Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Discourses

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Showing 41 – 60 of 3688 Records

Swami, how to control under-confidence and over-confidence?

Posted on: 19/08/2024

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked:-]

Swami replied:- The divine true and complete spiritual knowledge of Sadguru will act as the internal medicine to destroy both these defects permanently. But, this step takes a long time. Meanwhile, you can use the temporary...

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Swami, how to overcome ego and jealousy?

Posted on: 19/08/2024

[Smt. Chhanda asked:-]

Swami replied:- Actually, jealousy is simply based on ego. Ego is the seed and jealousy is the sprout the comes out of the seed. Ego is different from basic ego. Basic ego means just the basic identification of self, which is presented by ‘I’. Ego is the pride...

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Is my daughter a lower incarnation of Shakti?

Posted on: 19/08/2024

[Smt. Sudha Rani asked:- Swami, You told me long back that my daughter Thrylokya is the incarnation of Shakti. Certainly, she is not the incarnation of Shakti like Sarasvati or Lakshmi or Parvati. She must have been the lower incarnation of either Ellamma, Nalla Pocamma, etc. Am I right?]

Swami replied:- When somebody cannot tolerate the greatness of another human devotee and tries to lower that devotee, God will not allow that and maintains His word to be the perfect truth by giving a counter argument. Since Thrylokya...

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Do we need to follow astrology if we surrender to God?

Posted on: 19/08/2024

[Mr. Bharath Krishna asked:- If we surrender to God, anything else like astrology is not necessary. Is it correct?]

Swami replied:- It is a correct statement provided the surrender to God is perfectly 100% in all times and in all places as in the case of Prahlaada. When Prahlaada is taken to the top of hill and was asked to leave the devotion...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Rithika

Posted on: 18/08/2024

1. You told that 100% sacrifice is the climax. Does this mean that we need not do any sacrifice till we reach the climax state?

Swami replied:- This is called over intelligence even though I know that you asked this question for the sake of real understanding. I think, I have already answered this question. I told that the correct sequence is knowledge, devotion and practice...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Purnima

Posted on: 18/08/2024

[Ms. Purnima asked:- ]

1. If we slip this human birth and enter the cycle of births of animals, is there any hope to come back to human birth?

Swami replied:- It is almost impossible. A soul gets animal-birth based on the answer of the soul given to the question of God, which is “What have you done in the previous human birth?” If the human soul replies “I have eaten 100 tonnes of rice, 50 tonnes of pulses and 25 tonnes of vegetables...

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Swami answers questions of Smt. Swathi

Posted on: 18/08/2024

1. What is the difference between God and His power? Are both the same?

Swami replied:- In scientific or worldly logic, the possessor of power results by the condensation of power. Sun is the condensed globe of light energy. In this way, sun and sunlight are not different at all. But, the impure world is born from...

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Swami, please clarify once again about the salvation from waste.

Posted on: 18/08/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked]

Swami replied:- Long back, there was a scientific project called ‘Wealth from Waste’. I extended that project to ‘Salvation from Waste’. God says “I am not asking for the money, which you are spending to live at the present. I am also not asking...

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Who is a real scholar?

Posted on: 18/08/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- I read a shloka in Gita, which says that if anybody has no intention in the beginning, his action is burnt by his knowledge and such a devotee only is a real scholar. What is the logic in this statement?]

Swami replied:- If anybody starts to do a work, he/she must have the intention for the result. But here, it is said that you must not have intention. If intention is absent, the work cannot be started at all. For the sake of work, simple intention...

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How to eradicate ego?

Posted on: 18/08/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked]

Swami replied:- Ego means over-confidence or pride that is developed from the basic ego due to wealth, education, caste, beauty, gender, etc. In the process of eradicating the ego, you should not eradicate the basic ego, which is the identifying address of yourself resulting in depression. You must only eradicate the wrong modification of your basic ego. You must always remember Hanuman and Gopikas...

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Swami, why is there not a full merge of the minds of husband and wife in this Kali age?

Posted on: 17/08/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:]

Swami replied:- The merge must take place between the two minds and this is the ultimate stage for marriage. When this is absent, the marriage just for the sake of merge between two physical bodies is like the union between two ignorant animals or birds. When this physical merge alone stands as the reason for marriage, none of the couples takes care about the mental qualities. In the absence of the merge of mental qualities...

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As no fruit shall be aspired from God, how can a mantra be recited for the removal of worldly problems?

Posted on: 17/08/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, You have given the mantra “Shri Anjaneya - Shri Subrahmanya” for removal of worldly problems. Some of my friends are telling that such mantra may be the prayer to God aspiring for some result in return. You have also told that no fruit shall be aspired from God for  devotion.]

Swami replied:- Both these statements are correct in their own contexts, which are Pravrutti...

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Is sweet devotion the highest because the body, word and mind together are surrendered to God?

Posted on: 17/08/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- You told that sweet devotion is the highest because the body, word and mind are together surrendered to God and the practical proof for the highest value of sweet devotion is granting the highest Goloka to Gopikas. Am I right?]

Swami replied:- Sweet devotion is definitely the highest because the female devotee has to face a lot of social resistance. But, you should not put down the other types of devotion. Draupadi as sister defeated all the romantic bonds with God by tearing her new sari for the bandage...

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Reply from His Holiness Shri Datta Swami to the poem 'Swami - The Final Solution for Spiritual Seeker' of Smt. Chhanda

Posted on: 15/08/2024

Fix yourself in God Datta, the creator, ruler and destroyer,
This is the Vedic definition about the ultimate original God,
Veda says that He is the one doing all these three activities,
Single person with three faces creates, rules and destroys...

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Reply from His Holiness Shri Datta Swami to the poem 'Is that You?' of Smt. Priyanka

Posted on: 15/08/2024

Unmediated Unimaginable God can't be enjoyed,
Mediated God alone can be completely enjoyed,
For human devotees, God in the human medium,
Becomes the most relevant to receive knowledge...

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Reply from His Holiness Shri Datta Swami to the poem 'Lord Datta Swami - Our Guiding Light' composed by Ms. Noishadha Chatterjee

Posted on: 15/08/2024

God Datta is the only end goal,
Selfishness is the single hurdle,
Human form is the only relevant,
Personality love is the only path...

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Divine Experience of Shri Divakar

Posted on: 11/08/2024

[By Shri Divakar]

Me Paada Padmaalaku Namaskaaram, Swami. Thank you for this opportunity given to me to share the divine dream blessed by You, Swami. I had this dream about two and a half weeks before Swami's birthday, which was celebrated on 24th February 2024. In the dream, Swami initially appeared, then transformed into Lord Shiva, and subsequently, Lord Shiva's form changed into Goddess Parvati, who was tenderly holding the Baby Lord Ganesha in her arms...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Ramakanth

Posted on: 08/08/2024

1. What does God expect from souls and what would God do if no one loved Him?

Swami replied:- If no one loved God, He will be getting entertained like a person seeing the cinema. No role or actor loves the spectator, but still, the spectator is enjoying the cinema. God does not expect love from souls. If any soul loves God naturally without any external effort, then only God wants to enjoy such love. Even in the case of a human being in worldly life, you should love somebody based on your impression...

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How can I become a Sthitaprajna?

Posted on: 06/08/2024

[Ms. Geetha Lahari asked:- Paaadanamaskaaram Swami. Swami, You told that both Sthitaprajna and Gopika are two kinds of climax devotees. A Gopika is mad about God and leaves even the worldly duties. But, a Sthitaprajna controls the climax devotion and does both the worldly duties and service to God. Swami, I want to become like a Sthitaprajna. How to control worldly emotions and also devotion towards God? At Your Divine Lotus Feet -Geetha Lahari.]

Swami replied:- You must control worldly emotions but not the devotion to God. In the line of devotion to God, you must control yourself so that you will not lose...

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How is theoretical devotion called Asambhuuti upaasanam which means not born?

Posted on: 06/08/2024

[Prof. JSR Prasad asked:- Sāṣṭāṅga namaskāraṃ Swami. You have told that theoretical devotion (Jnaana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga) is ‘Asambhuuti upaasanam’, which means ‘not born’ (Asambhuuti). But, Jnaana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga exist. If they are not born, how can they exist?]

Swami replied:- You have a famous saying in Sanskrit “Anudarā kanyā”, which means that this girl is not having stomach. Actually, the girl is having stomach because there is no human being without stomach. We should not take this statement in a literal sense (Vācyārtha). We should take the implied...

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