Swami's spiritual writings encompass a number of fields including the Unification of religions for World Peace, Science and Spirituality, Christianiy, Islam, Hinduism, Advaita, Unified Vedanta, Pravrutti, Practical Spirituality (Nivrutti) etc., in different languages (Sanskrit, Telugu and English). Among these articles, some featured Articles are are given below. These are mainly categorized into 3 subject areas namely: 1) Pravrutti or following the Path of worldy justice, 2) Nivrutti or following path of liberation and 3) featured articles for intellectuals.
This universe is infinite. I am unable to show the existence of these super worlds to you. I accept my incapacity. But you are also incapable of directly proving the non-existence of these super worlds. Have you searched all over the universe and said "Here ends the universe. Beyond this point there is no universe. This is the compound-wall of space. Your super worlds do not exist anywhere"? Therefore, there is an equal chance for the existence and non-existence of the super worlds according to the theory of probability...
There are two root causes for the entire chaos and terrorism in this world. One is the thirst for earning money and the other is religious fanaticism. For the sake of money, people are quarreling with each other, whereas for the sake of religion, countries are quarreling with each other. Unless these two root causes are eradicated, we cannot achieve world peace. The tree will not die if you merely cut its leaves or branches...
There is a misunderstanding that women were suppressed in Hinduism without independence. People quote Manu Smruti in this context, which says that woman should not be independent (Na stree svatantryamarhati…). But, the same Manu says that women should be worshipped to please God (Yatranaryastu pujyante ramante tatra devatah…). Both these contradict each other. If you do not give even basic independence to somebody, how can you worship him or her? ...
Jesus Christ came to India and He was honoured by Indians. He wandered all over India and several Indians were attracted to His shrewd preaching given with excellent analysis. He lived up to 85 years of age and was buried in Kashmir with all the spiritual honour. Hindus treated Him as their own preacher. Similarly, Christians honoured Swami Vivekananada and His preaching was appreciated. Christians loved Him from the bottom of their hearts. They treated Him as their beloved preacher. No two religions can mix so fast...
Shri Anil asked: "One Muslim devotee says that the worship of Allah is far superior to the worship of statues. Please enlighten".
Swami Replied: The P.G. Course is far superior to L.K.G. course. This does not mean that you should blame the L.K.G. course and praise the P.G. Course. One day you were also a student of that L.K.G. course. The only point here is that you should not stop at the level of first step (L.K.G.) and you should climb to reach the last step (P.G.). If you condemn the first step and remove it, all the upper steps including your last one will crumble...
Shri Surya asked: "You have given an excellent message on the consequences of financial corruption and rectification of it. Today, the corruption in the sexual life is also on the top. I would like to know what will be the fate of the souls involved in the corruption in sexual life".
Shri Swami Replied: The sex and corruption in sex take place in the time of night in which moon exists and not Surya (Sun). Hence, the Sun is asking about the subject of moon as the principle opposition party questions about the activities of ruling party. Of course, the activity of the sex in the night time is only traditional, but, in the modern times, it is also taking place in the day time! Hence, Surya is also concerne...
Lord Krishna stated in the Gita that human beings with demonic nature are not only unaware of the path of pleasing God (path of liberation or Moksha marga) but also unaware of worldly justice (Pravrittimcha Nivrittimcha janana vidurasurah...). Demonic nature means that neither do they know on their own nor listen to others. This is due to ignorance combined with egoism. These people fail even in the worldly duties like marriages by doing unnecessary rituals and leaving aside the necessary. Example: one devotee gives one and half lakh rupees towards dowry and gifts to the bridegroom side and spends five lakhs towards marriage expenses. This should be done the other way i.e., give five lakhs rupees...
Dr Nikhil asked "I am presenting the views of some important persons regarding the non-vegetarian food. They feel that there is no sin in it since several scriptures of various religions mention about the non-vegetarian food taken by very great people. I bring these views to Your notice so that You can throw light on this topic through Your systematic analysis".
Shri Swami Replied: You are doing great service in the propagation of divine knowledge by projecting the points with careful scientific analysis as background. Today, science is very widely covering basic field of knowledge like logic in the olden days. At present, the concepts of spiritual knowledge enlightened with the scientific analy...
Shri Karthik asked: I am adopting some special technique to attain peace by connecting myself (I) to pure awareness. Is it correct?
Shri Swami replied: It is certainly correct to attain mental peace by detaching yourself from the gross body and attaching yourself to the pure awareness. In this process, there is only self-effort. For scientists and atheists, this procedure is highly suitable because they do not believe in the existence of God, who is beyond this world. They believe only in the existence of this world...
This message is the reply of Shri Datta Swami to the question posed by a person with the username 'Human Excellency' on the Speaking Tree forum (http://www.speakingtree.in/public/wall-updates/9131992). Human Excellency asked about the need for the existence of God and why devotees of God cheat the public. He also questioned why the miraculous power of God, is not used to reform the minds of present politicians.
Since the behaviour of devotees is bad, you need not negate the existence of God. If the son is wrong, you may say that the father is also wrong but you should not say that father does not exist. The existence of God need not be known from the scriptures. If the scripture alone is the authority for the existence of ...
To accept any concept, there are four authorities:1)Shruti, the scripture, which is the divine text and it is the Veda for Hindus 2)The second authority is Smruti, which is the text written by sages 3)The third authority is logical discussion to find out the correct interpretation of the scripture 4) The fourth authority is experience of divine scholars...
[Jesus said that one can reach His Father only through Him and that He is the only path. Does this not mean that we have to follow only Jesus? In such a case, how can one accept Universal Spirituality? This is a question posed by several devoted Christians from all over the world.] Reply of Swami: My answer to these dear devoted holy Christian souls is as follows: Does Jesus represent a human body, the word or both? If it represents a particular human body, then such a human body does not exist now. Only a particular human generation and that too, in a particular place was favored by the association of the human body of Jesus. Is it not the partiality of God?...
Islam is the greatest religion in this world and I am not making this statement without reason. The reason is that Islam is the only religion, which deals with practical spiritual efforts without any trace of theoretical gossip. This religion shows excellent tolerance towards other religions. Islam says that you should even protect the non-believers of Islam if they pray for protection from you. After protecting them, you can give them the message of Allah and send them to a protected place...
Shri Hemantha kumar, Advocate, asked: I am very much interested in the correlation of three philosophies of Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva (Trimata Samanvaya). Can you give it to me?
Shri Swami Replied: Shankara told monism (Advaita) between God and soul preaching that both are one and the same. Madhva told Dualism (Dvaita) between God and soul preaching that both are totally different since God is the master and the soul is His servant. Ramanuja told an intermediate state of special monism (Vishishta Advaita) existing between monism and dualism stating that God...
Swami sent four copies of the Sri Datta Vani Spiritual Magazine to four persons from foreign countries. Two of the recipients were of Indian origin and two were foreigners. The two foreigners replied immediately and also extended their support. The two Indians did not even acknowledge. Why is there such a difference in attitude among Indians and foreigners? For Indians, their family bonds are very strong. Even if they have earned enough money...
Yoga is the most prestigious field of spirituality. People think that there are six wheels (chakras) or lotus flowers present in the spinal cord, which are not seen by the eyes. [Actually] the wheels are imaginary and so the term 'wheel' must carry some inner meaning. When you say someone's face is the moon itself [metaphorically], only fools search for the moon in that face. But wise people see the similarity between the person's face and th...
In the word 'living', the second letter 'i' is a semi circle (when written by hand; cursive writing). If that semi-circle is made a full circle, it becomes 'o'. Then the word 'living' becomes 'loving'. Now to the word 'art', add the word 'He' in the beginning. It becomes 'heart'. 'He' means God. The Veda says 'Purushohavai' i.e., God is the only male. So 'He' (masculine gender) means God alone. Thus when you add God, the semi circle of life (...
The true Advaita of Shankara is only in the aspect of enjoying this creation by a soul just as God enjoys it. The following analogy is given to understand this concept. The director-cum-producer of a cinema, after producing the cinema, himself sits in the audience to watch and enjoy it. His helper also sits along with him and enjoys the cinema. In this aspect of enjoying the cinema as spectators, there is no difference between the two. Of course, this similarity does not make the helper identical with the producer of the cinema...
Dr. Nikhil asked: In the fourth chapter of Datta Veda (dated 10/01/2017), there was a discussion on the four states as mentioned in the Mandukya Upanishad. I seek a few clarifications related to it. Before posing the questions, I would like to summarize my understanding of the Upanishad. I request You to kindly confirm or correct my understanding....
Swami Replied: First State of Deep Sleep (Sushupti) - All the adjectives given to the first Amaatra state clearly indicate that the state of unimaginable God is explained here very clearly. This unimaginable God enters the created item to become mediated God or incarnation. The medium must be imaginable to us so that we can indicate the unimaginable God...
Shri Anil asked: How can you say that God is non-existent (Asat)?
Shri Swami Replied: In the Gita, God Himself said (Sadasat chaahamarjuna) that He is not only existent (Sat) but also non-existent (Asat). I will just give a tautology of Sat and Asat to be applied not only to God but also to the world. The Gita says that God is both existent and non-existent. In the Gita, elsewhere also, same point is stated that God cannot be told as either existent or non-existent (Nasat tat naasaduchyate) Simultaneously, the Veda says that this world is existent (Sadeva...) and non-existent...
Dr. Nikhil asked: "If space itself is God's awareness, how can God's wish charge it? How was the wish generated? God's awareness must precede space. God's awareness should come first. His wish should come second. Space should come third. Then His wish can enter space but His wish being not different from Him means that God Himself enters space. It becomes a case of homogeneous entry. Without homogeneous entry, evolution of creation can't happen".
Shri Swami replied: First I shall give the background of the topic in detail so that your questions can be answered clearly at the end...
Lakshman asked about the existence of 'I' [I-thought] in deep sleep as referred to by Shri. Ramana Maharshi.
The existence of 'I' requires the existence of awareness, which is nervous energy. In deep sleep there is no existence of the nervous energy and therefore there is no question of the existence of I in that state. The I requires the awareness of itself. This awareness or nervous energy is only a special form of inert energy. The inert energy produced by the chemicals in the brain and flowing through the nervous system becomes awareness or nervous ...
[Padanamaskaram Swami, Shri Kishore ram asked the following questions:I have couple of queries on discourses, Q1. I am confused between Maya and Mula Maya. In some discourses Swami mentioned God/Parabrahman is charged only with Pure Awareness which is Mula Maya and is totally absent/not charged in Maya. But in Divine Discourse - 3, Swami mentioned the unimaginable God is charged both in Mula Maya (Brahman) and Maya (Ishwara). Can you please clarify the confusion?...
Swami replied: [reply of 1&2] Parabrahman is the original unimaginable God. This unimaginable God wished to create this world for entertainment as per the Veda. This wish is the source of creation. The creation or the world is Maya (Mayamtu prakrutim... Gita). Mula maya means the source (Mula) of this world (Maya). The unimaginable God associated...
Shri Phani: The Gita says that the soul is not different from the living thoughts of awareness and also is beyond the thoughts meaning that the soul is the basic inert energy (Nanyam Gunebhyah Kartaaram…). In such case, the soul is said to be non-inert and inert, which is a self-contradiction. What is Your explanation here?
Shri Swami: The word Atman used for the soul means that which pervades all the items (Atati iti Atmaa). If all the items indicate this entire world, the infinite cosmic inert energy is referred by the word Atman. In such case, the inert cosmic energy is the cause for all the inert materials like solids, liquids and gases (matter) and also the cause for all the forms...
[Shri Phani Kumar asked "You have interpreted the Vedic analogy of two birds on a tree as God and soul in the context of the human incarnation. But Shri Shankara interprets, the two birds as soul and intelligence. Is there any difference between soul and intelligence?" Shri Swami explained as follows.]
The Mantra in the Veda says that there are two birds on the tree. One bird eats the fruits and the other shines without eating. Shankara took these two birds as the soul and the intelligence. I have taken these two birds as the unimaginable God and imaginable...
[Crystal Clear Demarcation of three philosophies i.e., Advaita, Vishishtadvaita and Dvaita] Shankara preached Advaita Philosophy to four disciples directly and those four disciples must have understood His philosophy to the best because they heard Shankara directly. Those four disciples must have become God (Brahman) and should not have served anybody as slaves because God will not serve anybody since He is served by all. But, the four disciples served Shankara like slaves...
Dr. Nikhil wrote: Padanamaskarams Swamiji! I would like to submit these two verses at Your divine feet. It is with reference to Your answer titled "Contradictions In The Scripture Due To Adulteration" dated November 04, 2018, given in response to my question. In the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna asked several questions, which the Lord answered in great detail, in the most wonderful manner. Finally, Arjuna was fully convinced. He expressed His full satisfaction and conviction in the words "Nashto mohah...". I feel that the Gita, which is the divine discussion between the Lord and His devotee, is not complete unless the devotee expresses full satisfaction...
Swami replied: God Datta is very much interested in uplifting the souls in this creation. He is the invisible Speaker (Person), who is delivering this wonderful knowledge through the throat of this visible Datta Swami. The throat is like a mic (microphone) and this Datta Swami is like the stand holding that throat-mic, from which this knowledge is emerging. The real Speaker is God Datta alone. The audience has awareness just like the Speaker. The only inert or ignorant instrument in between God Datta and His live audience is Myself, who lacks even a trace of knowledge. This inert mic (throat) with inert mic-stand (human body) is at a very very low level compared to the wise Speaker and the wise audience. This mic along with mic stand is getting the credit...