions of family bonds....

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What are the various stages in the worship of the Lord?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- The first stage is worship of the formless Lord. Actually the formless Lord is only the formless power of the Lord, which...

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Should we ask the Lord to protect us at the end of our prayers and meditation?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- First of all we must know that prayers by speech and meditation by mind do not have any value like offering a glass of water to...

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Isn't there need for corrections in the astrological calendars to identify the real dates of the festivals?

Posted on: 07/02/2005

Swami replied:- The place, time and the method of selfish worship are not important. The real festival is when you sacrifice your work or the...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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